Describe the Person Above You

^^ Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised,
as they start to cry hands held to the sky,
In the night the fires burning bright,
the ritual has begun, Satan's work is done,
666 the Member number of the Beast!
Sacrifice is going on tonight!

^ not remotely satanic. Truly angelic, if anything.
^ trying to hypnotise us with her sig. What's that, red and white line? You want me to do...what? I couldn't possibly! Who'd clean up the mess?
< will mesmerise now ^, ^^, ^^^, ^^^^ and ^^^^^ with a totally happy and merry Christmas wish, and nice holidays and réposez-vous bien and all that kind of stuff, happy New Year and hopefully we will all see eacht other sane and whole in 2008. I wish you health, wealth if you like, the weather you like in good but modest doses, the person you like by your side every day. Cauky...