The Spokesman of Eumenor
The Great North Pacific Trade Agreement
Welcome to the Great North Pacific Trade Agreement discussion thread. The agreement is intended to help to facilitate trading relationships between North Pacifican nations. It not only encourages trade, but helps to ensure that trade issues are resolved speedily, and that trade routes remain open to nations involved in the agreement.
The agreement does not intend to bind member states to a ton of complex terms. It is quite simply to promote trade. You are free to roleplay with other nations about trade, to organise your own free trade agreements, to set your own tariffs, and to RP your own conflicts.
The Great North Pacific Trade Agreement was founded by Eumenor. As such, Eumenor remains the Chief Administrator of the agreement and is responsible for approving or denying applications.
To apply to join the Great North Pacific trade agreement, simply post in the thread. Eumenor our Chief Administrator will be around to process your application as soon as possible.
TGNPTA Administration
Chief Administrator: EumenorDeputy Administrator: Syrixia
Chief Mediator: McMasterdonia
General Officer: Nasania
Current Members
The Cascadian Commonwealth
The Lancerian Empire
New Sekai
True Sebland
Please see here for the current map of the trade route.
1. Who approves new members?
Eumenor is the current Chief Administrator of the agreement. Eumenor will approve or deny your application. You are not guaranteed admittance simply by applying. If you wish to work in a rejection into a role play, please let Eumenor know in advance, so he may take the time to reject your application properly.
2. Is this a free trade agreement?
This is not a free trade network. This route is here to encourage and facilitate trading, build relationships, aid new nations in getting into the community and building their economies, and of course bring money into the states that are part of it through increased flow of goods. You are absolutely encouraged to set your own tariffs. I ask that they are not so high as to price out smaller nations, but this is your choice.
3. How do we request foreign aid?
It is quite simple. You may post in this thread requesting foreign aid or the support of members of the trade agreement. It is not guaranteed that you will receive said aid, but it is likely that some nations will come to your assistance.
4. Who mediates disputes between nations?
McMasterdonia is the current Chief Mediator of the agreement. Issues over trade routes should be taken to McMasterdonia or Eumenor directly. You should check with him first if you wish to start a RP about issues related to trade. People are busy, and it won’t always be possible.
If you have any other questions, please post in the thread!
This is the document for the discussion of the terms of the new trade route that will connect a number of the nations of the North Pacific. Eumenor will provide ships to sail the route, and goods will be circulated throughout the region regularly, efficiently, and at a fair tariff. If you want to benefit from the economic opportunities that will come with hosting a port on the route, please comment in this thread. You can use your own ships, with permission from either Syrixian or Eumenorian authorities, or order goods from member nations to be shipped by one of Eumenor or Syrixia's vessels, or even one from our friends at Bona Mara. The three large sponsor nations at the moment are myself, Eumenor, my ally Syrixia, and the very powerful and respected McMasterdonia. There would be a possibility of turning this trade network into a treaty or alliance after we get a number of members.
This is not a free trade network. This route is here to encourage and facilitate trading, build relationships, aid new nations in getting into the community and building their economies, and of course bring money into the states that are part of it through increased flow of goods. You are absolutely encouraged to set your own tariffs. I ask that they are not so high as to price out smaller nations, but this is your choice.
More information is in a post I wrote here to clarify some of McM, Scandigrad and Syrixia's questions.
Membership list:
The Cascadian Commonwealth
The Lancerian Empire
Here is a link to the official route map, created and maintained by Nasania:
I would also like to thank them for their work on the branding of the route which should appear shortly.
This is not a free trade network. This route is here to encourage and facilitate trading, build relationships, aid new nations in getting into the community and building their economies, and of course bring money into the states that are part of it through increased flow of goods. You are absolutely encouraged to set your own tariffs. I ask that they are not so high as to price out smaller nations, but this is your choice.
More information is in a post I wrote here to clarify some of McM, Scandigrad and Syrixia's questions.
This is not a free trade network. A free trade network of that sort is not necessarily a good thing, as it deprives nations of the income from trade tariffs necessary to build an economy, and could actually end up with member nations avoiding trade with one another because of loss of profitability. Where tariffs are concerned, I have no intention of setting a region wide tariff, as stated in an earlier post where I attempted to clarify this for you. I quote:
"Happy to oblige, McMasterdonia.
We are by no means creating a free trade system. Tariffs will still apply, and there is flexibility for each state to set its own. However, we wish to set up the sort of infrastructure that does not exist in the North Pacific as of yet. We wish to provide a reliable and regular stream of ships circulating between nations to form a network to be used by small businesses and large government agencies to encourage trade and the transfer of goods from place to place. The prices associated with importing goods would remain, although perhaps you could consider lowering tariffs for new nations to help them to get their economies growing. This route would bring members closer together in terms of regional relations, as well as in physical time terms. This is not a free trade zone, but it will promote trade, ultimately bringing more business to powerhouse nations such as yours, and helping to get a good start for new TNPers just starting to build their trade empires. Of course, if you wish to edit Syrixia's and my own plans for this route to something that you feel is more reasonable, please do not hesitate to say so - your experience is much needed!"
And slightly later:
"Clear purpose? Well, for one thing, emulating the real world. While there is no in-game function, there are many RL trade treaties, and in the interest of being realistic, it would be good for countries to be part of international routes like these: Posted Image
Also, it should hopefully aim to create a strong community, where we can collaborate on projects, such as Syrixia's space programme for which I am supplying some resources and funding as well as aiding in the design process, or my planned nuclear fusion energy campaign."
This route is here to encourage and facilitate trading, build relationships, aid new nations in getting into the community and building their economies, and of course bring money into the states that are part of it through increased flow of goods. You are absolutely encouraged to set your own tariffs. I ask that they are not so high as to price out smaller nations, but this is your choice.
"Happy to oblige, McMasterdonia.
We are by no means creating a free trade system. Tariffs will still apply, and there is flexibility for each state to set its own. However, we wish to set up the sort of infrastructure that does not exist in the North Pacific as of yet. We wish to provide a reliable and regular stream of ships circulating between nations to form a network to be used by small businesses and large government agencies to encourage trade and the transfer of goods from place to place. The prices associated with importing goods would remain, although perhaps you could consider lowering tariffs for new nations to help them to get their economies growing. This route would bring members closer together in terms of regional relations, as well as in physical time terms. This is not a free trade zone, but it will promote trade, ultimately bringing more business to powerhouse nations such as yours, and helping to get a good start for new TNPers just starting to build their trade empires. Of course, if you wish to edit Syrixia's and my own plans for this route to something that you feel is more reasonable, please do not hesitate to say so - your experience is much needed!"
And slightly later:
"Clear purpose? Well, for one thing, emulating the real world. While there is no in-game function, there are many RL trade treaties, and in the interest of being realistic, it would be good for countries to be part of international routes like these: Posted Image
Also, it should hopefully aim to create a strong community, where we can collaborate on projects, such as Syrixia's space programme for which I am supplying some resources and funding as well as aiding in the design process, or my planned nuclear fusion energy campaign."
This route is here to encourage and facilitate trading, build relationships, aid new nations in getting into the community and building their economies, and of course bring money into the states that are part of it through increased flow of goods. You are absolutely encouraged to set your own tariffs. I ask that they are not so high as to price out smaller nations, but this is your choice.
Membership list:
The Cascadian Commonwealth
The Lancerian Empire
Here is a link to the official route map, created and maintained by Nasania:
I would also like to thank them for their work on the branding of the route which should appear shortly.