Secret Files of the Crimson Order Released

You call my followers minions and subordinates my oh my what lies you folk like to spread calling us puppet masters and such. The mighty Gatesville Guard will follow me to their death if asked of them. I will now classify this former regime as a terrorist group with the sole intent of destroying Gatesville. And I will make it be known here and now that any organization that supports you will now be considered an enemy of the great region of Gatesville. Please continue the Gatesville bashing for it will only strengthen our will and our resolve. If by some very small chance you should re take TNP I will start a conscription and build a U.N. army of hundreds to destroy you.

Have a nice day. :yes:
subordinate =/= puppet

subordinate = someone who answers to someone else

Surely you aren't suggesting that Gatesville is a system with no hierarchy?
Flem, if you could seriously speak without moaning like a little school girl or hiding behind "witty" remarks, I might be able to actually tap into what you have to say and discuss like adults.

You're actions have pretty much screwed your region over because, honestly, who is the average NS region going to listen to? Nobel Gatesville, or some conspiracy weaving underground group resolved to bring "justice" to a delegate in waiting?
Yes please excuse my error you do have until Monday and Flem watch your language we have a lot of young folks in this game.
If you want to talk rather than threaten, I am more than willing to discuss matters with you. In fact, if you wish I will set up a special forum for that purpose and invite whoever you wish to the table. Do you really want to talk?
The only talking we want to hear is cooperation in the matter: the endorsement of the legal delegate, Lewis and Clark and the immediate suspension of actions against Gatesville and the immediate withdrawal of endorsements for GBM.

If you agree we will not hold any outside regions AKA your allies.
Considering the majority of your active troops are already in TNP, I highly doubt that you will hold any of our outside regions regardless, especially other feeders that we are members of.

Gates won't carry out his threat to conscript the ~200 UN's currently in Gatesville, mainly because it would drive a number of them out of the region. If those nations wanted to follow the "Nobel" (sic) Gatesville Guard into battle, they would have joined up. They are the same type of folks that reside in feeders, mainly answering issues and not much else, and your attempts to conscript them will be about as successful as past feeder attempts to conscript their own unwilling UNs.
Gates, you are boring, in fact the most boring player in Nationstates.

When you have something really new to say, send out a smokesignal and see if anyone else cares.

I certainly don't.


And your discussion of your "threats" and "demands" is actually off-topic in this thread, which is supposed to be about the "Crimson Order files."
Actually, I was told so by a rather high ranking member of Gatesville.
Specifically, this person confronted me and told me about the consequences this had for Gatesville, mainly to determine if my primary purpose in releasing these documents was to hurt Westwind or to hurt Gates. They also said I was an idiot if I thought that this release would cause no problems back at home, as well as the fact that the primary reason they were confronting me was to ease some of their subordinates' grumbling.

I could post screenshots if you want, but since that was a private conversation and not a discussion thread, I'd probably pass the whole "privacy" line.
Yes, yes.
Telegram Script? That's news to me and Grosseschnauzer continue the insults in fact this will be my last visit and post in this pathetic forum. From this day on my action will replace any words.
Yeah, it fills in the message area, but it doesn't send the telegram itself.

You actually have to hit the send button, making it legal by the script rules the mods set up.

Anyways, that was a joke, so its not that important of an arguing point.
Actually, I was told so by a rather high ranking member of Gatesville.
Specifically, this person confronted me and told me about the consequences this had for Gatesville, mainly to determine if my primary purpose in releasing these documents was to hurt Westwind or to hurt Gates. They also said I was an idiot if I thought that this release would cause no problems back at home, as well as the fact that the primary reason they were confronting me was to ease some of their subordinates' grumbling.

I could post screenshots if you want, but since that was a private conversation and not a discussion thread, I'd probably pass the whole "privacy" line.
Yes, yes.
To use a rather blunt, yet entertaining metaphor, TNP is Gatesvilles "Vietnam". :lol:

Hey, Gates, you look like you are slimming down a bit. What are doing with the extra cloth from your uniform and where are you going to hang all of your medals now that there isn't enough space?

[Edit - add]

Since Gatesville started slimming he looks different on parade.
His tucks from all his uniforms redoubts the boy’s brigade
And now there isn’t room for all his medals I’m afraid,
So, it’s just to bad for Nasty L&C,
He’s in for it now alright!

[ /edit ]

It's Just Too Bad For Nasty Uncle L&C!"

A big LOL moment there Khark. It's called dedication and hard work. We have work ethics, you have moaning.
You have neither dedication nor hard work.

