You Might Not Know...

YMNK you can't get a one-bedroom for under $1000/month here and we can't even get hockey players to willingly stay here.
YMNK that I've had a couple of friends offer rooms becoming available in April, but I'm not sure if I should take them
I did know that! Doesn't seem like an ideal situation. especially given your geographic location.

YMNK that I missed the perfect opportunity last night. It was practically punching me in the face
YMNK Wellfleet, Massachusetts has the only town clock in the world that strikes ship's time. (Rings every half hour, to a maximum of 8 rings at the end of each four hour period.)
YMNK a lady had a severe allergic reaction to some mold on a case of organic beer at my work today. There was an ambulance and everything. The beer has been quarantined.
YMNK that I was disappointed Kanye didn't ruin any of those events. I'm hoping he makes an appearance at the BAFTAs next year
YMNK I discovered that one of my wisdom teeth has erupted sideways and backwards recently, so its pointing directly out of my head