TNP Map Claims Thread

Guess what! Yep its ANOTHER update.

Added: Bonreas, Yaraennus, Alamo, The Empire of the Big Apple, Dumont.

Edited: Xentherida, Germanigsburg (now New Assen).

Fixed: Franco-Aurora Border (There were a few errors that I corrected)

*Notes -
I played around with the colours a bit, got rid of the yellow and changed the saturation and value and think I have created a better flowing colour scheme.

Lykyevyu (aka Todd)'s inactivity over the last month has triggered the cartography team's inactivity rule.

For the first time (since the reboot at least) the majority of the land is now claimed. 50.33% of the total land is now claimed. 9.37 Million out of 18.7 Million Km2 is remaining.
Have we ever seen Ertolia before? Cus I think it would be unreasonable if you gave an introduction to Ertolia and include it in some of your RP-related posts. Otherwise, it just looks like the cartographer is adding stuff related to him whenever he wants while imposing restrictions for map claims on the rest of us.

No offense.
Have we ever seen Ertolia before? Cus I think it would be unreasonable if you gave an introduction to Ertolia and include it in some of your RP-related posts. Otherwise, it just looks like the cartographer is adding stuff related to him whenever he wants while imposing restrictions for map claims on the rest of us.

No offense.
I talked to Nierr. and gave him my reasoning. Its already was de facto written into Andulan History. Its the second half of the defunct Andulan Republic. Its a largely depopulated, and economically collapsed area. Its not like I am adding a fully functioning superpower to the map. Its going to have less then 7.5 Million in population and less then 20,000 NSD per capita.
Lord Lore:
Minor Update

Adding an Andulan Protectorate (Ertolia) & changing Belschaft's claim.

Also I got bored so have fun with this -
Very nice. I'm the eight biggest (however, I do have a desperate want of Stuzemstazem old island... Maybe in another RP...) although I am only actually slightly larger than the U.K.. Even the largest, Sadakoyoma, is only the size of Papau New Guinea...
However, that list is actually pretty cool. Many thanks for creating it!
While I agree that it's crazy to be adding random protectorates, I do think that the history LL said a few posts ago to back it up is sufficient. However, I do think we should make him write some sort of an introduction or perhaps start an RP about it to make this not a breach of his own rules.
Fun fact: Yeraennus is spelled with a two E's, not two A's. It's nothing major, I just felt it *slightly* worth mentioning. That is all.

I might be a disgusting spelling nazi.
and yet another Map Update.

Added: Kannex & Lausse

Removed: Scandigrad & Ryccia

Note(s): Due to your image being compressed, Kannex. I took some liberty with your claim.

Ryccia was removed due to his nation CTEing and abandoning the TNP forums. Scandigrad was removed for inactivity.

I am playing around with Fonts. It was Courier New, its now FrankRuehl.

Current amount of land claimed - 54.05%
Hmmm. Looks like Floresque's label has been removed.
Anyway cartigraphers, I'd like to have a small colony on the southernmost continent. I realized that mainland Plembobria is much too far north for any coffee production. I'm not claiming it yet, I just want to know If I could post a few historical pieces on the founding of the colony, since a full-scale character RP would incredibly boring.
Ya know, Syrixia has a huge coffee industry. *wink wink trade trade*
Also, sad to see Scandigrad go...I have an idea though.

I'm going to start an RP today about the aftermath of Scandigrad's collapse (due to inactivity of course) and having Syrixia moving in to help those displaced, etc blah blah blah founding a protectorate blah blah blah. Therefore I would like to ensure the safety of this story by preliminarily claiming the former lands of Scandigrad as "Rhuvanland". Please also make the nation's color green, as its flag will be green.

Thanks. :)
Ya know, Syrixia has a huge coffee industry. *wink wink trade trade*
Also, sad to see Scandigrad go...I have an idea though.

I'm going to start an RP today about the aftermath of Scandigrad's collapse (due to inactivity of course) and having Syrixia moving in to help those displaced, etc blah blah blah founding a protectorate blah blah blah. Therefore I would like to ensure the safety of this story by preliminarily claiming the former lands of Scandigrad as "Rhuvanland". Please also make the nation's color green, as its flag will be green.

Thanks. :)
You basically want to claim the land of an inactive nation who's been removed from the map.
I dislike that.
Not purely, no. I actually have a whole idea for what to do with that land and how to have it run. I will also make a nation in NS to back this up, and I will be explaining more about it in the OP.

With Plemby and LL making protectorates and colonies I figure I can join the fun too.
Not purely, no. I actually have a whole idea for what to do with that land and how to have it run. I will also make a nation in NS to back this up, and I will be explaining more about it in the OP.

