[OLD] Cascadian Embassy Exchange

Applicant nation: The Watching Nebula
Head of Government: Emperator Azurus Malachit
Foreign Minister: Uranin Pitchbarne
Ambassador(s): Lapis Zodar

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 10
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread. Our nation has only opened the opportunity for embassies with Faibuaizu nations. Please ask here.

Special Requests (optional): none
Applicant nation: The Watching Nebula
Head of Government: Emperator Azurus Malachit
Foreign Minister: Uranin Pitchbarne
Ambassador(s): Lapis Zodar

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 10
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread. Our nation has only opened the opportunity for embassies with Faibuaizu nations. Please ask here.

Special Requests (optional): none
Greetings Lapis Zodar,

Your application for embassies with Cascadia has been accepted. Your Embassy will be constructed in downtown Vancouver, CA. Please contact my office for more information.

Kind Regards,

Jonathon Brown
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Integration
The Cascadian Commonwealth
Applicant nation: The Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana
Head of Government: Aðalgeir Guðjónsson
Foreign Minister: Solveig Sæfinnsdóttir
Ambassador(s): Bryndís Friðgeirsdóttir

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 15
Security Staff: 5
Military Personnel: 0

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? If you would like

If so, please link to an application thread. http://s13.zetaboards.com/TNP/topic/7416066/

Special Requests (optional): None
Applicant nation: The Armed Republic of Sytarenne
Head of Government: Julden Styvran
Foreign Minister: Astole Cathars
Ambassador(s): Cebular Divinstan

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 10
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread.

Special Requests (optional): N/A
Applicant nation: True Sebland
Head of Government: Zertan I.
Foreign Minister: Jeremy Harrison
Ambassador(s): Gerkaf Venterthon

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 10
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread.

Special Requests (optional): none
Applicant nation: The Armed Republic of Sytarenne
Head of Government: Julden Styvran
Foreign Minister: Astole Cathars
Ambassador(s): Cebular Divinstan

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 10
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread.

Special Requests (optional): N/A
True Sebland:
Applicant nation: True Sebland
Head of Government: Zertan I.
Foreign Minister: Jeremy Harrison
Ambassador(s): Gerkaf Venterthon

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 10
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread.

Special Requests (optional): none
Could you provide a link to your embassy application thread? (OOC: Because I am lazy :P )
Applicant nation: The Republic of Hartonia
Head of Government: Dominic Harton
Foreign Minister: Dillon Harton
Ambassador(s): Harry Sawyer

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 7
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 12

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? no

If so, please link to an application thread. no

Special Requests: As the ambassador coming to your nation is our leader's nephew please protect him as best as you can. I would also like a small lake near the building so the guards can fish on there off time.
Applicant nation: The Kingdom of McMasterdonia
Head of Government: Count Gregor, Acting.
Foreign Minister: N/A
Ambassador(s): David Visar

In the fields below, provide the amount of staff/personnel that will be occupying your Ambassador:

Diplomatic Staff: 5
Security Staff: 10
Military Personnel: 5

Do you wish for Cascadia to apply for an embassy on your nation? Yes

If so, please link to an application thread.http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7123080/5/

Special Requests (optional): none
Accepted, McMasterdonia.

Following the appointment of a new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Terance Tibby, this Embassy Exchange program is hereby terminated. A new one will be opened shortly as the official Embassy Exchange program for Cascadia.

Thank you.

Edit: Hartonia, application denied. Hiskjriaana, accepted.