Describe the Person Above You

^ is on Compylark(tm) Vista.

Oh, and if all else fails in RoN nuke 'em. Preferably from orbit. The only way to be sure.
^ has awesome taste in the videogames and laydees. sign me up for a 4 player RoN off as well. although i might need some practice before we go for it.
there was no way to put them in and not have them be ridiculously overpowered. Our kangaroo riders were known to take down 10x their number in tanks.

^ doesnt play as his home country?
I do when a patriotic mood strikes, but there's no matching getting your Cossacks to raid enemy supply wagons and watching an invasion force drop dead. :lol:

^ thinks Australia should also have a Crocodile Dundee style commando.
^ could offend people like that. we dont take to kindly to Crocodile whatevers down here.

And i'll remember to protect the supply wagons at all costs. good thing i dont mind playing as the dutch. they get armed supply wagons dont they?
^ probably doesn't want to hear my Rolf Harris impression either.

Yup, and armed caravans, although they still get killed pretty quick.
^ is correct. I'll refrain from doing dodgy cockney accents in return.

Yeah i cant decide whether to play as the dutch or the indians. i do love the indian city bonuses, but the dutch is a semipatriotic thing
^ thank good Christ, we get enough of Cockney nonsense in EastEnders.

The Dutch are probably the best economic nation for the increased production caps they get. One other to try, though; the Bantu. Build the Colossus, upgrade your military line, get some peacocks and swarm the enemy; you'll have 100 greater pop cap, IIRC.
^ is overestimating my abilities a bit, I haven't played it in ages! These days it's all Oblivion and M2: Total War.

Tried to get into Command and Conquer 3 but it made me put me fist through the wall.

I doubt ^'s wall rage was cause by an alien air fleet picking off your AA guns and laughing to themselves. Or Nod nuking your base seconds before a commando reached the silo to blow it up. Or aliens deploying a super-elite base defence the *instant* your expensive airforce arrives to bomb their superweapon, prompting your airforce to become scrap metal. Or...
^ smashes his face onto a marble counter that has the words "Save Yourself Now." etched into it. This is the inward etching but the outward etching so whenever Syber smashes his face, the words become imprinted onto his forehead. Yet do to his erratic movements, the words do not fully imprint in only one area, but move all around Syb's face, so that you might see different snippets of the phase not only on his forehead, but also on his nose, cheeks, ears, and left nipple.