- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Ah! I found my pen! Approved!

Criminalising Espionage in Our Partner Regions:Section 1.2 of the Legal Code shall be amended as follows:
6. "Espionage" is defined as sharing information with a group or region when that act of sharing has not been legitimately sanctioned by the entity the information is gathered from, as limited by this section.
7. The information shared must not be accessible to a person who is not a member of the region or group it is gathered from except by cracking technical security measures.
8. The information must be gathered from The North Pacific or a foreign power the Regional Assembly has ratified a treaty of alliance with.
9. The preceding clause also applies to foreign powers that the Regional Assembly has, by treaties other than alliances, agreed to prohibit espionage against.
10. The Regional Assembly has ratified treaties of alliance with Balder, Equilism, Europe, Europeia, Greater Dienstad, International Democratic Union, Stargate, Tajitu, The East Pacific, and The South Pacific.
11. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Revision of the Criminal Code to include Perjury:The Legal Code of The North Pacific shall be amended as follows and the subsequent sections of Chapter 1 will be renumbered accordingly:
Section 1.4: Perjury
13. "Perjury" is defined as the willful provision of deceptive testimony provided under oath and the provision of altered evidence with the intent to deceive in a criminal trial being heard by the Court of The North Pacific.
Chapter 2: The Penal Code
4. Perjury may be punished by the suspension of voting rights, restriction on standing for election, and/or restriction on serving as a government official for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.
If no action is taken by your office within 7 days (20.02.2020), the amendment will become law.Legal Code Amendment:4. Chapter 8 of the Legal Code will be repealed in its entirety, Chapters 9 and 10 will be renumbered 8 and 9 respectively, and the following section will be added to Chapter 7:
Section 7.7: The North Pacific Army
41. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
42. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region, and refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.
43. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will refrain from causing permanent harm to the region, including forcibly remove natives or refounding the region. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by a majority vote or pursuant to a declaration of war.
44. Any member of the North Pacific Army may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact regional security for any reason that is deemed appropriate by the Delegate or the executive officer charged with military affairs.
45. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of all military operations upon deployment, with the exception of operations which the Delegate specifically classifies. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of any classified operation, as well as the reasons for the classification, as soon as possible following deployment.
46. The North Pacific Army must promptly withdraw from any operation that the Regional Assembly cancels by majority vote. Where an operation is cancelled, the North Pacific Army must take reasonable steps to restore or to provide natives with the means to restore any region subject to the operation.
47. Nations wishing to join the North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
The Attorney General has Outlived Rational Applications (AGORA) Act:The Attorney General has Outlived Rational Applications (AGORA) Act
1. Article 4 of the Constitution shall be struck null and void.
2. The remaining Articles of the Constitution shall be renumbered in numeric order.
3. Article 4 (formerly Article 5) of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows:
4. Article 6 (formerly Article 7) of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows:Article 4:
1. The Court will try all criminal cases and review the constitutionality of laws or legality of government policies and actions.
2. Reviews of laws or government policies and actions must be made by request of an affected party unless there is a compelling regional interest in resolving it.
3. The Court will consist of at least three Justices, who will select a Chief Justice among themselves.
4. The Chief Justice will administer the rules of the Court. Where no rules exist, the Chief Justice may use their discretion.
5. The official opinion of the Court in any trial or review will be binding on all Government bodies and officials.
6. Justices will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a plurality vote every four months.
5. Chapter 3 of the Legal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:Article 6:
1. Constitutionally-mandated elected officials are the Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker, members of the Security Council, and Justices.
2. Government officials are the constitutionally-mandated elected officials, any officials appointed by them as permitted by law, and members of the Security Council.
3. The executive category consists of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and government officials appointed by the Delegate or Vice Delegate.
4. The legislative category consists of the Speaker, and government officials appointed by the Speaker.
5. The judicial category consists of the Justices, and government officials appointed by Justices.
6. Any temporary replacement for a government official in the case of an absence or vacancy will be considered a government official in the branch of the official being replaced, regardless of the method of their selection.
7. All government officials must maintain citizenship while in office.
8. All government officials will swear an oath of office. The content of these oaths will be determined by law and be legally binding.
9. No person may simultaneously serve in more than one elected office.
10. No person may simultaneously serve in government official positions in more than one of the executive, legislative, or judicial categories. Exceptions to this provision may be established by law.
11. Candidates in any election must maintain citizenship for the fifteen days before the opening of candidacy declarations and throughout the election.
12. Government bodies may create rules for their own governance subordinate to this constitution and the laws.
13. Procedures to fill vacancies and absences in constitutionally-mandated elected offices may be established by law.
14. No law or government policy may contradict this constitution.
6. Section 4.5 of the Legal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:Chapter 3:
1. These procedures will govern the Judiciary.
Section 3.1: Chief Justice Selection
2. Whenever the position is vacant, the Justices shall elect a Chief Justice from among themselves by a majority vote.
3. In the event that a Chief Justice has not been elected by seven days after the conclusion of a Judicial election, including the conclusion of any required run-off votes, the Chief Justice shall be the Justice who received the highest number of votes in said election. In the event of a tie for highest number of votes, the Chief Justice shall be the one among those tied with the longest period of citizenship.
Section 3.2: Appointment of Hearing Officers
4. A conflict of interest occurs when a Justice or Hearing Officer has a vested interest in a matter before the Court, or when they are otherwise unable to rule in a fair and unbiased manner.
5. Justices and Hearing Officers are required to recuse themselves from matters where they have a certain or potential conflict of interest.
6. If one or more Justice positions are vacant, or any Justice is absent or has recused themselves, the remaining Justices will promptly appoint replacements from among available citizens to participate as temporary Hearing Officers.
