Want to be a TNP Citizen?

For the moment, both of these will be put in the regular "TNP Citizen" mask. There's an additional step for the "registered citizen" mask, and Elu is going to have to let admin know what the other steps are since he's given up admin powers while serving as Delegate.
Krintzaika, you'll get the RA mask once the current ongoing votes in the RA are finished.
This is the thread for the regular citizen mask; the "registered" citizen mask is a different thread, and involves the same security checks as for the R.A.
We'll get you in the regular citizen group while the RA application is processed.
The nation of Harimaupore humbly requests to become further integrated into the community.

"When can I move in?" :w00t:


S.Archer - Harimaupore

P.S. here is my nation for you (I am, however, new to NationStates) but my flag's complete.
Harimaupore, you have the regular citizen mask; if you want registered vitizen or R.A> member status, you'll have to apply separately and undergo a security check first.

jmeister2010, yoou have to have a resident nation in TNP to receive any citizen mask, as you linked nation is currently in another region, your request cannot be accepted at this time.
As the citizen masking is not governed by any specific laws, the forum administration team began processing "registered citizens" applications some time ago.

We're reserving the older "TNP Citizen" masks to those that currently have it, which are mostly past members of the R.A. prior to the initiation of the "registered citizen" masking.

New applicants for citizen masking should post their requests in the "Registered Citizens" thread found here (click).

Registered citizens get the security clearance, which speeds up admission to the Regional Assembly should they choose to apply at a later time. And Regional Assembly members who go inactive for more than 30 days get this masking as long as their TNP nation has not CTE'd.