Embassy of The Pacific

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As per the Imperial Decree of Emeperor Bovinus, I hereby present myself to The North Pacific as your new ambassador. Also, in accord with the Proclamation I will also be building a Pacific Orthodox chapel which will be administered by myself, under the jurisdiction of the Ordo Herectius.

Praise ADMIN!
Hail Emperor Moo-Cows!
Long Live the Memories of the Pacifian Folk Heroes!
Hail the New Pacific Order and her Pax Pacifica!
er.. there is little point linking us to a board post we do not have permission to view.

Perhaps you could reprint the decree here?
My mistake, here's the proclamation.

Hail Comrades!

Today is a great day to be a Pacifican. We begin the journey towards Pax Pacifica, which is to be the most glorious jewel ever seen in NationStates. It is time for all of us to pick up the mantle and contribute to this great region. It is time for all of us to awaken from our slumber and bring the light of Admin to the outside.

Since its creation, the Ordo Hereticus has served ADMIN faithfully. The templars have proven their devotion to ADMIN and The Pacific by silencing the hordes of the unfaithful who seek to tarnish the souls of our brethren by violating the sacred FAQ. Their unceasing efforts to preserve our moral foundation have led to a stronger Pacifica, held together by a loyalty to regional unity and faith.

The people's devotion to the Ordo Hereticus, though praised and encouraged, has left Pacifica with a shortage of active ambassadors. Our embassies across NationStates have fallen inactive. I shall not allow our embassies to become dusty relics from a prior age. The solution to the shortage of manpower lies, as all solutions do, in our Faith. An ambassador represents his home region, its values and principles. Our principles are derived from our single Pacific Orthodox Faith, which represents a beacon of hope in a world of darkness. Therefore the operation of embassies is hereby put under the jurisdiction of the Holy Ordo Hereticus. The templars shall post regional updates in embassies. The light of ADMIN shall spread forth from Mother Pacifica to our allies.

The new diplomatic wing of the Ordo Hereticus shall be comprised of our most loyal citizens. They have demonstrated their faith in ADMIN and have pledged their sword to His holy crusade.

Krulltopia shall be ambassador to The East Pacific
Senator Darkesia shall be ambassador to The New Meritocracy
Senator Karpathos shall be ambassador to The North Pacific
Triggerhappistan shall be ambassador to The South Pacific
Emperor Jake shall be ambassador to The West Pacific
Other assignments TBA

To compensate these individuals for their travels, I am commissioning the building of chapels in each of our embassies so that they may continue to practice their Faith.

We declare his glory among the heathens; his marvellous works among all nations. For great is Admin, and greatly to be praised; he also is to be feared above all gods.

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; and let nations say among regions, Admin reigneth.

Emperor Bovinus I
Divine Bovine Overlord
Today is a great day to be a Pacifican.

When I was in high school (and the school before that, and junior high school, down to reform elementary) the principal began every day's announcements with that statement ("It's a great day to be a Mudskipper!" etc). Oh, and the other stuff's all very lovely fluff as well. Hip Hip Hoo-hah and all that, time for tea.

This week in the Pacific is marked primarily by change in the Foreign Office.  The embassies of The East Pacific, The North Pacific, The South Pacific, The West Pacific and The New Meritocracy have been turned over to the control of The Holy Ordo Hereticus, the NPO's elite, political police force. 

Among the duties of the Ordo Hereticus, is enforcing anti-spam ordinances pertaining to both the NPO forums and The Pacific RMB, resulting in the ejection and banning of several notorious Userite Spammers from both The Pacific and even Nationstates.  It is the Ordo's belief that the Feederite Regional RMB should be the tool of the Region, not a "want ads" for Userite Regions.  Members of a Feederite Region have an ADMIN-given right to surpress spam and use the RMB for their own ends, be it getting new nations to join the Regional Forums, or simple discussion.  It should create rules to govern the RMB and nominate nations to enforce them.

The ambassador appointments are as follows:


Krulltopia has been appointed ambassador to The East Pacific.


Senator Karpathos has been appointed ambassador to The North Pacific.