You have an angry old man who named his region after the first thing he saw upon leaving his house (aka a Gate).
Actually, I was told so by a rather high ranking member of Gatesville.
Specifically, this person confronted me and told me about the consequences this had for Gatesville, mainly to determine if my primary purpose in releasing these documents was to hurt Westwind or to hurt Gates. They also said I was an idiot if I thought that this release would cause no problems back at home, as well as the fact that the primary reason they were confronting me was to ease some of their subordinates' grumbling.

I could post screenshots if you want, but since that was a private conversation and not a discussion thread, I'd probably pass the whole "privacy" line.
Yes, yes.
To use a rather blunt, yet entertaining metaphor, TNP is Gatesvilles "Vietnam". :lol:

Hey, Gates, you look like you are slimming down a bit. What are doing with the extra cloth from your uniform and where are you going to hang all of your medals now that there isn't enough space?

[Edit - add]

Since Gatesville started slimming he looks different on parade.
His tucks from all his uniforms redoubts the boy’s brigade
And now there isn’t room for all his medals I’m afraid,
So, it’s just to bad for Nasty L&C,
He’s in for it now alright!

[ /edit ]

It's Just Too Bad For Nasty Uncle L&C!"

That didn't make sense.
Dammit, I'm on to you, nikocujo and Gates! You're hoping that if we die of laughter about your hilarious posts, you can have TNP without a fight!
A big LOL moment there Khark.  It's called dedication and hard work.  We have work ethics, you have moaning.
You have neither dedication nor hard work.

You have an angry old man who named his region after the first thing he saw upon leaving his house (aka a Gate).
And that was the poorest insult I have ever read in my life.
I guess Gatesvillians don't value the truth very highly if they consider it a poor insult.
You're actions have pretty much screwed your region over because, honestly, who is the average NS region going to listen to? Nobel Gatesville, or some conspiracy weaving underground group resolved to bring "justice" to a delegate in waiting?

Are you sure? It's seem you are incorrect. The only people that will listen to you are the Raider region if you have a chance! OH! I have a idea give me a list of region who are with you on this affairs!

Give me a list! NAME! Give me the LIST!
I said, I'll get to work on it, you are so sure that you have so many allies, it should be no trouble, really. I will be spending most of the afternoon on the range then I will be at mass.

Feel free to post when you can, I will do the same.

Also, for a new arrival, you sure are cocky.
I'm just saying I think I have been around GV long enough to talk crap on their behalf. He's been around TNP long enough to post 35 times and is talking crap on your behalf.
I told you folks I will stay out of this fray so please don’t insult Nick he will relay to me any important or relevant communications that come out of this forum. Lets keep it civil here and not resort to name calling and such. And yes he is the Gatesville hit man and the bearer of bad news.
[Puts on mod hat]

Gates, if you or anyone else has a problem about how or what is posted in this or any other thread at this forum, take it to a global mod or an admin by personal message, or post it in the moderation subforum where we'll see it. If this thread was the Gatesville Embassy, then you might have an arguable case, but that is not the case.

You are not a moderator here, and you don't have the authority to tell people what or how to speak. If someone reaches the level of a possible TOS violation, we'll address it, but otherwise, remember you are a guest here and you are not in charge. This is a formal caution, and the next time there will be a warning and the appropriate penalty as posted in the moderation area of this forum.

[takes off mod hat]
This is kind of funny, in a sad way.

You come in, and demand basically unconditional surrender... or you'll attack our allies?

One demands unconditional surrender when an enemy is so crushed that they know they cannot hope to win anything. We are not there. You demand that we accept your elimination of our democracy, the worst you could do to us, or you will attack our allies. Obviously however, our own preservation as a democratic region must be more important to us than the vague protection of our allies.

Also, that you would destroy our allies is not a credible threat. Firstly, who are they? Are they some of the other feeders? Those would take some doing to take on, and your resources are obviously strained. Are they some player created regions? Most of those are founded regions. As for the rest... again, our own freedom is our biggest concern here, and I doubt you'd find many unprepared such regions among our friends.

To have any hope of fruitful negotiations you'd have to offer us more than a vague promise of not attacking our allies. In the past when feeders split by such conflicts peace was sometimes created by compromise, never by the surrender of the democratic faction. If you want peace with us, Lewis and Clark should offer us some sort of compromise. It might not work, but this kind of "negotiation" certainly won't.

Well, that's just my oversized two cents. :2c:
Happy Easter to the western christians among you all!
:bunny: :w00t:
I've been around GV for awhile. He's talking crap for TNP.

Crap!? Hum...I was talking about the ally of Gatesville on this matters....If that his crap for you then is ok for me :yes:

And Oh it's true that I have not posted many post here...but I am able to see Invader when I see one and in my logic you are one of them and I have never talk on the behalf of TNP, I was only questioning you.