Nominations for Elected Positions

Hersfold, I never declared my intention to run for Vice Delegate, I just wanted to see if it counted towards term limits. I'm only running for SC.
While I hold no illusions of my chances when running against such noble statemen as Heft and Flemingovia, especially within the north, I accept my nomination to stand for Prime Minister of this great region.

I would also like to stand for a position on the Security Council. As Heft stated, if we must have it then we might as well have it be effective.
I, King Yinthrak of C'tul Murgos, do hereby declare my intent to run for the position of Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs.
The nomination period is now closed. At this point, no further nominations or declarations will be accepted, and those nations already nominated will appear on the official ballot on August 1st.

Thank you to everyone who has decided to run for office. I will be contacting you shortly regarding election procedures.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Prime Minister
Election Commissioner