Your Favorite Songs

I liked it! I am kind of surprised! But then I remembered that I really like this song too:


a hard road - the hilltop hoods

LCD Soundsystem, Dance Yrself Clean

The Decemberists - Rox in the Box

The new album is so good. Soso good. Poe, you turned me on to the Decemberists a long time ago- "Here I Dreamt I was an Architect."
Oh man, I haven't heard the new album yet. I'm so behind on music right now. Just takin' my dear sweet time.


shoeing the bones - cate le bon

I love this one. She's got a great voice. And the music video is weird.

I might have shared this one already, but Modern Drift by Efterklang is one that I've had on repeat over and over again for the last month or so. I absolutely love this song.

This is why we fight - the decemberists.

This isn't a very recording. But it works. :)

penny on a train track - ben kweller

This song arways cheers me up.


song for a sleeping girl - devics

which is ironic, because it's 3:30am and i can't sleep.

Holler Boys - Social Studies

IGEdit: Helloooooo hottie in the white shirt. :w00t:

Wicked Game - Chris Isaak

An oldie but a goodie.
Love Chris Isaak's voice. Mmmm.


girlshapedlovedrug - gomez

love the song, love the video.
Again to the Vault...


Wicked and Weird - Buck 65
I like it!


the underdog - spoon

Spoon always reminds me of Rocketman for some reason.
And now for something a little different...


Under the Bridges - Niki and the Dove
That is an awesome music video. And a great song!

This song is at the very top of my top-played list in my whole iTunes library, right now. (And she's Canadian! :D ) I think that must classify it as a "favorite." :lol:

Run - Basia Bulat

Studio Recording:

Live Acoustic version:
Autoharp! That was great. :w00t:


Superman's Song - Crash Test Dummies

dear sons and daughters of hungry ghosts - wolf parade

"god doesn't always have the best goddamn plans, does he?"