Foreign Envoys

Nation: Leutria
Region: Kantrias

We don't have an official Ambassador to TNP at this time, so I figured as King I can fill the role for now.
Nation: Wintermoot
Region: Wintreath

I've been told our embassy here is inactive. I've come to rectify that situation. :P
Hello and welcome to all of you to our region. I do apologize in the delay in remasking and greeting all of you, but as they say, late is better than never. So welcome again and you will be remasked shortly.

~ Tomb
Nation: MMS Nation
Region: The Allied Republics

(I'm actually a former member of the region so that's why I have a prior account)
Nation: Feirmont
Region: The South Pacific - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hello dear Feir! And congratulations on your election as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
How are you doing and how it TSP doing?

I will make sure that you will receive your remarking shortly.

~ Tomb
The Democratic Republic of Tomb:
Nation: Feirmont
Region: The South Pacific - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hello dear Feir! And congratulations on your election as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
How are you doing and how it TSP doing?

I will make sure that you will receive your remarking shortly.

~ Tomb
Thank you! It was an appointment, but the result is the same :P

TSP is TSP, being it's usual TSP self; TSPing around.
Welcome to The North Pacific, Skyllaria! You'll receive your masking shortly.

How are things in the Kingdom of Great Britain? I hope all is well.

~ Tomb
Nation: Free States of America
Region: The Allied Republics

I am taking over the embassy from Pepe.
Your ambassador did quite a good job of convincing me to come here pay a visit.