This one has been rattling around for a while, but since my last attempt at an RP didn't get off the ground, I'm going to try this one a bit differently.
I have the basic plot and characters already roughly fleshed out in my head, so if theres little to no interest I'll just carry on my own. So it could be less an RP and more like fan fiction.
Anyway, Plot:
Ok, Haven't figured out names yet, but some characters:
Planets used...not sure yet. Possibilities include the Correlian system, Dantooine, maybe Naboo.
So, any takers?
I have the basic plot and characters already roughly fleshed out in my head, so if theres little to no interest I'll just carry on my own. So it could be less an RP and more like fan fiction.
Anyway, Plot:
It is the time after the execution of Order 66. The jedi that survived the initial purges are hunted across the galaxy. It is a turbulent time for non-jedi as well, as Palpatine's vision of a New Galactic Order comes into fruition. In times like these, those who survive have to make a decision as to whether they should continue to keep running.....or to make a stand.
This is the story of those who had to make that decision.
Ok, Haven't figured out names yet, but some characters:
- Young Jedi (possibly alien female...very difficult in time of Xenophobic, sexist Palpatine) who is obviously running and trying to suvive.
- Mercenary space pilot with a dark secret ;
- Newly appointed Imperial Admiral who will do anything to gain approval;
- Mysterious droid (basically, there has to be a droid, but not sure where this fits into story, so I'm making it 'mysterious' to make it sound more interesting);
Planets used...not sure yet. Possibilities include the Correlian system, Dantooine, maybe Naboo.
So, any takers?