7. If all Justices are vacant, absent, or have recused themselves, the Delegate will promptly appoint the needed Hearing Officers from among available citizens with the agreement of the Speaker.
8. Any recusal or absence of a Hearing Officer will be treated as a vacancy.
9. The Court may recuse any Justice or Hearing Officer by majority vote.
10. The Court must hold a vote on whether to recuse a Justice or Hearing Officer when publicly requested by the prosecution, defense, or petitioner in any matter before the Court.
Section 3.3: Criminal Trial Procedure
11. A standard procedure for all criminal trials will be established by majority agreement of the Court.
12. Any person may present criminal charges to the Court. If the charges are accepted, the Delegate will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case. If the Delegate is the accused or unavailable, the next available person in the Line of Succession will appoint a prosecutor to manage prosecution of the case.
13. Any citizen may be appointed as a prosecutor. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as a prosecutor.
14. The designated prosecutor will be confirmed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly. The Delegate and other officials who may have appointed a prosecutor do not have the power to remove a prosecutor.
15. In the event the Regional Assembly is unable to confirm a prosecutor within 30 days of the acceptance of charges, the Delegate, or next available person in the Line of Succession if necessary, will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case with the agreement of the Speaker.
16. No one may prosecute or appoint prosecutors to a case in which they are the defendant or part of the defense.
17. If the original prosecutor is unable to see a case to completion, another prosecutor will be selected by the same procedure as the original prosecutor.
18. If the prosecutor discontinues management of the prosecution of a criminal case, then the complainant may, at their discretion, manage themselves the prosecution of the criminal case. Otherwise, they may withdraw the complaint.
19. If the complainant has not stated their intent to either manage the prosecution of the case or withdraw the complaint within 14 days of the prosecutor declining the case, the complaint will be considered withdrawn.
20. For the purposes of this section, "managing the prosecution of a case" includes but is not limited to:
21. When the management of the prosecution of a case is completed, all records associated with that prosecution will be transferred to the Court.
- acting as the prosecutor for the duration of all stages of the criminal trial heard for the case;
- and representing the prosecution in any separate judicial review hearings arising from the criminal trial.
Section 3.4: Pre-Sentencing Ejections and Bans
22. The Delegate may eject and/or ban a particular nation from the region pending criminal charges against them, or prior to the conclusion of an ongoing criminal trial in which they are the defendant, only when that nation poses a clear security threat and their removal is necessary for the protection of the region.
23. The Delegate must seek the approval of the Court for any such ejection or ban. Where possible, this approval must be sought prior to the nation's removal from the region. Otherwise, it must be sought within one day of the action.
24. If the ejection or ban is performed during a criminal trial against that nation, approval will be at the discretion of the justice moderating the trial. Otherwise, any single justice may approve or deny the Delegate's request.
25. Any nation ejected or banned under this section may file an appeal of the decision. These appeals may not be denied, and must be decided by the full court.
26. The Delegate must immediately provide any nation ejected or banned under this section with a link to the Courtroom and inform them of their right to file an appeal.
27. If criminal charges are not brought against a nation ejected or banned under this section, or if the criminal charges are rejected by the Court, or if the nation is not found Guilty at the conclusion of the trial, any ban against that nation which was imposed under this section must be revoked.
7. Section 7.4 of The Legal Code shall be struck null and void.Chapter 4:
29. The election of the Delegate, the Vice Delegate, and the Speaker will begin on the first day of the months of January, May, and September.
30. If there are more than two candidates for an election, voters may rank the candidates, with the candidate ranked 1 being the first preference, the candidate ranked 2 being the next preference, and so on.
31. All first preference votes shall be counted first. If no candidate achieves a majority, the candidate with the least votes shall be eliminated, and the next preference of all voters who had voted for the eliminated candidate as first preference shall be counted, with the process repeated until a candidate achieves a majority.
32. If all of a voter's preferences have been eliminated, the voter's ballot shall not be used in further counting.
8. The remaining Sections of Chapter 7 of The Legal Code shall be renumbered in numeric order.
9. Any cases currently being prosecuted when this bill is enacted will continue under the same prosecutor.
10. When this bill is enacted, ownership of all government records from the Attorney General's office will be transferred to the Court.
11. No portion of this bill will take effect unless/until all portions take effect.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days (time=1589826900), the legislation will become law.Delegate's Report Act:Section 7.5: Freedom of Information Act
31. For the purposes of this section "the government" refers to the Delegate and the Executive Officers, including the departments which they oversee.
32. For the purposes of this section, classified information is that which fits any of the below definitions:
33. Notwithstanding any process for publication, any information which meets the criteria to be classified will not be released.
- Real life information about any NationStates player from which there is a risk of inferring that player's real life identity and which has not willingly been disclosed to the public, including, but not limited to, an individual's name, IP address, physical address or location, phone number, place of employment or education, appearance, social media accounts, and other knowledge about a player, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
- Real life information about any NationStates player for which there exists a reasonable real life expectation of privacy or discretion, including, but not limited to, health status, both mental and physical; financial status; personal tragedies; changes in personal status such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, birth, or death; and other similar information, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
- Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize any ongoing military or intelligence operations; or jeopardize the security of units and agents participating in them, or be harmful to the diplomatic interests, military interests, or security of The North Pacific.
34. The Delegate will present a report summarising the actions of the government to the Regional Assembly before a General Election
35. Private government records which reach one year of age will be relocated to the appropriate Declassified Archive visible to residents.
36. At any time a resident may request the release of any private record from the Government through the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive.
37. The Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive will retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government.
38. Residents who do not receive this information for any reason not specifically designated in appropriate laws or regulations may file a request for the information to the court, where the Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive may present evidence that addresses any claim that release of the information meets one or more of the acceptable criteria for classification.
