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^ overestimates my Civ IV skills; even with the B-man as co-Consul we managed to lose Milton Keynes. :(

^ would never lose Milton Keynes!
only if i got the great wall (best wonder ever, it stops all barbarians from getting into your borders). works a treat.

^ appears to be overestimating my skills, i struggle on the third easiest difficulty
^ will be disappointed that despite my natural British tendency towards supervillianry, I don't actually have a mustache to twirl. :(
If ^ ever wonders what England really looks like, I took this on a 12-mile bike sojourn yesterday. This is England!

^takes pictures of his own country on sojourns of his own country. or perhaps takes a computer with pictures of his country on sojourns. this is making my head hurt...
^ would be so handy to have around when stupid sisters bring their stupid friends over to watch a stupid movie on the last stupid vacation night of the season.