The Point

I personally tremble at the thought of Romanoffia turning up 4 days later than everyone else and naming himself the leader of his 47th revolution. Good-oh!
"you have not the point" would be better wouldnt it?

The old days are over. You must recognize the need for change in NS and an abandonment of old status quos for survival?
You'd be so lucky as to have sat under The Lexicons jackboot :P

Well SWA, I cannot change the minds of the zealot. I look forward at whatever crappy spy mission your sent on by the NPIA this time, and the subsequent trial that occurs 30 minutes after you start
The Lexicon had a jackboot? Were you it?

And I don't need a spy mission. Besides, you can't put me on trial because your government doesn't have laws, and even if you do, I'll claim duality in a maneuver that will cleverly ignore logic and sense.

Then I will rail about how the judge's decision in favor of the prosecution is actually destroying justice.
We, uh, actually do have laws if you bothered to read it.
Oh I've read your laws, but I doubt the independence and validity of your judicial system.

I might, however, bring a few trials to your government to test its legitimacy.

And FL, are you saying you didn't claim duality?
Please, we don't need someone like you to know the legitimacy of our government.

Nice to see you haven't changed a bit though.
Please, we don't need someone like you to know the legitimacy of our government.

Nice to see you haven't changed a bit though.
I find it hilarious that you, one who couldn't tell the difference between civics and a blender, are inditing me for contemplating a trial or two.

Nice to see you're up to your old tricks again. So much for being part of something new, eh?
oooh Aga...civics and a blender....zing!

I need claim no duality. TNP Law validated me. I remain in TNP with a clear criminal record.
Hello everyone

Anyone have any guesses as to how long this new order will last ans what happens to TNP now? :unsure:
To answer the only vaguely interesting point in this whole thread, I'm guessing roughly a month, maybe one and a half. Once interest is lost in it, it'll collapse like an abandoned souffle, then the region can pick its self up, dust its self down, and get ready for the next one.
The Greek always has more stamina than the Roman. ;)
You heard the one about the Greek who left home?

He finally returned because he couldn't bare leaving his brother's behind.

L&C will fall. Take my word for it. I've been here since day one. I will always be here. And when the dust settles, I will still be here and the DICKtators will be gone.

And this time the Dicks will be gone forever. Take my word for it. I am right every time.

Ah, a gay joke, most wity of you, Roman. I couldn't see that coming a mile away, no I couldn't.

You shouldn't count your eggs before they're all in the basket. I'll make sure keep this post for posterity when we break you.

It's the hunger for power that keeps you around, Roman. ;)
Ah, a gay joke, most wity of you, Roman. I couldn't see that coming a mile away, no I couldn't.

You shouldn't count your eggs before they're all in the basket. I'll make sure keep this post for posterity when we break you.

It's the hunger for power that keeps you around, Roman. ;)
I find your lack of altruistic motives disturbing. After all, aren't you in this for the power too?
Actually I'm here because I was asked to be here.
Now you are being asked to leave. Don't let the door slam you in the ass on the way out.

Sorry, but I don't recognize your authority here. You're just a sad little upstart who can't stand to lose his stranglehold. :fish:

And zing, SWA. I admit, that was a good piece of rhetoric even though completely false.

If you MUST know, I wasn't offered any power when I first started helping, nor did I intend to pursue power. I agreed because I believe in the Crimson King's cause.

But don't let facts get in the way of your wild delusions. I know how cranky you can get when there are facts involved.
And zing, SWA. I admit, that was a good piece of rhetoric even though completely false.

If you MUST know, I wasn't offered any power when I first started helping, nor did I intend to pursue power. I agreed because I believe in the Crimson King's cause.

But don't let facts get in the way of your wild delusions. I know how cranky you can get when there are facts involved.
So in other words, you helped out a cause that doesn't concern you for no reason whatsoever. Either you're a fool or a really cranky old coot.

You've been used by some people who duped you into thinking they have new ideas that can help NationStates, when in reality they're just another passing fad.

I mean, face it, the invader/defender dynamic was at the center of this game. You either replace it immediately with something or try and repair it, but trying to build up activity without a reason to do so is a futile task at best.