39. Information appropriately not disclosed will be accepted as classified by a majority vote of the Court sitting as a three-member panel.
Section 4.6 of the Legal Code is hereby be amended to:Section 4.4: Overall Election Law:20. Citizens will be provided three days to declare their candidacy. Voting will begin two days after the candidacy declaration period has closed and last for five days.
21. Candidates may withdraw from the ballot anytime during an election.
22. Private votes may be sent by private message to a forum account designated for that purpose by the Election Commission. In such an event, the Election Commissioners supervising the election will promptly announce that a vote has been cast privately and who that vote was cast for. The Election Commissioners may not announce any other details about the vote.
23. The option to reopen nominations will appear on the ballot as a separate question for each race.
24. Should a majority vote to reopen nominations for a given race, a further two days will be provided for candidacy declarations.
25. Candidates for that race whose names appeared on the first ballot will retain their candidacy unless they choose to withdraw.
26. A second round of voting for that race will begin immediately after the candidacy declaration period has closed and last for five days. The option to reopen nominations will not appear on the new ballot.
27. The option to reopen nominations will not appear on the ballot for any runoff vote.
28. If during any voting round for a given race a candidate becomes invalid, then all votes for that candidate will be removed from voters' preferential ranking. The Election Commission will remove the candidate from the list of candidates and notify all citizens who have voted before the candidate became invalid.
29. If at any point in counting the votes for two or more candidates are tied for one position, the candidate who has the least votes at the latest stage of counting where there is a difference in votes will be eliminated. If this does not break a tie, a runoff vote will be held between the tied candidates.
[/quote]Section 4.6: Judicial Elections:34. The election of the Justices will begin on the first day of the months of March, July, and November.
35. If there are more than three candidates for Justice, voters may rank the candidates, with the candidate ranked 1 being the first preference, the candidate ranked 2 being the next preference, and so on.
36. All first preference votes will be counted first. If no candidate achieves a majority, the candidate/s with the least votes will be eliminated, and the next preference of all voters who had voted for the eliminated candidate as first preference will be counted, with the process repeated until a candidate achieve a majority.
37. When a candidate achieves a majority, they will be elected. All votes will then be recounted using the same process, ignoring all preferences for the elected candidate. This will be repeated until three candidates are elected.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days (time=1598133942), the legislation will become law.The Government Officials Achieving Transparency Act:The title of Chapter 7: Executive Government shall be amended to:
Clause 1 shall be amended to:Chapter 7: Government Officials
Section 7.4 shall be amended as follows:1. Any Law regulating government officials of The North Pacific may be listed in this chapter.
21. For the purposes of this section, classified information is that which fits any of the below definitions:
Real life information about any NationStates player from which there is a risk of inferring that player's real life identity and which has not willingly been disclosed to the public, including, but not limited to, an individual's name, IP address, physical address or location, phone number, place of employment or education, appearance, social media accounts, and other knowledge about a player, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
Real life information about any NationStates player for which there exists a reasonable real life expectation of privacy or discretion, including, but not limited to, health status, both mental and physical; financial status; personal tragedies; changes in personal status such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, birth, or death; and other similar information, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize any ongoing military or intelligence operations; or jeopardize the security of units and agents participating in them, or be harmful to the diplomatic interests, military interests, or security of The North Pacific.
22. Notwithstanding any process for publication, any information which meets the criteria to be classified will not be released.
23. Private government records which reach one year of age will be relocated to the appropriate Declassified Archive visible to residents.
24. At any time a resident may request the release of any private record from the appropriate government official of the Delegate and the Executive Officers, and the Security Council.
25. The government will retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government.
26. Residents who do not receive this information for any reason not specifically designated in appropriate laws or regulations may file a request for the information to the court, where the government may present evidence that addresses any claim that release of the information meets one or more of the acceptable criteria for classification.
27. Information appropriately not disclosed will be accepted as classified by a majority vote of the Court sitting as a three-member panel.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days (time=1600620683), the legislation will become law.North Pacific Security Council Disclosure Act:This Act will amend the Legal Code by adding the following section to Chapter 5: Regional Security Law:
North Pacific Security Council Disclosure Act:Section 5.5 Disclosure of Security Council Information
26. Private Security Council records that reach one year of age will be relocated to the appropriate Declassified Archive visible to residents.
27. Information eligible for declassification will be reviewed by the Vice Delegate and the Security Council. The review will redact any information that fits any of the below definitions:
28. At any time a citizen may request the release of any private record from the Security Council through the Vice Delegate.
- Real-life information about any NationStates player from which there is a risk of inferring that player's real-life identity and which has not willingly been disclosed to the public, including, but not limited to, an individual's name, IP address, physical address or location, phone number, place of employment or education, appearance, social media accounts, and other knowledge about a player, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
- Real-life information about any NationStates player for which there exists a reasonable real-life expectation of privacy or discretion, including, but not limited to, health status, both mental and physical; financial status; personal tragedies; changes in personal status such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, birth, or death; and other similar information, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
- Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize any ongoing military or intelligence operations; or jeopardize the security of units and agents participating in them, or be harmful to the diplomatic interests, military interests, or security of The North Pacific.
- Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize Security Council operations in response to threats and attempted coups.
- Comments made by previous members of the Security Council who are not able to consent to their comments being made public.
29. The Vice Delegate will retrieve the information and present it for a review to the Security Council. The Security Council will have 14 days to review the compiled information for any information that should be deemed classified and redact said information. Once the 14 days has elapsed, the information requested will be presented as is, with the exception of Real-life information.
30. The Vice Delegate will present the requested information, including indicators of redacted information.
31. Residents who do not receive this information for any reason not specifically designated in any laws or regulations or information they feel may have been redacted incorrectly may file a request for review from the Court, where the Vice Delegate may present evidence that addresses any claim that the release of the information meets one or more of the acceptable criteria for classification. This evidence does not need to include the redacted information itself, simply evidence as to why the information should remain redacted.
