- TNP Nation
- Blue_Wolf_II
The recent division within the region regarding the direction the North Pacific Army has adopted over these last few months has given me great cause for concern. Increasingly I am coming to believe that the policies of the North Pacific Army should be Centralist, and not take one side or another in the so called "Defender/Raider" conflict. However, as a General in the NPA, I have seen our Army being sidelined, restricted, or otherwise abused depending entirely on who is Delegate at the moment. Under Eluvatar, who is pro-defender, the North Pacific Army was all but forbidden from being able to raid, even for training purposes, and our ranks suffered in terms of interest and experience. Under Jamie, who is increasingly neutral, the North Pacific Army was hardly allowed to do anything, and slid into inactivity. Only under Delegates, such as McMaster, who allowed the North Pacific Army to practice its full abilities legally granted to them by the Legal Code, has NPA been able to truly be an active and practical force, able to protect our region and our allies against threats. But what will happen when a new Delegate takes over? Will the NPA be subject to the whimsies of a new administration that might not have the NPA's best interests in mind, or will we form an identity that unifies and defines the North Pacific Army?
With this in mind, I am forming the Tyr's Hand Party of The North Pacific. The main purpose of this party is to ensure that the North Pacific Army continues to exist, maintain high levels of activity, be well trained in all forms of Nationstates Military Gameplay, conducts itself with honor, and has a sense of purpose and meaning that extends well beyond the term of one Delegate or the next. As such, I propose that the main platform of this new party be the following:
Tyr's Hand Political Platform:
-Tyr's Hand believes that the North Pacific Army should be Centralist and loyal to The North Pacific and its allies first. We believe that actions such as raids, defenses, and liberations are merely tools used to keep our forces active, well trained, and well prepared to fight should the need arise. Tyr's Hand believes The North Pacific and its Army should never take a side in the Defender/Raider conflict and simply remain loyal to our region and our allies instead.
-Tyr's Hand believes that it is within The North Pacific's best interests to form as many connections and alliances with other regions as we can. Military treaties are highly sought after, but any treaty that will advance the interests and power of The North Pacific will always be welcomed by Tyr's Hand.
Military Relations
-Try's Hand believes The North Pacific should maintain and expand military relations with any friendly region with an active military so long as they respect The North Pacific Army Doctrine as defined by the legal code while on joint missions with the North Pacific Army.
Military Openness
-Tyr's Hand believes that the North Pacific Army should advertise and notify the public of all it’s military operations in order to be more transparent and more accountable and also to increase awareness and recruitment.
Military independence
-It is the opinion of Tyr's Hand that the North Pacific Army should have operational independence with effective oversight. This means that the North Pacific Army has control of its own affairs on a day to day basis, with oversight being provided by the Minister of Defence, and that the Regional Assembly shall only intervene when extraordinary circumstances present themselves, such as a breach of law or operational professionalism.
Regional Independence
-Tyr's Hand believes that the region of The North Pacific must maintain its regional identity and independence in all manners relating, but not limited, to general alliances, military partnerships, regional agreements, and organizational treaties. It is our believe that an action that requires The North Pacific to give up some of its military control or personal freedoms is entirely unacceptable.
In order to obtain membership, for the time being, simply post the following:
I, [TNP identity], identify and sympathize with the stated goals of Tyr's Hand Party and wish to become a member.
The Future
From here on in, Tyr's Hand will be run upon consensus. It's members will decide it's direction, and not some pre-established elite. All viewpoints are subject to change and/or expansion. Those changes will be updated in this thread.
Current Membership Rolls
12 APR 2014
Blue Wolf II
Crushing Our Enemies
13 APR 2014
King Durk the Awesome
Current Proposals
General Election Nominations
Romanoffia (Chasmanthe)
Kiwi (Crushing Our Enemies, Gladio)
Vice Delegate
Abacathea (Blue Wolf II, Gladio)
Romanoffia (Chasmanthe)
Kiwi (Crushing Our Enemies, Gladio)
Vice Delegate
Abacathea (Blue Wolf II, Gladio)
Proposal to End TNP-TRR Relations
Text of Proposal: Pending the election of Unibot as delegate of TRR, Tyr's Hand pledges to close relations with The Rejected Realms, including but not limited to: closure of gameworld embassy, closure of forum embassies, and a declaration of Unibot as persona non grata in The North Pacific.
Crushing Our Enemies
Blue Wolf II
Text of Proposal: Pending the election of Unibot as delegate of TRR, Tyr's Hand pledges to close relations with The Rejected Realms, including but not limited to: closure of gameworld embassy, closure of forum embassies, and a declaration of Unibot as persona non grata in The North Pacific.
Crushing Our Enemies
Blue Wolf II