Songs you hate.


In a continuation of the 'what really grinds my gears' topic on...some other part of the forum, I thought I'd spread the hate to OOC. Try and stop me.

Songs that are on the radio these days that annoy me: That Gwen Stefani song, don't know the title, nor do I care, but it has vocals like a squirrel being castrated in it. You probably know the one I mean.
In the same area: Miko's Grace Kelly. Fad, fad, fad. He also sounds like a castrated squirrel. Being able to go from a passable Freddy Mercury impression to sounding like you just lost your nads in an industrial accident does not a good musician make.

My candidate for worst song ever, however, has to go to that smug prick Robbie William's Angels. Easily the most clichéd, badly written, repetitive, schmaltzy, god-awful piece of audible sputum that has ever been recorded. I hate, hate, hate this song. Literally, I have a pathological, vitriolic hatred of it. I would rather listen to three minutes of white noise.

All rap. It all sounds the same, and all of it's crap. Don't bother to find the flaws in that argument, because I won't listen if you do!

Ah, that felt good.
My Humps - Black Eyed Peas

But some rap is actually very good, so I would disagree with you there.

But any song by Bullet for My Valentine, Fallout Boy etc just really annoys me.
all screamo. i dont give a damn if you like to cut yourself while breaking a guitar and screaming about it. if you cant play your instrument or at least attempt to sing, then just go cut yourself somewhere i'm not.

thanks for the thread Syd, i think this ones gonna become a new classic.

As for hiphop/rap all 'gangsta' is rubbish, but some aus hop is awesome. mainly because of lyrics like this

Right there in front of me I think her name's Kylie
Real intellectual she works in a library
Damn she's sexy
"Man your Keen"
What should I say?
"I don't know , tell her you read"
I'ma tell her that I rap in the hope that she likes me
"She'll think your a freak"
Nah, she'll think I'm exciting
Chicks these days have a soft spot for hiphop
"Nah , she only likes alt country and prog rock"
I'll tell her I'm a balladeer with a career
a guitar and a car and I breathe clean air
"She'll only want you for your money"
That's funny, I'm as broke as a third world economy buddy
"It doesn't matter mr. rapper you connect like hippies do"
What she likes the inner me?
"Yeah, she likes the inner you"

loses a bit when its not actually being said, but trust me, its awesome. I'll get IG to send you it Syd. it may convert you
Country music. If you want people to hear about your Ford/Chevy/whatever, then just tell them. Don't put on a stupid hat, pretend to play the acoustic, and cry.
Madonna - American Life

Just about everything is wrong with the song but the lyrics are amongst the worst I have ever had the misfortune to come across:

I drive my mini cooper
And I'm feeling super-dooper

@DD and Syb, Eh, hip-hop's not my cup of tea, but at least with hip-hop talent is required, so I do distinct it from the 'bitches and hos' crappy gangster rap which involves speaking fast and not much talent.
especially when they talk about life on the streets when clearly they have more money then they can comprehend
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner by Warren Zevon.

It has to be the worst song in the history of mankind. Not only does it have horrible music and lyrics but some of the lines actually manage to contradict themselves. For example, the subject of the song gets his head blown off. Later he rises up from the dead to seek revenge. Now read this...

Roland searched the continent for the man who'd done him in
He found him in Mombassa in a barroom drinking gin
Roland aimed his Thompson gun - he didn't say a word

No Shit! He has no head! Whoever wrote that song needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the streets and shot!
Anything by Generic american proto-punk green day...blink 182...etc....etc....

It's like theirs a factory turning out these aurul turds to muddy up the purity of my air....
mongolian throat singing. i used to volunteer at oxfam and my lousy manager would always put it on. i shudder just to think of it.

imagine genghis khan hocking up a loogie and that is mongolian throat singing.
Shopping A-Z by Tomoe Shinohara.

It's like pouring hot wax into your ears then watching George Bush and Al Sharpton having sex with a ukulele.

Most annoying song ever.
That bloody Scissor Sisters song I Don't Feel Like Dancing annoys me. I already bear a grudge against them for butchering Comfortably Numb.
all the same by sick puppies. not so much because of the song itself, more the twatty filmclip (its that one with the free hugs). that guy tried to hug me when i was in sydney once, and i tell ya he stank. no way was i touching that
Girls Aloud/Sugababes - Walk This Way

I saw the video at a bowling alley and was shocked and disgusted at how much they had ruined the classic. <_<
Syd, I love you more now. This is my new favorite thread.

- Anything sung by Avril Lavigne.

- That "Under Pressure" cover by The Used and whoever. As if a coupla shite screamo bands could to Freddy and Bowie. Bastards.

- I'm with MP on the Country this. ESPECIALLY all this new country pop crap on the radio.

- anything remotely involved with American Idol.
No, I haven't. I've been so off the scene since I quit my job at the record store.

I did just get the new Ted Leo album, though. It's a bit to political imho. I hate it when musicians write songs to be intentionally political. Pisses me off, really.

Also, I hate Bette Midler's version of Mambo Italiano.
- Anything sung by Avril Lavigne.

- That "Under Pressure" cover by The Used and whoever. As if a coupla shite screamo bands could to Freddy and Bowie. Bastards.

This sounds familiar.

I knew you'd be a person with similarly...strong opinions on the subject of music.

Now all sorts of stupid people think that's where my email addy and gamertag come from, and chelicious was a nickname of mine WAY before anyone had heard of dumb Fergie.
- Anything sung by Avril Lavigne.
What are you talking about? She's, like, sooo totally punk dude you can't even handle it. It's like, like how I'm totally punk cuz my mom just doesn't get me and my sister yells at me for wearing her pants all the time but really I'm just, like, keeping it real against all the evil sheep and conformists out there, and, like, on my myspace, Avril Lavigne just totally gets me.

Also, that rap hate made me think of some line I heard ages ago: rap is to music as etch-a-sketch is to real art.
I respectfully disagree.

She hasn't heard Jurrassic 5, Quarashi, Kleptones, or, you know, Beastie. All those are more hip hop than rap (Kleptones is mostly bastard pop, really) but speaking 'rap' broadly.
I didn't say I hated rap. Did I? I just said I was reminded of that line.

Though, mostly, I do hate rap, well, talentless rap.

I do love the Beastie Boys.
Sounds rad. i saw J5 back when they had CC and he was insanely good. walking around with a hand held turntable, it was the best dj session i've ever seen