32. Information appropriately not disclosed will be accepted as classified by a two-thirds vote of the Court sitting as a three-member panel.
Section 7.6 of the Legal Code will be amended to read as follows:
31. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
32. When deployed in a foreign region, The North Pacific Army will act with respect towards the natives of the region.
33. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.
34. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from causing permanent harm to the region, including forcibly remove natives or refounding the region. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by a majority vote or pursuant to a declaration of war.
35. Any member of the North Pacific Army may refuse to take part in any mission which does not directly impact regional security for any reason that is deemed appropriate by the Delegate or the executive officer charged with military affairs.
36. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of all military operations upon deployment, with the exception of operations which the Delegate specifically classifies. The Regional Assembly must be promptly informed of any classified operation, as well as the reasons for the classification, as soon as possible following deployment.
37. The North Pacific Army must promptly withdraw from any operation that the Regional Assembly cancels by majority vote. Where an operation is cancelled, the North Pacific Army must take reasonable steps to restore or to provide natives with the means to restore any region subject to the operation.
38. Nations wishing to join the North Pacific Army must swear the following oath before being enlisted. All military rules that they are pledging to obey must be publicly visible.
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Reject Fascism Bill:5. Forum administration will have 14 days to evaluate the citizenship applicant and verify that they are not using a proxy or evading a judicially-imposed penalty. The Vice Delegate will have 7 days to perform a security evaluation and pass or fail the applicant. The Vice Delegate must consult the Security Council if there is reasonable concern as to whether an applicant should be admitted.
6. The Vice Delegate will automatically fail any applicant who identifies as fascist or has engaged in the promotion of fascism.
7. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by either forum administration or the Vice Delegate.
We find ourselves in some troubling times, to say the very least. To the average resident or citizen, I say to you: Let it be known that I want to protect this community just as much as you do.
In light of the unfortunate situation that we've found ourselves in, one which practically necessitates this bill, I do think that there are a number of things that we've learned as a community in enacting this law and that there are positive outcomes to be taken from us enduring this process.
However, in saying that, the name of the game here is unity. In witnessing the discussions that took place amongst the citizenry and between concerned members of this community, I saw only a region that is unified in its displeasure towards fascists and other harmful elements being allowed to walk among our members. The fact remains, whether you voted for, against, or abstained on this bill, that you likely (and presumably) reject fascism -- just as I do -- and that you see no place for something that has impacted the lives of some of our very own citizens in such a negative way.
I sympathize with those individuals. Those whose lives and existences have been touched by the hands of hatred, and those who feel threatened, hurt, or disturbed by the idea that those very hands could extend out to them, even here. The North Pacific and its community is supposed to be a safe place where we can all feel accepted, share our differences, exchange ideas, and be protected in doing so. I look forward to the development of our Community Guidelines, which will hopefully be successfully established by and for community members such as you and me.
Regardless, until such time where this bill is no longer needed and can be subsequently repealed, I see my assenting it as me doing my part as a leader in this community. You all have done your part by being vocal about this issue, by debating the merits of possible solutions to ease its ill effects, and by voting within the Regional Assembly to see the changes that you've worked hard for come to fruition via legislation.
By this token, the will of the people has been made very clear. As your Delegate, and as someone who cares about what happens here, I must execute that will with my signature.
The Evidence Tampering Act:Chapter 1 of the Legal Code is amended to read as follows:
Chapter 1: Criminal Code
1. No criminal case may be brought before the Court of the North Pacific against any resident for any crime not listed in the Criminal Code.
Section 1.1: Treason
2. "Treason" is defined as taking arms or providing material support to a group or region for the purpose of undermining or overthrowing the lawful government of The North Pacific or any of its treatied allies as governed by the Constitution.
3. Specifically, no player maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities.
4. At this time, there are no regions or organizations at war with TNP. At this time TNP is allied with Balder, Equilism, Europe, Europeia, Greater Dienstad, International Democratic Union, Lazarus, Osiris, Stargate, Taijitu, The East Pacific, the Rejected Realms, and the South Pacific.
5. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Section 1.2: Espionage
6. "Espionage" is defined as sharing information with a group or region when that act of sharing has not been legitimately sanctioned by the entity the information is gathered from, as limited by this section.
7. The information shared must not be accessible to a person who is not a member of the region or group it is gathered from except by cracking technical security measures.
8. The information must be gathered from The North Pacific or a foreign power the Regional Assembly has ratified a treaty of alliance with.
9. The preceding clause also applies to foreign powers that the Regional Assembly has, by treaties other than alliances, agreed to prohibit espionage against.
10. The Regional Assembly has ratified treaties of alliance with Balder, Equilism, Europe, Europeia, Greater Dienstad, International Democratic Union, Stargate, Tajitu, The East Pacific, the Rejected Realms, and the South Pacific.
11. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Section 1.3: Fraud
12. "Election fraud" is defined as the willful deception of residents with regards to the candidates running, the time and venue of the elections, or the requirements and methods by which one may be eligible to vote or run for office.
13. "Fraud" is defined as an intentional deception, by falsehood or omission, made for some benefit or to damage another individual.
Section 1.4: Perjury
14. "Perjury" is defined as the willful provision of deceptive testimony provided under oathand the provision of altered evidencewith the intent to deceive in a criminal trial being heard by the Court of The North Pacific.
Section 1.5: Evidence Tampering
15. "Evidence Tampering" is defined as the willful manipulation or destruction in any way of evidence with the intent to deceive in a criminal trial being heard by the Court of The North Pacific
Section 1.6. Crashing, Phishing, or Spamming
15. "Crashing" is defined as any unauthorized action which could cause a forum to go out of service or lose information, including the deletion of posts, the deletion of a forum, spamming, or any other act of such kind.