With Plemby and LL making protectorates and colonies I figure I can join the fun too.
Even with Scandigrad off the map, it doesn't mean that it has collapsed. The nation Scandigrad still exists, and therefore hasn't collapsed. Saying the entire nation collapsed would be godmodding.
Ah, I see; I thought it was able to claim only if that nation was removed from the map. In that case, I'd like to claim the former territory of Ryccia as "Rhuvanland" as her TNP nation has CTEd.
true sebland:
Lord Lore:
true sebland:
Can you please ad my islands to the map!
Thank you
true sebland
Your taking islands from Cronaal. Cronaal has not even responded to the RP. and his latest maps include the islands you want to take.
I mean these islands -->
true sebland
So let me get this right. Your navy just accidently stumbled on this island north of another nation that is more then 3,000 km away from your coasts. That is both uninhabited and larger then several nations. And your colonizing it in a matter of days or weeks when it is 60% as large as your home terrotiry.
Lord Lore:
true sebland:
Lord Lore:
true sebland:
Can you please ad my islands to the map!
Thank you
true sebland
Your taking islands from Cronaal. Cronaal has not even responded to the RP. and his latest maps include the islands you want to take.
I mean these islands -->
true sebland
So let me get this right. Your navy just accidently stumbled on this island north of another nation that is more then 3,000 km away from your coasts. That is both uninhabited and larger then several nations. And your colonizing it in a matter of days or weeks when it is 60% as large as your home terrotiry.
It is quite far from all nations, so that is why nobody came across it. Greenland is also a very big island and it is uninhabited.
And yes the colonisation is rather quick, but I don't think it matters.

Following your comment on the Rhuvanland thread, LL, I have decided to make the claim below. I'd like it hand-drawn into the map, please, and not pasted, since I think the map may be a bit different in size than it should be, or at least on my computer. As you can see, the image is pretty small :lol:

Also, try to go on the Rhuvanland Provinces Map on the Rhuvanland thread as well as this picture when drawing Rhuvanland onto the map, so the borders are as accurate as possible. I would say just use the provinces map, but Rhuvanland has a small border with Trinster so you may need to use both.

Thanks again!

I'd like to have my old claim back.


Sorry for the inactivity (I've been really busy with school, so...)!
Thank god, you are back and you are luckily, because I was thinking about having my nation expanding to have former claim of your nation, aswell I have to change my geography factbook but I do lazy do that. LOL.

Anyway, least you are back and it's ok. Welcome back.
I think my last spot was vacated, but now I'm back to be more active! I would like to reclaim my spot on the peninsula north of New Sekai and Norway 28 please. Draw the borders as you wish.

Thanks! :)


Oh dear, there appears to be a conflict. He asked for it first, so you can just move me wherever, I don't mind where!

Thanks again! :)
Hey, I'm new to this game. I would like to be on the map, but I don't have a way to claim land because I don't have a personal computer. I am doing everything on my iPhone. If you know of a way I can claim land can you please let me know.
For Axla: The island directly south of The Republican Pacific Islands. If needed I can post a screenshot later when I'm back on my PC.
Just to clarify Hobbsburg's claim, he had asked in the TNP Map Nexus thread for the island below RPI:
If I'm not mistaken, Lausse posted claiming that island before Hobbsburg's post in the Nexus topic (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

If Lausse is willing, I can split the island between the two (we did similar on the old map with two claims posted quite close to each other), otherwise we'll have to find another location for Hobbsurg.
If I'm not mistaken, Lausse posted claiming that island before Hobbsburg's post in the Nexus topic (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

If Lausse is willing, I can split the island between the two (we did similar on the old map with two claims posted quite close to each other), otherwise we'll have to find another location for Hobbsurg.
He did, I am fine with taking another area.
I hereby request the claim I previously registered as Rhuvanland be renamed to "New Demhakar".
The Executive Council of Slokobafia would like to formally request a claim for the lands northeast of the mountain chain on the island near Kalti in the name of the United Socialist States of Slokobafia.


Something like this is what the Council envisions.
If I'm not mistaken, Lausse posted claiming that island before Hobbsburg's post in the Nexus topic (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).

If Lausse is willing, I can split the island between the two (we did similar on the old map with two claims posted quite close to each other), otherwise we'll have to find another location for Hobbsurg.
Sorry for the late response - I'm a-okay with splitting the island in two.
I'd like it if putting Rhuvanland be put on hold until further notice as there is an ongoing discussion on it being split, etc.

Sorry for all the craziness.