I WISH.....

I wish being a tourist didn't suck in so many places. It's like, I come with lots of money I want to spend on all your stuff! And they're like, uh, no.
i dont think having lots of money has ever been my concern, more that i want to live like a local, not hang around english people wearing rainbow beanies talking about how amazing and unique their contiki tour was...

I wish i was in class already
A turkey that could hypothetically disembowel you! and having been attacked by a turkey while on the back of a moto in cambodia (it actually happened), a giant turkey is pretty intimidating
Haha, I was making a reference to Jurassic Park. But seriously, if that bird wants to start some shit, then let it come start some shit. We'll see who'll be eating cassowary.
I'm not sure how much people care about Cassowary(ies?) so I don't know whether or not to call you someone supportive of animal cruelty. Do they do anything particularly cute Syber, or are they a trash bird?
i dont think enough people know about them to warrant care. but there are signs telling people that they will die if you hit them with a car, so maybe the rspca would get involved.

and Aus does indeed have crows. but magpies are better than crows.
I wish that I was feeling better, that I could figure out the exact plans for tonight, and that it would quit snowing and causing it to be COLD!
I wish that I would wake up tomorrow and there would be snow everywhere and I didn't have to go to work.