^ honours me with his change of sig. :blush:
D Democratic Donkeys TNPer Jul 31, 2006 #1,644 ^Knows I haven't showered in a few days because < was partying hard all weekend. edit: TGl2aW5nIHVwIHRvIGV4cGVjdGF0aW9ucyEgOlA=
^Knows I haven't showered in a few days because < was partying hard all weekend. edit: TGl2aW5nIHVwIHRvIGV4cGVjdGF0aW9ucyEgOlA=
Monumental Proportions TNPer Jul 31, 2006 #1,646 ^ is a Floydophiliac, which < assumes means that ^ wants to do Pink Floyd over and over.
OPArsenal TNPer Aug 1, 2006 #1,648 north harmoneia: ^OPA's Fbuddy... I wonder what F stands for.. Click to expand... Fun. ^ is really sweet and happy at life.
north harmoneia: ^OPA's Fbuddy... I wonder what F stands for.. Click to expand... Fun. ^ is really sweet and happy at life.
S Sydia TNPer Aug 1, 2006 #1,655 I thought ^ was on the BBC news front page. The line read: "OAP pays for op with fake cheque" Which I read "OPA pays for op with fake cheque" Up to his old tricks again, I thought, before my brain woke up.
I thought ^ was on the BBC news front page. The line read: "OAP pays for op with fake cheque" Which I read "OPA pays for op with fake cheque" Up to his old tricks again, I thought, before my brain woke up.
Monumental Proportions TNPer Aug 1, 2006 #1,658 ^ has a strange number sequence in his sig. What is that anyway?