And, given your track record for picking sides (President Bush, Vy, et al), I'm glad I'm not on yours.
Well, frankly I don't see a problem with atleast giving the whole system another run through and see how the results pan out. I mean it was Gore who called for a recount afterall, so even if you are calling him out for supporting Bush, CK is the Gore in this case... minus the movie... and the nobel prize
Well, frankly I don't see a problem with atleast giving the whole system another run through and see how the results pan out. I mean it was Gore who called for a recount afterall, so even if you are calling him out for supporting Bush, CK is the Gore in this case... minus the movie... and the nobel prize
Point being, that when the Constitution didn't give the dictator rogue delegate any such authority, he 'nullified' the constitution without any democratic process. He thinks he can seize power with impunity and have no one resist him. He is wrong and Democracy will take him down.
Democracy, Now!

i look forward to the part where Roamnoffia Brando shouts "the horror, the horror!"

mean, face it, the invader/defender dynamic was at the center of this game. You either replace it immediately with something or try and repair it, but trying to build up activity without a reason to do so is a futile task at best.

Do go on. How would you, SWA, fix the game? Long winded constitutions and pathetic arguements?
Do go on. How would you, SWA, fix the game? Long winded constitutions and pathetic arguements?
Like YOU of all people would want to fix this game, you parasite.

But since you asked, here's how:

You assume that the game needs fixing because big long words are too much for you. Well guess what? The purpose of this game is to create the best region possible, and that means through a democratic process.

Now before you go on about how your new government is that much better, I have just looked at your only trial going on in your court system, and from but 2 minutes notice, it's pretty clear that it's a sham.

1. An objection was noted and overruled with no specific reason given.
2. The judge tribunal consists entirely of biased judges who hold a grudge against the defendant.
3. No procedures are established for arrest.
4. The defendant seconded a motion to stop the disbanding of the NPA and NPIA, and yet judges luckily ignore the evidence.

So here's what I can conclude:

1. You guys are filthy liars about your new government.
2. Your delegate turns a blind eye towards injustice.
3. Glenon is clearly a coward, or an illiterate, because he never READ his own evidence, wherein Romanoffia says he wants to STOP THE DISBANDING OF THE NPA AND NPIA, and FALCONKATS seconded the motion to stop the disbanding.

So let me make this clear. I have seen your games and your lies. You, FL, should really go back to the Lexicon you came from.

As for Glenon, I have this for you:

You talk as if you are high and mighty, but you are a liar, a crook, a sham, and a failure. You wouldn't understand justice if it hit you in the face. You seek nothing but personal gain. You took the position for the power. You are worthless scum who doesn't even deserve to live in real life, much less participate in this game. You have shown through your limited conduct on the .info trial forums that you lack basic human decency and common sense.

I deny you your title as a human being and as a Christian. May God condemn your soul to hell for being an atrocity against mankind.

(The second answer to your question, FL, is to get rid of Glenon/Agamemnon).
Though I am loathe to actually refute some of your points because you will doubtless continue foaming at the mouth whenever you see me, I will address the point of the illiteracy of the Tribunal.

I contend that you are the one who is illiterate, Southwest Asia. If you had actually bothered to read the Tribunal, you would have noticed that it was Falconkats who initially denied that he seconded the motion, and then lied again when he said he did not deny seconding it.

Nowhere did we deny that he seconded a motion to stop the disbandment of the NPA/NPIA. Again, if you bothered to read and comprehend which it seems you are unable to do, you would have seen that the Justices pressed the defendant to justify his position, nothing more.

Also, this will be my last post on these board as certain members of the rogue government here cannot help but be as insulting as possible. Though I suppose it is to be expected since they've run out of anything else to say.

Furthermore, let me just say that I am offended, Southwest Asia, that you would go so far as to bring my RL into this. That is beyond crossing the line, and I am ashamed to call you a fellow member of TNP and NationStates. You are a blight.
Gentlemen! You will refrain from personal attacks on this forum. Any more of this, and I will issue a warning with a Mod Preview attached to it. Now take it outside.
I'm going to second GBM's caution to the two of you, with this additional caution. The line between in character and out of character attacks is being reached, and might have been crossed. I'm erring on the side of caution for now, but any of the global mods have my support to issue a 20% or more warning if they find this line being reached in future posts.
You assume that the game needs fixing because big long words are too much for you. Well guess what? The purpose of this game is to create the best region possible, and that means through a democratic process.

That is an interesting supposition. Which, in of itself highlights the underlying flaw with your position. Your answer to the question hinges on this single assumption, without any adequate explanation of why. Therefore, with this initial premise unproven, one must query whether your answer is, in fact, flawed.
SWA-fulhead was a tnper long before you were :P

Nothing to see here, don't feed the trolls

Oh, and:

HS!! :hug:

What he said.

Hey hey Honey, hun! If only the game had more players like you.

And you guys seriously need to step back a minute and relax. At the end of the day it's a game played on the internet which will likely cease to exist within a year or two anyway. No game is worth getting so worked up over - chillax!