I thank your honour for clarification that the first issue at hand is the legality of my client’s Regional Assembly application. Defence is happy to limit discussions at this time to that issue.
The openness of membership of the Regional Assembly is one of the proudest traditions of the region. To the surprise of those from other regions, TNP often admits members to the RA with only a post or two on the forum, or who (as the prosecution admits) have formerly partaken in coups against the region. Many nations who once posed a threat to the region have gone on to illustrious careers in TNP. In fact, my learned opponent, the Attorney General, has been a beneficiary of such inclusiveness in the past.
Under our laws, admission to the RA is dependent only upon five things (Law 28, article 1):
First, having a nation in TNP.
Second, posting the oath.
Third, refraining from threat against the region
Fourth, refraining from interference in the actions of the NPA or NPIA.
Fifth, refraining from the use of a proxy server.
The defence submits as evidence this extract from the TNP legal code:
Section One
Membership in The North Pacific Regional Assembly does not require UN membership, in accorance with the TNP Bill of Rights. However, the following requirements must be met and confirmed for membership.
1. Assembly member applicants must maintain a nation in The North Pacific.
2. Each member Nation will by oath, abide by the Constitution of The North Pacific and The North Pacific Legal Code.
3. Each member Nation shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other nation or region in a manner inconsistent with the Constitution of The North Pacific.
4. Each member Nation shall refrain from giving assistance to any nation or region against which The North Pacific is taking defensive or enforcement action. Exceptions shall be given to Nations acting with official authorization of the North Pacific Army or Intelligence Agencies, and is subject to the consent of the Cabinet.
5. The use of a proxy server by an applicant for Regional Assembly member status is grounds for automatic denial of Regional Assembly member] application.
a. Proxy server usage is defined as the use of an IP connection with the intent of rendering a forum user anonymous, aka proxy spoofing, or any such practice designed to allow a member to have multiple accounts on the TNP forum.
The defence asks the court to note that there is nothing in the laws of TNP concerning PAST actions against the region. There is nothing in the legal code about speculation concerning the nation’s motives for making application.
All applicants are subject, before approval, to a security check. To prevent government abuses this too is carefully outlined in our legal code:
In Article 2, section 1 we read:
3. The Speaker will work with the forum Administrators and any Intelligence information provided to the Speaker, to ensure applicant compliance with membership eligibiliy.
Your honours, I was director of the North Pacific Intelligence Agency for some years, and an administrator of the forum for many years. I took part in many, many vetting processes. I can state that in all that time no application was denied without concerns about IP address, multiple applications to the RA (often when a member forgot they were already a RA member) or intel evidence that the individual posed a clear and present threat to the region. In the issue of applications to the Regional Assembly the vetting by the Speaker is simply to ensure that the membership criteria are fulfilled.
Concerning my client,
all of the membership criteria were in order. He posted what has been known as “the jocular oath”, but this was quickly corrected. He had a nation in TNP. He used no proxy server. He made no serious threat against the region, as I am sure the Speaker will concede. When one seriously wants to coup a region, they do not announce it in their RA application.
The Speaker and the prosecution have repeatedly been challenged to provide any evidence that my client proved a
present threat to the region. History is irrelevant, under the laws of TNP. Present threat is the issue.
No evidence has ever been produced, and requests by both defence and justice Govindia have been ignored. Defence is perfectly happy for the evidence of clear and present danger to the North Pacific to be given to the court in camera. The defence urges the justices to demand such evidence from the prosecution, because the basis on which my client’s RA application was denied is crucial to this case.
Your honours, the basis of our region's laws is innocence until PROVEN guilty. Denial of my client's RA application presupposed his guilt, his sinister motives, and was a vindictive retribution for his past actions as delegate. in punishing my client for past acts, the speaker took upon himself the perrogative of the court, and has sought through the court to povide a veneer of legal justification for his unconstitutional action.
Defence asks the court to overturn the rejection of my client's RA application, preferably backdated to the time of application.