
Controversy in The South Pacific, Bel Calls "Coup"
Tensions Regarding Forum Administration Hit a Breaking Point
Fri, Mar 21 2014 || Pacific News Network

Tsu, Southern Bellz, and HEM look on in resignation while discussing what to do next.
This is the third controversial instance of an admin being removed, with Todd McCloud and Belschaft being the two previous subjects of administrative switches. Belschaft, a current Committee for State Security member and, as mentioned, an administrator until two weeks ago, has notably distributed a telegram to the nations of TSP referring to Hile's actions as a "coup" (read it at the bottom of the page). Alongside these claims, Minister of the Army Southern Bellz call Hileville a "coward", assemblyman Cormac Stark is advocating for abandoning the current forum altogether, and other administrators are condemning Hile for being a dictatorial, even "rogue", root administrator.
Meanwhile, Delegate Escade applauds the move, saying that she supports the replacement administrators, Kringalia and Glen-Rhodes, and so does assemblyman Unibot. Their statements mostly appreciate the fact that Hile removed the old administrator for what he alleged to be "inactivity" and, in the case of Southern Bellz, the lack of "real desire to complete the basic tasks of an admin". Impartial responses to this claim about SB have thus far found it to be true, and SB has known to be less active as an administrator ever since the change from Zetaboards to independent hosting. HEM has been removed as an administrator due to inactivity on two occasions, and, in contrast to this instance, his first removal was accepted without disagreement from the community.
Kris and GR were chosen as the duo's replacement because they are active and respected in TSP, and because they expressed interest in serving as administrators. Hile acknowledges the unfair workload he has comparative to other administrators as a reason for the shakeup and says that he hopes the replacements will help him maintain the forum that he has tried to make the "most rewarding forum experience" in the GCRs. Throughout the years, his efforts to improve TSP's forum have been widely applauded, his dedication has been praised, and his leading presence in TSP has earned him a mix of both respect for his loyalty and contributions and dissent for being one of the controlling senior figures in the vocally democratic GCR.
With that said, a key aspect of the criticisms towards Hile are derived from the recent removal of Belschaft from the administrative team, which may have been a trigger for the eruption of tensions. According to Belschaft, all of the administrators who were stripped of their access tonight opposed his demotion, and hence he questions whether or not Hile had an ulterior political motive. Belschaft also accuses Hileville of issuing a fiat prohibiting administrators from further discussing his demotion with anyone, including Bel himself, and that they were not allowed to vote on the matter. Evidence below supports the claim that a gag order was in fact issued. He suggests that the administrators were removed for not complying with this expectation.
Link: Belschaft's submitted evidence of Hileville's gag order.
Otherwise, the primary points of dispute are whether or not Hile is entitled to remove the administrators without a vote and whether or not that action is justified. Historically, the TSP Administration Team has voted on membership additions and expulsions, albeit votes amongst administrators became less frequent at around the time when Hileville, Milograd, Belschaft, and Southern Bellz served as staff on the zetaboards board forum that were created due to invision server woes. This, however, was done mostly due to agreement that rendered voting superfluous and due to a lack of votes to be had, rather than due to an intentional abandonment of the old system. Hile cites the loss of Milograd from the administrative team as an event that gave him significantly more administrative tasks to perform and hence started the cycling of new administrators; in the aftermath of the SPSR, more administrative switches -- including the loss of mainstay Fudgetopia -- have occurred than at any other time in the region's long history. The practice of letting the root administrator handle staffing changes, rather than the team as a whole, appears to have started during this time.
In his announcement, Hile prefaces with, "On the 12 of February I informed the admin team via a thread in our private discussion area that a possible shakeup was going to happen," before revealing the post, shown below. It is immediately clear from its texts that the voting system of old is not being used to determine whether or not "changes may be made". He adds that none of his fellow administrators responded to his post. Later in his announcement, he also invests a lot of emphasis on the extent of his dedication to the forum's maintenance and his strong disinterest in being an administrative "dictator". Regardless of knowing about the possibility of strong backlash, his statement indicates that he is willing to take that consequence, for better or worse.
I have made it known to several people that I am looking into a shakeup on the admin team which would result in fewer admins being more active on admin tasks. I wanted to have this thread which will serve as a heads up that changes may be made in the near future. I will be contacting a few of you to work on new moderation policies which will change the way we moderate the forums. Ultimately, I believe a change in culture is needed and am looking at ways to make that happen.
Southern Bellz and HEM condemn the removals in their immediate responses to the announcement itself. They both cite a lack of communication between the administrative team as a problem and insult Hile's capabilities as a manager; however, perhaps more notably, Southern Bellz offers evidence to suggest that some administrators were not as inactive as Hile has alleged. He offers onlookers this recent message that was exchanged between Tsunamy, who happens to be the old root administrator of TSP, to Hile in an administrative conference chat:
And Hile -- if we need something done, that's not getting done -- let us know. Or at least let me know. I'm more than willing to help out, but I've just been bouncing in and out as of late.
Both sides in the dispute claim to have a justification for the controversial actions they have performed in causing or responding to this incident. All three are amongst the most influential players in the South, as Hileville, Belschaft, and Southern Bellz are the only players in TSP's post-Devonitians history that hold the distinction of being former delegates who are still citizens. This conflict between them, being the first ever public one of such a scale, will almost certainly impact the course of both TSP's history and internal stability, unless cooler heads quickly prevail.
The nations of The South Pacific will awake tomorrow and will receive Belschaft's advisory about coup d'état to the region, and their responses to the event may serve as a contributing factor to the escalation of both the event's severity and the in-game region's confusion. His message encouraged nations to speak out against the "coup" on the RMB, and the day will tell whether or not they do so.
PNN sends its regards to the nations of The South Pacific and will follow this story as it develops.
The Grumpy Old Fart of South Pacific Belschaft ? region: the South Pacific
Morning folks,
This morning a coup occurred in our region, though you probably won't have realized it. The root admin of our offsite forums - where we base our government - has gone rogue, and removed every other active member of the admin team without consultation, prior notice, or anything even approaching consent. He did this having failed to get his own way in an internal admin matter, when a previous action he had taken was objected to by the rest of the admin team. He is currently in the process of drafting new admins, who he presumably expects to do as he tells them.
Right now the region is in a certain amount of chaos; there is no physical way for us to remove the root admin. In practical terms he controls our forums. But he does not control this region. This region is a community. What is more, it is a democracy. Decisions are made collectively, not unilaterally. And no one individual can force their will on the region. At least, not yet.
As we speak our root admin - Hileville - is moving to increase his control of the forums, and by extension this region. Our present government has yet to respond. How they do respond will largely be shaped by the reaction of you, the people who make up TSP. The question is simple; are you willing to live in a dictatorship? For that is the logical conclusion we are faced with, unless Hileville is forced to back down by the region. Only you can do that.
If you want TSP to remain a free, democratic region, then speak out on the RMB and our forums. Let Hileville know that he does not own this region, as he clearly thinks he does.
South Pacific Belschaft
Former Delegate
Member of the Committee for State Security
Written by Milograd
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