Worship value: 7/10. The Germans can't get enough of him for some reason.
Weapon value: 3/10. He could probably launch himself at someone and do some damage with the initial impact, but beyond that.
Worship: 5.5/10 - Everyone seems to love them, but they're hard to respect.
Weapon: 3/10 - More useful as a diversion than the killing blow. Still useful as a diversion.
Worship value: 2.5/10. Idiots may be amazed at the techmology involved, or something.
Weapon value: 0.1/10. Frustration may shorten lifespan by a few minutes.
When Rockefeller still can horde enough money to let Max Gordon produce his shows..
For worship I give him a solid 7, an embodiment of capitalism at it's finest and there are bound to be a fair few Americans who worship that.
Weapon? 5. On his own, fairly useless, being 93. He is however richer than God so could have you killed fairly easily.
Worship: 9/10. To a commie.
Weapon: Indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions of people, but is dead now...Das Kapital could kill someone if chucked hard. 3/10.
Worship: 6/10, there are a lot of fatty-boom-booms out there.
Weapon: 2/10, could momentarily blind if rubbed in the eyes, or the calories within may cause a heart attack.
Worship: 3/10. It's different, but looks like his high school nick name would be dirt-magert
Weapon: 6/10. That beak looks like it would hurt, but then again, its legs look like they can break easily.
Worship: a 4/10 because people like people with money. Is it even his? Who knows.
Weapon: 1/10. He's probably more likely to get beaten (as a result of those glasses) than beat anyone else.