Triggerhappistan has been appointed ambassador to The South Pacific.


Emperor Jake has been appointed Tambassador to the West Pacific.


Senator Darkesia has been appointed ambassador to The New Meritocracy.

In a surprise move, Emperor Jake has regretfully declined the appointment due to circumstances beyond his control.  There is much speculation as to whom Emperor Bovinus I will choose as a replacement. 

Elsewhere in The Pacific power structure, Emperor Bovinus I has made the following appointments:


Chosen Men has been appointed Senator of the Faith and Pacifican Indoctrination.


New Kervoskia has been appointed Senator of Economic Machinations and Statistical Manipulations.


Gaspo has been appointed Senator of Military Maneuvering and Special Projects.

Economically, The Pacific has revitalized its Prosperity District under the guidance of Senator New Kervoskia.  Several new businesses involving the full spectrum of service-oriented companies have sprung up, from infrastructure services like utilities to specialty shops. Additionally, a huge building project is underway.  Here is Senator New Kervoskia's announcement:

"The Council of Imperial Markets and the Imperial Bank of The Pacific proudly announces the largest public works project commissioned in the Prosperity District. We are calling upon all entrepreneurs, artists, architects, engineers, and all other interested parties to design and construct Pacifica’s capital city and administrative center. Contracts are limited and awarded on the basis of affordability and ability to complete the job with the utmost excellence and efficiency. There will be time constraints. Architects will be given two weeks to design a building and engineers will have one week to construct it."

Bidding has been fierce and construction continues. 




Emperor Bovinus I has decreed that RMB violations shall now result in the immediate ejection and banning of the offending Userite nation.  No warnings will be given.  While the previous policy has led to shorter advertisments and increased Region member discussion in the RMB, the Emperor has decreed a zero-tolerance policy to Userite spammers who violate the RMB laws.  The Ordo has moved to enforce this new decree with a blood-thirsty vengeance.  Because of these tactics, the Pacific Delegate's name is whispered among many Feederites to be Emperor Bovinus the Butcher.
Property Protection Initiative

  In order to protect the financial, intellectual, and entrepreneurial  property of the citizens of Pacifica, the Property Protection Initiative is hereby enacted. This initiative will also protect Pacifica's integrity by protecting the intellectual property and clearly defining Pacifinomics in the Prosperity District. The PPI consist of the following articles.

Article I.
All businesses and accounts are the property of their owners and shall be defended as such. Any attempt to hijack said business shall result in the ceasing of the hijacker's assets. Replication of businesses may only be done with the permission of the founder or owner.

Article II.
Pacifinomics is defined as the economic system of The Pacific. It consists of the Imperial Bank of The Pacific and the businesses and corporations residing in the Prosperity Districts. The system of private and corporate accounts established by the Imperial Bank of The Pacific and the system of exchange are the property of the sovereign government of The Pacific, the New Pacific Order and His Imperial Highness Emperor Bovinus I.

Article III.
The theories and models designed and instituted in the Prosperity District are henceforth no longer public domain for the international community, but rather for the furtherment of Pacifican prosperity and citizen enlightenment. The aforementioned property may only be replicated with the express permission of His Imperial Highness Emperor Bovinus I.

Article IV.
The Pacific may defend the property rights of its citizens and those who have established businesses in the Prosperity District. It may prosecute those who attempt to steal, hijack, or otherwise replicate without due credit and/or permission, the economic system established in The Pacific.

Emperor Bovinus I
Divine Bovine Overlord

Senator New Kervoskia
Senator Gaspo
Senator Darkesia
Senator Karpathos
Yes, it's gotten back to us that some unscrupulous characters have been pirating some of our materials. This statement is merely a reminder that our work is our own and cannot be copied without permission.
If I may ask, Senator, what does your region intend to do if they do discover such violations of the PPI?
Yes, it's gotten back to us that some unscrupulous characters have been pirating some of our materials. This statement is merely a reminder that our work is our own and cannot be copied without permission.
Oh Good Heavens! Who? Who?
If I may ask, Senator, what does your region intend to do if they do discover such violations of the PPI?

