Comment on Current Endorsement Ranking

There are a few nations now near the Vice Delegate, two of those quickly collecting endos like hell (Ferrarif40 and Assorted Candy).
As a TNP citizen, not a TNP official, I would like to know how we currently proceed here? While I do not believe those 2 young nations are a real danger, it would be most embarassing if they are dangrous or if they just cause issues by accident.
I know Ferrarif40. He's been playing NS for like 3 years by his reckoning, using different names. He's not been involved in feeder politics for like two years, so he's a little... overeager. Apparently, he originally was from TNP but was ejected during one of the rogue delegate periods. I mostly trust him, but I would still watch his endorsements. He's a little unpredictable.

Also, he is on the forums. I hope he can't read this. :P
Well, he did give me a Ferrari. ;)

There are some other nations who are exchanging lots of endorsements as well. Should my diplomatic measures prove unsuccessful, I will alert the SC.
Mum, I'd be much happier if you would put as much distance as possible between you and any other would-be usurpers and we;ll worry about any delegate handover when the time comes after elections.
Hey guys whats up. Lol Im a threat egh? I had 217 endorsements but I left for bigger and better things. IRaq! yes iM the delegate for Iraq. and btw you dont need to worry about Assorted candy. Hes getting endorsements because he wants to stop being a minnow lol. He threatens GBM not at all. GBM, as a delegate I offer you a treaty between the North Pacific and the Iraq. lol 22 nations yay!
Anyone know who Yaorozu is ? He's swapping hard and appears to be using a script. He's keeping every UN endorsed now.
He's back?

That guy has been in a couple of regions; The North Pacific, Taijitu. Each time he endotarts rapidly claiming that he just wants to advance above minnow influence status, and not to tell him what the next level above minnow is.

I banned him.
I have exchanged telegrams with Yao. I do not consider him a threat to regional security. But who am I to say? I didn't consider EM a threat either.
I have exchanged telegrams with Yao. I do not consider him a threat to regional security. But who am I to say? I didn't consider EM a threat either.

Perhaps you should have been more active?

Anyway, trust is a dangerous thing.
I'd at least consider him a potential threat. He doesn't need to keep up with endorsing all UN's in the region just to raise influence. You only do that if you want the delegacy.

Edit: I telegramed him yesterday, but I've recieved no reply.
Telegram recieved:

The Lunar Empire of Yaorozu
Received: 13 hours ago Dear Lewis and Clark,

Thank you for your telegram and your interest in my nation.
Usually, I do not respond telegrams as my native language is Japanese, not English.
Writing English message costs quite much time and labor.
But I think explanation for my showering endorsement is needed to avoid misunderstanding of my motive and goal.

First, my goal is seeing next rank of the accursed "Minnow" by my own effort.
(So even if you know the exact title of the next rank at Regional influence, please do not teach it me.)
Frankly speaking, I dislike to be "minnow".
So I have started giving my endorsement expecting returning favor.

But, I never never want to be a delegate.
Have you ever see my name in the North Pacific official forum?
Or have you ever heard anyone received my self introduction telegram how I am suitable for delegacy?
Politicking in English is beyond me grasp of English, and I also do not like political role playing itself.

I have already asked Great Bights Mum to warn me if my endorsements received are too much and become threatening her delegacy, to run away from the duties of NP delegacy.
And I never send any telegram introducing myself,
because by sending such a kind of message can hasten my pace of gathering endorsements and I fear getting return endorsement too fast can rob GBM of chanse of warning!

So, if you Lewis and Clark seek the delegacy, you need not consider me as your rival. I am not interesting in being the delegate nor who is the delegate.
And I politely ask you if my speed and amount of getting return favor is too speedy for you, warn it to me as soon as possible. Surely I will greatly appreciate your kindness.
I confess you that I enjoy the competition for giving first endorsement on Terra Incognita with you, but I do not want to compete receiving amount and pace of returning endorsement with you.

In past case of the coup d'etat by Emperor Matthuis, I was foolishly too late to explain my motive and goal to him.
It cost me banning from NP and that was a terrible blow for my slow gathering of endorsement.
So I am very happy to be told that you have considered me as a rival.
Without your timely telegram, I may again be too late to do explanation.

If you have any question about my political view, motive and so on, you can freely ask me without hesitation.
But please do not expect so quick response as I have already mentioned, writing in English is not easy task for me.

Sincerely Yours,

Seems to me if the objective is to rise above Minnow, a feeder is really not the best place to do it. :eyeroll:
Whats the deal with people wanting higher influence anyways?

Influence doesn't do a thing, unless of course, you are the delegate. Or afraid the delegate will eject you.
In past case of the coup d'etat by Emperor Matthuis, I was foolishly too late to explain my motive and goal to him.
It cost me banning from NP and that was a terrible blow for my slow gathering of endorsement.
So I am very happy to be told that you have considered me as a rival.
Without your timely telegram, I may again be too late to do explanation.

No, I just didn't believe him, and it was fun.
The strict gameplay interpretation of Endospider is sometimes irksome. All opponents to the rogue delegate are classed as "rogue" - my tool has a bias toward the incumbent (for good reason, after all it is far more powerful in cementing the rule of a delegate than in undermining it).

On the other hand, yay for our Rogue Pirate Queen GBM! Arrrr!
Blistering barnacles!

How am I to rate my endo-tartiness now without your helpful scanner to do it for me?!

Regional security be damned, what about my personal gratification!

Nah, probably better its kept for regional security.

Besides now I can complain about the concentration of power among the "Old Guard". Not letting the people have access to scanners! Next they'll be banjecting like it is going out of fashion, setting up new forums and declaring themselves some kind of colour themed monarch...
People banjecting like it is going out of fashion, setting up new forums and declaring themselves some kind of colour themed monarch in TNP? It's more likely than you think!

Didn't Moldavi (yikes, that name takes me back) have a color theme too? Not sure about Dali and EM and Bight and ... gah.
I am able to supply a listing of nations who are endorsing GBM and not L&C, and vice versa. Is such a list useful?
why did LC ejected me?
You are considered a threat to the smooth running of the most glorious and righteous Crimson Order (HAIL CRIMSON!). Your rights as a citizen are non-existent, you have no right to trial, no right to appeal. The Crimson King (HAIL CRIMSON!) finds you objectionable, the Crimson Order (HAIL CRIMSON!) considers you a dissident. You shall be immediately removed from the fertile soil of the Crimson Kingdom (HAIL CRIMSON!) and sent to spend the rest of your days in the RR.

Or so I would imagine...