1. So that make everything he said legitimate? Regarless of the fact in your constitution?
2. Your "highest ranking executive authority in the region" just disregrad the constitution. *See number 1*
3. Democracy within a limted group of peoples that later on resulting in inactivity is useless.
4. Don't understand what you said.
5. If you decide not to call in Foreign Support and act rebelly aganist the legitimate delegate then we would never need to call for outside help. The election clearly said that L&C is winner and GBM isn't even a part of the election.
6. My apologies, it's too early when I posted the word enormous.(I should have get coffee first

) Anyway, when you said any idiot can create acitivity than why do I see you came back only after this revolution and not before? Our activity in the new forum is far more than just a spam in the games section. Our Regional Defence Force is active, The University provide a terrific study for everyone, Our House of Lord is full of new idea, even our spam section is better...
7. If you have a look around this forum before the revolution then you will realized that what you said is not true. (My apologies for the grammar error, I'm trying very hard to improve it, but the problem is that I'm addicted to NS

8. Resist..... If he're going to sell TNP to Equilism then I don't think any resistance can stop him.

Please don't let me say names......