Any suspected breaches will be investigated on a case-by-case basis. As for what happens after, it depends on how bad it is.
If I may ask, Senator, what does your region intend to do if they do discover such violations of the PPI?

If, indeed, New Kervoskia's economic methods, including his system of exchange, theories and models, are proven to have been taken and used without permission, you can be sure we will strongly suggest that they no longer be used, as well as the individual(s) responsible for the transgressions be disciplined. We will also take action against said individual(s) in our own judicial system.

Speaking of problems, it seems that the North Pacific Army has chosen to adverstise on our RMB. Has the agreement to not recruit on feeder RMB's been revoked? Or do we have to revisit this yet again?

We are investigating this. At this stage we don't believe they are acting on behalf of TNP or the NPA, they are likely to be from outside the region and are attempting to cause trouble between the feeders.

Has there been a reversal of the agreement to not recruit on another feeder's RMB? Or a joke? Or just some mad spammer? This was just posted on our RMB:

8 minutes ago  The Kingdom of Great Bights Pop  Are you tired of oppression?
Of a region where you might be ejected at a moments whim of the rulers?
Of an government that doesn't listen to it's people?

Then join THE NORTH PACIFIC, the only representative of feeder democracy!!


And our forum:


Only the North Pacific can give you freely open SPAM areas!
The North Pacific lets <i>you</i> vote on the delegate's vote on UN resolutions!
The North Pacific allows <i>you</i> to elect all of its officials!

The North Pacific is the region of true freedom!


So I was right this is Deja Vu.

:headbang: at whoever did it again.
Good Evening to the Friends of The North Pacific!

I am Blamange, and I present myself to you as The Pacific's new Ambassador as of 21st April 2007. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all.

If you want to know more about your new Ambassador from The Pacific, follow this website link:

The Dynamic Supernova Explosions of Blamange

Be prepared for an update coming very soon to an Embassy near you! :D
Well this is my first update to you from The Pacific, enjoy! :D

The Latest Updates from The Pacific: 24th April 2007

New Ambassador Assignments
Emperor Moo-Cows with Guns has decreed that the most loyal nations of the New Pacific Order serve as ambassadors to The Pacific's neighboring regions in a continuing effort to strengthen relations. The list of appointments include the returning nation of Blamange, the Patriarch Chosen Men, veteran Pacifican warriors like Senators Gaspo and Darkesia, as well as several newer faces.

The assignments are as follows:

* The West Pacific: Senator Karpathos
* The East Pacific: Krulltopia
* The South Pacific: Latagon
* The North Pacific: Blamange
* Gatesville: Senator Chosen Men
* Great Britain & Ireland: Senator Karpathos
* Germany: Senator Darkesia
* USSR: Camozayo
* Equilism: Triggerhappistan**
* The New Meritocracy: Camozayo
* Catlandopia: Fal Dara in Shienar
* FCSTO: Senator Gaspo
* Taijitu: Emperor Jake
* The Commune: Latagon
* Lazarus: Limitless Events
* Alpha Omega: Emperor Matthuis
* Cingeta: Aragesh
* North Pacific: Starenell
* The Great Land of the Moon: Laws and Bylaws
* Lone Wolves United: Senator Gaspo
* The Stronghold: Blamange

**Black Templar Triggerhappistan has respectfully declined the ambassadorial appointment, citing poor health and excellent pharmaceuticals.

In response to the increased ambassadorial activity, several regions have recently opened or reopened their embassies. Both The Promenade of Plenipotentiaries and the Halls of Intercontinental Enticement again hum with the sounds of diplomacy.

The Spam War
Pacifican nations continue to wage their war against RMB spam. The efforts of the Pacific Citizenry have resulted in several spammer ejections and bannings. The rules are simple:

* Brevity: A 15 line limit on all messages
* Courtesy: Be respectful of the citizens of The Pacific and the sitting delegate
* Scarcity: One RMB spam message every 24 hours

The Ordo Hereticus wants YOU
The Ordo Hereticus is currently recruiting in The Pacific and other regions with established chapters. Several candidates are awaiting Black Cardinal Lord Agamemnon Mustang's final approval.

