I wish to inform your munifiboodlenesses justifimakers that I am returned from my vacation and wait with eager anticipation to answer any and every question that the prosecution or defence may have for me. I am keen, sirs, keen as mustard and straining to be of helpful service. In fact, I am straining so hard I made my bowels move just a little bit. In my trousers. That is how keen I am. Please, please don't screw this trial up like you have all those other ones. I am not sure what the disappointment would do to me.
Just as and official note, while I am sitting as the Presiding Justice in this case and while I am fairly tolerant of a rather wide assortment of acts that fall under the heading of jackassification, inane pontification, driveling or any combination thereof; and such acts shall not be encourage, but they will be graded.
However, any and all acts of incontinence whether or not contained withing or without one's trousers will not be tolerated. Anyone who engages in any form of incontinence, literal or metaphorical, Shall, under the special conditions and rules of this hearing (which will change accordingly as required in order to maintain order and bowel control of the participants), be forces to clean up such incontinence through the osculatory action of their mouths and conducted only by the assistance of a drinking straw inserted into the offender's appropriate orifice.
In other words, your or anyone show an outright contempt for this Court actions or these proceedings by verbal or colonic incontinence, you shall be subject to the ancient legal action of
pedites ascendo rectus tuum.
So, please keep the
merda taurorum to a minimum.
While I am a firm believer that everyone has a right to be a ninny-wit, some people often abuse that right.
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione. It has no place here.
Carry on.