Regional Update 15th May 2006
UN Delegate:
Insane Power.
Nations: 1096
Delegacy in Crisis
Insane Power has been forced to defend himself after just two weeks in post as the Delegate of the Lexicon, following reports that aliens helped him win the election
[*] These damaging claims were published by one of the delegate's own High Council, WelshCorgis, in an article he wrote during the election.
[*] Also implicated was ex-delegate Fulhead Land, who IP claims is "an alien". The cabbage has been unavailable for comment.
[*] The original article has been republished below in the interests of journalistic objectivity:
Secret photos of Insane Power's corruption were embarrassingly published by one Lexiconian newspaper
New Senators
[*] The Lexicon's Native Senate has welcomed three new Senators to the Rolls out of the 117 citizens currently eligible.
[*] The new senators are The G Rebellion, Marcica and Sovereign Dixie.
[*] Two other candidates are currently undergoing their application process
[*] The Senate recently passed internal procedures to ensure that senators remain active, including the possibility of being dropped from the Senate Rolls if a member misses three or more votes
External Affairs
[*] The Lexicon is pleased to announce the resumption of normal relations with Jethnea after an unpleasant incident earlier this Spring.
[*] The region is also happy to have opened two new embassies, to North Pacific and The New Meritocracy
The main reason for opening the new embassies was to throw lavish and boozy parties
Role Play
A Lexicon War has started recently, with The Alliance and Coalition going Head-to-head for supplies! Myroria has recently turned into a giant corporation, MDP and PLTO are meeting to talk about the recent war in Romanar, Gaulisia has coronated a new king, and The Celtic Queen and Yellowstone Valley are going about their peaceful ways *cough* as usual.
By Marcica
[*] The Lexicon's busy community continues both to grow and to entertain under new HC Community, TCM, who herself has something to celebrate as she approaches 8500 posts!
[*] Blogs, poetry and gig/album reviews are all to be found in the Real Life section
[*] Meanwhile, in the Discussion Chamber, lively yet well-mannered debates are taking place on all manner of subjects from murder to abortion.
[*] A "Lexicon University" has been started in the hope that we all might gain from the RL experiences of our regionmates, with articles on subjects as diverse as Human Physiology and International Relations theory.
The staple food of many Lexiconian nations
The Lexicon Confederacy
[*] The Lexicon Confederacy Centre, or TLCC, has officially been opened and The Lexicon is in talks with a number of regions about membership
[*] The aim of the Centre is to not only to show prospective members what The Lexicon can offer them, but also for the member regions to converse in a new and exiting environment
[*] The Lexicon Confederacy is a keystone of Delegate Insane Power's plans for The Lexicon, and was set up to foster very close relations with regions interested in mutual help and understanding
[*] Unlike other organisations of this type, the principle aims of TLC are mutual support and aid, rather than the tunnel vision focus on the Neanderthal interests of defence which is so prevalent in NS today.
The opening of The Lexicon Confederacy Centre coincided with the annual "Wear Something Victorian" Day
Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
IRC( #The_Lexicon