Say Something Nice About the Above Poster

How does ^ mean that? Like, meeting each other for not just the casual night?

Naw, wait, the nice part!

^ seems as manly as a Democrat can be. :P
^ caused brief confusion before I realised ^ meant the NS region, rather than Perfidious Albion.

^ is also a welcome addition to the forums.
^^ is wrong to claim that I have been someone else than VZ in England. I was VZ in England, and in Texas, and in...well, I am VZ. Never knew Nivogal...

How is England, by the by? Give them my apologies that I left just like that. :o

Syd should know that that means "South" in Swedish, hence I will imagine him as a sleek and hot-blooded Southerner from now on.
I am absolutely horrified that ^ would imagine me as a southerner. I am a proud northerner, I'll have you know!

^ educates me in Swedish vocabulary.

- Sydlig Narr!
^ knows that no mortal is hotter than anything relating to the thompson twins.

Exhibit A:

nuff said