
Being in Richmond, Virginia for a few days and having the opportunity to buy some Delirium Tremens. It is my favorite beer, and it will make me happy because I plan to share it with my friends when I get back to Vermont. Tangentially, I also saw the graves of Jefferson Davis and James Monroe.
Have you heard of Mika? He is awesome, I just want to dance and sing when I hear his songs. :) :) :)

Always having some pithy quote to respond to anyone with makes me happy. And simultaneously sad.

Being able to spell "simultaneously" right in one go makes me happy.
Bank holiday weekend spent milling around English countryside on my "new" racing bike listening to Led Zep. Simple things for simple minds.
Well, not so hasty, I will rush away again. Into plain happiness, actually. Travelling around my beloved continent, spending cash which is not my own ( :lol: ) and meeting a lot of people...

But who be ze segond Brit??