The Point

The point to everything is that Lewis and Clark is the delegate of this region. You can claim that according to such and such legal bullshit that he's illegitimate, but that doesn't matter.

Nationstates is based on game mechanics, not on some pretend constitution written up. Elections on forums don't matter, because the only true democracy in NS is the endorsement of nations for the delegacy. That simple.

If you don't like it, elect a new delegate, or better yet vote with your feet and leave the region. You can have your fun on your little forum, but the rest of us will be doing more important things.

Remember, the only true legitimacy is whoever happens to be in the delegate's seat at the time; the only true path to legitimacy is the game mechanics and everything else is a construct.
This isn't what you said when I couped the region.

What has changed, except perhaps the tantalizing chance for power in his new government, which you undoubtedly will receive?

Now I just need to extract some more admissions of mistakes from those other "freedom fighters" to stroke my ego further.

HEM perhaps.
The point to everything is that Lewis and Clark is the delegate of this region. You can claim that according to such and such legal bullshit that he's illegitimate, but that doesn't matter.

Nationstates is based on game mechanics, not on some pretend constitution written up. Elections on forums don't matter, because the only true democracy in NS is the endorsement of nations for the delegacy. That simple.

If you don't like it, elect a new delegate, or better yet vote with your feet and leave the region. You can have your fun on your little forum, but the rest of us will be doing more important things.

Remember, the only true legitimacy is whoever happens to be in the delegate's seat at the time; the only true path to legitimacy is the game mechanics and everything else is a construct.
Do not be surprised if you encounter some resistance to those ideas.

Why? It is true that NS is a game of game mechanics. It's also true that in terms of game mechanics, it's one of the worst-built games on the whole Web. No insult intended to Mr. Barry - he just never gave us much to work with. That's why most people leave the game quickly after joining. The game mechanics are dull, repetitive and ultimately unable to keep anyone interested for more than a month on their own.

Forums, governments, and all the wars, intrigues and pestilence thereof are what make it interesting. There are limitations to them, but that's part of the fun. By making a sweeping condemnation of all forums and documents, you condemn all the character of the game, including your own, and appear to draw nearer to the views of these guys.

I'm sure that's not actually your intent, but that's what it sounds like, and that's why the argument you express has always brought more enmities than converts.
Oh, you were?

I once stayed in a region with no off-site where nations amused themselves by keeping tabs on the rankings each of them managed to obtain on a weekly basis. I failed to stay till the end of one week in order to get listed. I guess the fun was too much for me.
EM, im glad you have pointed his hypocricy out to him :P

khark it seems to me that you are just flip-flopping to whatever side is willing to give you more power in order to try and make a name for yourself...Dear me...Within a few months this new government of yours will more then likely collapse and you will be in the same position you were before...

Now I just need to extract some more admissions of mistakes from those other "freedom fighters" to stroke my ego further.

HEM perhaps.
Sorry, no can do. I still say no and if it was you now I would still oppose you.

No offense :ph34r:

The point is that L&C has had a plan, he laid it out and worked for the support of the natives. Essentially, he is the rightful ruler because 70% of the region fora supports him, and he was elected delegate.

So sorry, no ego stroking today :P

Although I did notice that you removed the reference to you being a "proud freedom fighter against Emperor Matthuis" (or to that description) from your signature. So I appear to have won a belated moral victory against you all.
What was your opinion of the Dalimbar rogue delegacy again?

Speaking from an IC perspective, the vast majority of NS gamelayers are hypocrits, opportunists, liars, and narcissists. If you don't see that then you are an idiot.
I am not a hypocrite, opportunist, liar, or narcissist. I am deeply offended that you think so.

For the record, I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child I'm a father, I'm a sinner I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed. I'm your hell I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between.

You know you wouldn't want it any other way

Although I did notice that you removed the reference to you being a "proud freedom fighter against Emperor Matthuis" (or to that description) from your signature. So I appear to have won a belated moral victory against you all.
I took that out very recently after you dethroned yourself. The fight was over, I try not to form vendettas in the game and honestly, I wasn't fighting against you anymore :)
TNP has entered the Age of Crimson, its Renaissance. TNP will be just fine when the Old Guard realizes that they are strangling TNP rather than helping it. :)

Now I just need to extract some more admissions of mistakes from those other "freedom fighters" to stroke my ego further.

HEM perhaps.
Sorry, no can do. I still say no and if it was you now I would still oppose you.

No offense :ph34r:

The point is that L&C has had a plan, he laid it out and worked for the support of the natives. Essentially, he is the rightful ruler because 70% of the region fora supports him, and he was elected delegate.

So sorry, no ego stroking today :P
And L&C is now a traitor guilty of high treason too.

Great role model.
It's not a hard decision.

Follow the guy trying to change TNP for the better, or the follow the people strangling TNP because they can't stand the thought of losing power..

Decisions, decisions.. :eyebrow:
It's not a hard decision.

Follow the guy trying to change TNP for the better, or the follow the people strangling TNP because they can't stand the thought of losing power..

Decisions, decisions.. :eyebrow:
Looks like your RA membership has been revoked. You have no say here anymore. Go away, pest.

:lol: :rofl: :fish: :bye:
Geez, I haven't had RA membership here for....


a long freakin time. I'm sorry that you can't have the satisfaction of revoking it. :( Would it make you feel better if I signed up for the RA here so you could deny me?
Yes, sir, right away, sir, will do, sir.

Oh wait, you're the illegitimate government. You don't have authority over me. :(
And you have no authority here. I'd love to boot your arse, but you are providing some real entertainment for everyone.

Now go away before I taunt you a second time.