Random thoughts go here

The reindeer section have been played on both Grey's anatomy and The OC. in 2004. two years after the band played their last gig. Way to miss the boat America!
I'm think I should start going to the gym since my friend who is practically a potato by now is starting to go to the gym... I can't let him beat me in looks now.
Today I am feeling remarkably content, even though I have an awful headache and a cough. The weather looks like it's finally going to let Spring come through, and my life is tranquil because I finally have a goal and a way to get to it that is making everything around me, in life and in general, fall perfectly into place. It's an amazing feeling, realizing that you finally know what you're supposed to do and how you're supposed to do it.
agreed. brains definitely adds to hotness. i also like when babes have nerd glasses. pretty much like the two most awesome babes i know have ever met wear nerd glasses.
heck yes i am! and one of them appears to be interested in me for some reason

i think its the outfit i wore to botcon last year, dont you?
What do you mean costume?

< is my true skin. problem is if i dont cover up in public then the people tend to freak out for some reason