Lazarus Invaded!
Responding to a call for aid by Dezzland, Delegate to Lazarus, a small detachment of Pacific Army Troopers inserted into the embattled region to help repel invaders led by the Red Berets of Imperus Shakka. The situation appears to be well under control and the detachment has since returned to The Pacific. Though for all practical purposes the danger has passed, Lazarus remains on high alert.

Pacifican Threat Neutralized
Last week, we reported an external threat to the delegacy of Emperor Bovinus I. This weekend, all Pacifican forces were given orders to stand down. Current threat level: Low

It is with heavy heart that I must file a formal protest about what I perceive to be a TNP action against The Pacific. Whether it was an NPIA action, I do not know. But posts made my Mesian/Futur Knecht in his campaign thread clearly indicate there was some effort to disrupt my region and some level of involvement on the part of high-ranking TNP government officials. He was put on trial for his treasonous comments on our RMB and our forum and was subsequently banned. If he was an agent provacateur sent by TNP, the case will be revisited and a higher charge will be levied.

The Pacific is greatly disturbed by these revelations. This is an assault upon our sovereignty. We demand a full investigation be conducted, with the results to be made public. More immediately, however, The Pacific demands a full apology.
As Black Cardinal Lord, I fully support Emperor Bonvinus' statement.

It is saddening that such an action was supposedly ordered by a region we thought of as friends... I hope The North Pacific can rectify this breach of trust.
For what it's worth, your grace: our Prime Minister appears to be investigating the allegations made against Messian. Hopefully, we can resolve these matters quickly and without further damage to our relations.
Emperor, I apologise for any offence The North Pacific may have caused but until an investigation has been carried out by the NPIA, I am sorry to say that I do not think we can apologise until we know what has really happened. It is difficult since the current Director of the NPIA, Tresville hasn't been seen for a month and Hersfold the previous Director has retired.

I sincerely hope that this matter can be resolved quickly and without damaging the relations between these great two Feeders any further.

It disturbs me there has been no official response of any kind. Let me remind you that The Pacific has never been known for patience. And there is no inclination to start now.

I apologize; there has been a response of sorts. It is of no concern to us that people have disappeared. It is of concern to us that it is fairly obviously damning that an operation was engaged against The Pacific and that there appears to be only stalling.

We will not wait for you to clean your house. You need to take responsibility for what transpired.
We have elections in two days, the people who could deal with this are more than likely going to be replaced in less than a week. I would say the chances of a speedy resolution are slim.

That is unfortunate. It would behoove that those who are in a position to deal with this to do so, and to make it a priority. ADMIN knows if it were the other way around your people would be clamoring for our heads.

Failure to make this a priority and to at least make an effort to resolve this leads us to believe that good relations between our two feeders are not important to your leaders here.

That is really not our problem. Nor should it get in the way of the right thing being done.

But it seems to me no one is addressing the issue. Just because Mesian's campaign is over, do not think this is finished. We want an inquiry into this and we want to know the results. Either your government was involved, or the NPIA went rogue. Either way, we have a right to know. Either way, we will know. And we will respond accordingly.

Should you continue to do nothing, we will also respond accordingly.

A warrant will be issued for Mesian to be put on trial due to the information he revealed in his thread for crimes against the Pacific state.
A warrant will be issued for Mesian to be put on trial due to the information he revealed in his thread for crimes against the Pacific state.

I offer myself to the NPO authorities, to prevent any further hostilities or fall-out.

Keeping it Real

At the moment it is impossible for me, or any other member of the cabinet bar the Prime Minister, to make a strong comment on this- simply because we have no knowledge of anything to do with NPIA operations. Only the Prime Minister has access to what the NPIA has done and is doing and as such we are waiting on him to uncover an information regarding these allegations.
Perhaps it is time your Prime Minister contact us either publicly or privately with regards to his progress on this investigation.

In the interest of continued relations with our sister feeders, I feel compelled to remind the authorities of The North Pacific that we in The Pacific have a different definition of "speedy resolution." It is our hope that representatives of TNP will be forthcoming with information before our inquiry and Mesian's trial reaches a speedy resolution.
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