"In the past 15 years it is documented in nearly all school shootings the shooter was either currently taking or suffering withdrawal from a prescribed psychiatric drug, and authorities continue to suppress information regarding the drugs both the Sandy Hook and the Virginia Tech shooter were taking."
"As cited by the Citizens Commission On Human Rights International (CCHRI), violent side effects caused by taking psychiatric drugs were reported in 12,755 cases to the U.S FDA’s MedWatch. It was also noted such reports are made in only one to 10 percent of the cases experiencing side effects, indicating a much higher rate of violence than official numbers suggest."
With all the mass shootings and school shootings, people are blaming everything from guns to violent TV and video games. Yet not many people seem to be looking at the drugs all the shooters were taking or just got off of before the shooting occurred. Unfortunately in the U.S. we live in a culture where it's okay and even preferred to be on prescription drugs, including our children. Maybe us drugging our children is what's the cause or could be one of the causes for all this violence.
What do you think? Is it a possible explanation for all this violence? Or is it just another cop out?
"As cited by the Citizens Commission On Human Rights International (CCHRI), violent side effects caused by taking psychiatric drugs were reported in 12,755 cases to the U.S FDA’s MedWatch. It was also noted such reports are made in only one to 10 percent of the cases experiencing side effects, indicating a much higher rate of violence than official numbers suggest."
With all the mass shootings and school shootings, people are blaming everything from guns to violent TV and video games. Yet not many people seem to be looking at the drugs all the shooters were taking or just got off of before the shooting occurred. Unfortunately in the U.S. we live in a culture where it's okay and even preferred to be on prescription drugs, including our children. Maybe us drugging our children is what's the cause or could be one of the causes for all this violence.
What do you think? Is it a possible explanation for all this violence? Or is it just another cop out?