16. "Phishing" is defined as any attempts to gain access to off-site property controls or passwords by deception, especially by posing as administrators or moderators for any unauthorized use.
17. Phishing also includes the collection of personal information kept at the Forum.
18. "Spamming" is defined as any action by non-region nationals to waste space or cause shock on any off-site property or regional message board to make it unusable.
19. Spamming includes any attempts to force a DOS error on forums and any attempts to flood the RMB of a region which is not that nation's normal abode.
20. No Nation of The North Pacific may perform, order, condone, or accept as legal, Crashing, Phishing, or Spamming.
Section 1.7: Proxying
21. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
22. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.
Section 1.8. Adspam
23. Recruitment for other regions on the Regional Message board may be regulated or prohibited by Delegate Decree.
Section 1.9. Conspiracy
24. "Conspiracy" is defined as planning, attempting, or helping to commit any crime under this criminal code.
Section 1.10. Gross Misconduct
25. "Gross Misconduct" is defined as the violation of an individual's legally mandated sworn oath, either willfully or through negligence.
Section 1.11. Exceptions
26. Exceptions for treason, espionage or proxying may be given to members of the military and intelligence services with the consent of the Delegate and the appropriate Minister when on officially sanctioned missions for the purposes of preserving regional security.
Chapter 2 of the Legal Code is amended to read as follows:
Chapter 2: Penal Code
1. Criminal acts may be punished by restrictions on basic rights, in a manner proportionate to the crime at the discretion of the Court unless specified in this chapter.
2. Treason will be punished by ejection and banning, and removal of any basic rights for whatever duration the Court sees fit.
3. Espionage will be punished by the suspension of speech and/or voting rights for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.
4. Perjury may be punished by the suspension of voting rights, restriction on standing for election, and/or restriction on serving as a government official for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.
5. Evidence Tampering may be punished by the removal from office, suspension of voting rights, and/or restriction on standing for election for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.
6. Crashing, Phishing, or Spamming may be punished by ejection and banning, the removal of any and all basic rights for whatever duration the Court sees fit, and/or banning by forum administration.
7. Proxying may be punished by ejection and banning, the removal of any basic rights for whatever duration the Court sees fit, and/or banning by forum administration.
8. Adspam prohibited by the Delegate may be punished by adspam suppression and summary ejection and/or banning from the region.
9. Conspiracy will be punished by a sentence strictly less than what would be appropriate for the original crime.
10. Gross Misconduct will be punished by removal from office and the suspension of voting rights for whatever finite duration the Court sees fit.
The C.P.S.R. Act:Chapter 1: Criminal Code
1. No criminal case may be brought before the Court of the North Pacific against any resident for any crime not listed in the Criminal Code.
Section 1.1: Treason
2. "Treason" is defined as taking arms or providing material support to a group or region for the purpose of undermining or overthrowing the lawful government of The North Pacific or any of its treatied allies as governed by the Constitution.
3. Specifically, no player maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities.
4. At this time, there are no regions or organizations at war with TNP. At this time TNP is allied with Balder, Equilism, Europe, Europeia, Greater Dienstad, International Democratic Union, Lazarus, Osiris, Stargate, Taijitu, The East Pacific, the Rejected Realms, and the South Pacific.
5. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Section 1.2: Espionage
6. "Espionage" is defined as sharing information with a group or region when that act of sharing has not been legitimately sanctioned by the entity the information is gathered from, as limited by this section.
7. The information shared must not be accessible to a person who is not a member of the region or group it is gathered from except by cracking technical security measures.
8. The information must be gathered from The North Pacific or a foreign power the Regional Assembly has ratified a treaty of alliance with.
9. The preceding clause also applies to foreign powers that the Regional Assembly has, by treaties other than alliances, agreed to prohibit espionage against.
10. The Regional Assembly has ratified treaties of alliance with Balder, Equilism, Europe, Europeia, Greater Dienstad, International Democratic Union, Stargate, Tajitu, The East Pacific, the Rejected Realms, and the South Pacific.
11. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Section 1.3: Fraud
12. "Election fraud" is defined as the willful deception of residents with regards to the candidates running, the time and venue of the elections, or the requirements and methods by which one may be eligible to vote or run for office.
13. "Fraud" is defined as an intentional deception, by falsehood or omission, made for some benefit or to damage another individual.
Section 1.4: Perjury
14. "Perjury" is defined as the willful provision of deceptive testimony provided under oath with the intent to deceive in a criminal trial being heard by the Court of The North Pacific.
Section 1.5: Evidence Tampering
15. "Evidence Tampering" is defined as the willful manipulation or destruction in any way of evidence with the intent to deceive in a criminal trial being heard by the Court of The North Pacific
Section 1.6. Crashing, Phishing, or Spamming
16. "Crashing" is defined as any unauthorized action which could cause a forum to go out of service or lose information, including the deletion of posts, the deletion of a forum, spamming, or any other act of such kind.
17. "Phishing" is defined as any attempts to gain access to off-site property controls or passwords by deception, especially by posing as administrators or moderators for any unauthorized use.
18. Phishing also includes the collection of personal information kept at the Forum.
19. "Spamming" is defined as any action by non-region nationals to waste space or cause shock on any off-site property or regional message board to make it unusable.
20. Spamming includes any attempts to force a DOS error on forums and any attempts to flood the RMB of a region which is not that nation's normal abode.
21. No Nation of The North Pacific may perform, order, condone, or accept as legal, Crashing, Phishing, or Spamming.
Section 1.7. Phishing
17. "Phishing" is defined as any attempts to gain access to off-site property controls or passwords by deception, especially by posing as administrators or moderators for any unauthorized use.
18. Phishing also includes the collection of personal information kept at the Forum.
Section 1.8. Spamming
19. "Spamming" is defined as any actions to waste space or cause shock on any off-site property or regional message board to make it unusable.
20. Spamming includes any attempts to force a DOS error on forums and any attempts to flood the RMB of a region which is not that nation's normal abode.
Section 1.9: Proxying
21. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
22. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.
Section 1.10. Adspam
23. Recruitment for other regions on the Regional Message board may be regulated or prohibited by Delegate Decree.
Section 1.11. Conspiracy
24. "Conspiracy" is defined as planning, attempting, or helping to commit any crime under this criminal code.
Section 1.12. Gross Misconduct
25. "Gross Misconduct" is defined as the violation of an individual's legally mandated sworn oath, either willfully or through negligence.
Section 1.11. Exceptions
26. Exceptions for treason, espionage or proxying may be given to members of the military and intelligence services with the consent of the Delegate and the appropriate Minister when on officially sanctioned missions for the purposes of preserving regional security.
FoIA Reform Act:Chapters 5 and 6 of the Legal Code are amended as follows:
Section 5.5 Disclosure of Security Council information:26. Disclosure of private Security Council records will be regulated in the same chapter regulating disclosure of executive government records.
Clauses 27-32 shall be struck out
Section 7.4: Freedom of Information Act:Section 7.4: Freedom of Information Act:20. For the purposes of this section "the government" refers to the Delegate and the Executive Officers, including the departments which they oversee, the Vice Delegate and Security Council, and the Speaker's office.
21. For the purposes of this section, “appropriate officers” are those officers responsible for the types of records being requested or released.
22. The Delegate and the designated officers of the Executive are responsible for records related to the Executive.
23. The Vice Delegate is responsible for records related to the Security Council.
24. The Speaker is responsible for records related to the Speaker's office.
25. For the purposes of this section, classified information is that which fits any of the below definitions:
26. Notwithstanding any process for publication, any information which meets the criteria to be classified will not be released.
- Real life information about any NationStates player from which there is a risk of inferring that player's real life identity and which has not willingly been disclosed to the public, including, but not limited to, an individual's name, IP address, physical address or location, phone number, place of employment or education, appearance, social media accounts, and other knowledge about a player, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
- Real life information about any NationStates player for which there exists a reasonable real life expectation of privacy or discretion, including, but not limited to, health status, both mental and physical; financial status; personal tragedies; changes in personal status such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, birth, or death; and other similar information, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
- Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize any ongoing military or intelligence operations; or jeopardize the security of units and agents participating in them, or be harmful to the diplomatic interests, military interests, or security of The North Pacific.
- Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize Security Council operations in response to threats and attempted coups.
27. For the purposes of this section, "government records" are those which are kept on any platform utilized by the government and are open to members of the government and anyone assisting them.
28. For the purposes of this section, “private government records” are those which are kept on any platform utilized by the government and are restricted to only the Delegate, the designated officers of the Executive, and any other individuals granted access by the Delegate; only the Speaker, the Deputy Speakers, and any other individuals granted access by the Speaker; or only the Vice Delegate, the Security Council, and any other individuals granted access by the Vice Delegate.
29. Private government records which reach one year of age will be relocated to the appropriate Declassified Archive visible to residents.
30. At any time a resident may request the release of any government record or private government record through the appropriate officers.
31. The appropriate officers will retrieve information requested from the different departments of the government.
32. Residents who do not receive this information for any reason not specifically designated in appropriate laws or regulations may file a request for the information to the court, where the appropriate officers may present evidence that addresses any claim that release of the information meets one or more of the acceptable criteria for classification.
33. Information appropriately not disclosed will be accepted as classified by a majority vote of the Court sitting as a three-member panel.
The Foreign Affairs Toolbox Expansion Act:The Legal Code shall be amended to include:
Section 7.7: Diplomacy:38. The Delegate may choose to designate a region or organization to be prohibited from creating in-game embassies and forum embassies, hosting cultural events together or other formal collaborations with The North Pacific with a majority of the Regional Assembly confirming such.
39. These prohibitions may be repealed with a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
40. Regions exempted by the Regional Assembly from the restrictions on the North Pacific Army will automatically have the diplomatic restrictions imposed on them.
Citizenship Reform Act:Chapter 6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 6.1 Citizenship Applications:5. Forum administration will have 14 days to evaluate the citizenship applicant and verify that they are not using a proxy or evading a judicially-imposed penalty. The Vice Delegate will have 7 days to perform a security evaluation and pass or fail the applicant. The Vice Delegate must consult the Security Council if there is reasonable concern as to whether an applicant should be admitted.
6. The Vice Delegate will automatically fail any applicant who identifies as fascist or has engaged in the promotion of fascism.
7. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by either forum administration or the Vice Delegate.
8. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, the Regional Assembly shall immediately debate the rejection and will hold a majority vote on whether to uphold it. The vote must begin two days after the rejection occurs.
9. The Regional Assembly may overturn a previous decision to uphold the rejection of an applicant by majority vote.
10. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by forum administration, the applicant may appeal the rejection to the Speaker.
11. In order to appeal the rejection, the applicant must do so within one week of the rejection, must not have been confirmed by administration to have been linked to another forum account or using a proxy, must have a resident nation that is a member of the World Assembly, and must not have already had their rejection upheld by the Regional Assembly.
12. The Speaker will formally grant the applicant’s appeal if the above criteria are met.
13. If the appeal is granted, the Regional Assembly shall debate the rejection and will hold a majority vote on whether to uphold it.
14. The Regional Assembly may overturn a previous decision to uphold the rejection of an applicant by majority vote, unless forum administration has passed the applicant in a subsequent citizenship application, in which case the previous decision to uphold the rejection is automatically overturned.
15. The Speaker will accept all other applicants with valid applications.
16. The Speaker will process applications within 14 days. If an applicant has not been approved or rejected within that time, they will be automatically granted citizenship.Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship:17. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of citizens and their registered nations.
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose registered nations in The North Pacific leave or ceases to exist.
19. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who, for over 30 consecutive days, neither post on the regional forum, nor post on the regional message board with their registered nations.
20. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose registered nations in The North Pacific are not in the World Assembly, except as part of an operation with the North Pacific Army, if their citizenship was granted by the Regional Assembly after failing an evaluation by forum administration.
In the event of no action by yourself within 7 days of passage, the bill will automatically become law at (time=1655981539)The Citizenship Rejection Act:The Legal Code, Chapter 6, Section 6.2. shall be amended as follows:
Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship
17. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of citizens and their registered nations.
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose removal is ordered by the Court,whose registered nations in The North Pacific leave or ceases to exist, or whose citizenship is voluntarily renounced by notifying the Speaker.or those
19. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who, for over 30 consecutive days, neither post on the regional forum, nor post on the regional message board with their registered nations.
20. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose registered nations in The North Pacific are not in the World Assembly, except as part of an operation with the North Pacific Army, if their citizenship was granted by the Regional Assembly after failing an evaluation by forum administration.
Most Honorable Delegate;
The Citizenship Rejection Act [C.R.A.] has passed the Regional Assembly and is presented for your signature or veto.
In the event of no action by yourself within 7 days of passage, the bill will automatically become law at (time=1655981539)
Thank you for your time in consideration of the matter.
In the event of no action by yourself within 7 days of passage, the bill will automatically become law at (time=1657194227)Regional Bar and Standing Act:Chapter 3 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 3.3 Regional Bar of The North Pacific:11. All prosecutors in criminal trials must be members of the regional bar.
12. Any citizen who is not currently serving a judicially-imposed sentence may apply for admission to the regional bar. Any citizen who is given a judicially-imposed sentence while a member of the regional bar will have their admission to the regional bar revoked.
13. The regional bar will be governed by the Bar Commission, which consists of three citizens, one a Justice of the Court elected by a majority of the Court, one appointed by the Delegate, and one appointed by the Court and confirmed by a majority of the Regional Assembly. The citizens appointed by the Delegate and the Court may not be elected government officials, but will otherwise be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment to the Bar Commission.
14. The term of a Bar Commissioner will be six months, beginning on the day they take the Oath of Office. The Delegate and the Court do not have the power to remove Bar Commissioners.
15. Applicants to the regional bar must be evaluated by the Bar Commission for acceptability and must demonstrate adequate and reasonable knowledge of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Legal Code of The North Pacific, and prior judicial rulings on requests for review.
16. A standard procedure for passing the bar evaluation, and for managing membership of the bar, will be established by majority agreement of the Bar Commission.Section 3.4: Criminal Trial Procedure:17. A standard procedure for all criminal trials will be established by majority agreement of the Court.
18. Any person may present criminal charges to the Court. If the charges are accepted, the Delegate will appoint a prosecutor to manage the prosecution of the case. If the Delegate is the accused or unavailable, the next available person in the Line of Succession will appoint a prosecutor to manage prosecution of the case.
19. Any member of the regional bar may be appointed as a prosecutor and will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as a prosecutor.
20. The Delegate and other officials who may have appointed a prosecutor do not have the power to remove a prosecutor.
21. No one may prosecute or appoint prosecutors to a case in which they are the defendant or part of the defense.
22. If the original prosecutor is unable to see a case to completion, another prosecutor will be selected by the same procedure as the original prosecutor.
23. If the prosecutor discontinues management of the prosecution of a criminal case, then the complainant may, at their discretion, request another prosecutor be selected or withdraw the complaint.
24. If the complainant has not withdrawn the complaint within 7 days of the prosecutor discontinuing management of the case, the complaint will be considered withdrawn.
25. For the purposes of this section, "managing the prosecution of a case" includes but is not limited to:
26. When the management of the prosecution of a case is completed, all records associated with that prosecution will be transferred to the Court.
- acting as the prosecutor for the duration of all stages of the criminal trial heard for the case;
- and representing the prosecution in any separate judicial review hearings arising from the criminal trial.
Section 3.5 Pre-Sentencing Ejections and Bans:27. The Delegate may eject and/or ban a particular nation from the region pending criminal charges against them, or prior to the conclusion of an ongoing criminal trial in which they are the defendant, only when that nation poses a clear security threat and their removal is necessary for the protection of the region.
28. The Delegate must seek the approval of the Court for any such ejection or ban. Where possible, this approval must be sought prior to the nation's removal from the region. Otherwise, it must be sought within one day of the action.
29. If the ejection or ban is performed during a criminal trial against that nation, approval will be at the discretion of the justice moderating the trial. Otherwise, any single justice may approve or deny the Delegate's request.
30. Any nation ejected or banned under this section may file an appeal of the decision. These appeals may not be denied, and must be decided by the full court.
31. The Delegate must immediately provide any nation ejected or banned under this section with a link to the Courtroom and inform them of their right to file an appeal.
32. If criminal charges are not brought against a nation ejected or banned under this section, or if the criminal charges are rejected by the Court, or if the nation is not found Guilty at the conclusion of the trial, any ban against that nation which was imposed under this section must be revoked.Section 3.6 The Court Examiner:33. Whenever the position is vacant, the Bar Commission shall select from among the members of the regional bar by a majority vote, and the Chief Justice shall appoint, a Court Examiner. Citizens will be exempt from constitutional restrictions on holding multiple government offices for purposes of their appointment as Court Examiner.
34. The Court Examiner will have standing in all cases of judicial review brought before the Court.
35. The term of the Court Examiner will last until the end of the next regular Judicial election.
Mr. Speaker,Honourable Delegate,
The Regional Bar and Standing Act has passed the Regional Assembly and is presented for your signature or veto.
In the event of no action by yourself within 7 days of passage, the bill will automatically become law at (time=1657194227)
Thank you for your time in consideration of the matter.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days (time=1657827439), the legislation will become law.Minor Military Loophole Fix:Clause 37 of Section 7.6 "The North Pacific Army" of the Legal Code will be amended as follows:
37. The North Pacific Army is the military of The North Pacific. The executive officer charged with military affairs will endeavour to maintain an active and well trained military, capable of executing both offensive and defensive operations.
The War Bill:1. Section 6.4 of the Legal Code shall be struck null and void.
2. Article 3 of the Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows:
Constitution of The North Pacific:Article 3. The Delegate and Vice Delegate
1. The Delegate will be the head of state and government of The North Pacific and hold the in-game position of delegate.
2. The Delegate may eject and ban nations from the region as permitted by law, and will eject or ban nations from the region when required by law.
3. The Delegate may negotiate treaties with foreign powers. No treaty will come into effect unless approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
4. The Delegate may propose a declaration of war on foreign powers to the Regional Assembly. If it is approved by a two-thirds majority vote, a state of war will exist until it is repealed by a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
5. When a proposal of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal a law is passed, the Speaker shall promptly present it to the Delegate, and it shall take effect immediately upon their signature.
6. The Delegate may veto a proposal of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal a law within one week of its passage.
7. The Regional Assembly may override such a veto by a two-thirds majority vote, which shall cause a proposal to take immediate effect.
8. If a proposal of the Regional Assembly to enact, amend or repeal a law has not been signed or vetoed by the Delegate, it shall take effect seven days after being passed.
9. The Delegate may appoint executive officers to assist them and may dismiss these officers freely. Executive officers may be regulated by law.
10. The Vice Delegate will chair the Security Council and enforce the continued eligibility of its members as determined by law.
11. The Vice Delegate will hold the second most endorsements in the region. The Delegate may eject or ban any nation which exceeds any legally mandated endorsement limit.
12. In the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate, the first available person in the line of succession will assume the duties of the vacated position. If a member of the line of succession assumes the duties of either position while serving in, or having assumed the duties of, any other constitutionally-mandated elected office, they will be considered absent from that office.
13. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly every four months. No person shall be elected Delegate to a full or partial term in three consecutive election cycles.
3. No portion of this bill will take effect unless/until all portions take effect.
Mr. Delegate,
The War Bill has been passed by the Regional Assembly. As it contains a change to the Legal Code, it is now presented for your signature or veto.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, by (time=1659479367), the legislation will become law.
Thank you for your consideration.
Accelerated Admission Act:Chapter 6 of the Legal Code is amended as follows:
Section 6.1 Citizenship Applications:5. Forum administration will have 7 days to evaluate the citizenship applicant and verify that they are not using a proxy or evading a judicially-imposed penalty. The Vice Delegate will have 7 days to perform a security evaluation and pass or fail the applicant. The Vice Delegate must consult the Security Council if there is reasonable concern as to whether an applicant should be admitted.
6. The Vice Delegate will automatically fail any applicant who identifies as fascist or has engaged in the promotion of fascism.
7. The Speaker will reject applicants who fail an evaluation by either forum administration or the Vice Delegate.
8. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by the Vice Delegate, the Regional Assembly shall immediately debate the rejection and will hold a majority vote on whether to uphold it. The vote must begin two days after the rejection occurs.
9. The Regional Assembly may overturn a previous decision to uphold the rejection of an applicant by majority vote.
10. If an applicant is rejected for failing an evaluation by forum administration, the applicant may appeal the rejection to the Speaker.
11. In order to appeal the rejection, the applicant must do so within one week of the rejection, must not have been confirmed by administration to have been linked to another forum account or using a proxy, must have a resident nation that is a member of the World Assembly, and must not have already had their rejection upheld by the Regional Assembly.
12. The Speaker will formally grant the applicant’s appeal if the above criteria are met.
13. If the appeal is granted, the Regional Assembly shall debate the rejection and will hold a majority vote on whether to uphold it. If during the debate it is determined that the applicant does not meet the criteria for an appeal, the debate will be suspended and the appeal will be denied.
14. The Regional Assembly may overturn a previous decision to uphold the rejection of an applicant by majority vote, unless forum administration has passed the applicant in a subsequent citizenship application, in which case the previous decision to uphold the rejection is automatically overturned.
15. The Speaker will accept all other applicants with valid applications.
16. The Speaker will process applications within 7 days. If an applicant has not been approved or rejected within that time, they will be automatically granted citizenship.Section 6.2: Administration and Loss of Citizenship:17. The Speaker will maintain a publicly viewable roster of citizens and their registered nations.
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose removal is ordered by the Court, or whose registered nations in The North Pacific leave or ceases to exist.
19. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens who, for over 30 consecutive days, neither post on the regional forum, nor post on the regional message board with their registered nations.
20. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens whose registered nations in The North Pacific are not in the World Assembly, except as part of an operation with the North Pacific Army, if their citizenship was granted by the Regional Assembly after failing an evaluation by forum administration. This requirement will not apply if the citizens request and then pass another evaluation by forum administration.
21. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens to whom they granted citizenship in error, if the error is discovered within 7 days of granting their citizenship.
Mr. Delegate,
The Accelerated Admission Act has been passed by the Regional Assembly and is now presented for your signature or veto.
If no action is taken by your office in seven (7) days, by (time=1663623900), the legislation will become law.
Thank you for your consideration.