Embassy of The Lexicon

Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
On behalf of The North Pacific, welcome to your new Embassy!

The minibar is fully stocked and there are a number of servants at your beck and call. If you have any problems or requests please contact the Minister of External Affairs office or the forum admins.
Thank you, Haor Chall.

:hello: The North Pacific!

Please join us at the residence for a champagne reception celebrating the exchange of embassies between our great regions.


We will be holding open house until ... I get tired of champagne.


In other words, stop in anytime.

As you will see in clause No. 4 of the Embassy Agreement below, we would love to have you join us on our forum as well. Here is a link: The Lexicon Forum

Embassy Agreement between The North Pacific and The Lexicon


Both Parties to this agreement recognise The North Pacific government as the legitimate governing body of The North Pacific and The Lexicon government as the legitimate governing body of The Lexicon. Both regions agree to an exchange of embassies.

1. It is understood that both regions remain sovereign as do each region's nations.

2. This agreement establishes no obligation for either region to involve itself in any way in the military or politial affairs of the other region.

3. Each region will place an embassy in the region of the other, in order to further communication between the two nations. The embassy will act as a voice of the region within the other, and will respect the laws of foreign soil. This will be done with due process and by request.

4. The regions entering into this understanding agree to encourage their nations to register and participate on the other's forum, so that both regions can get to know each other and so our friendship may be strengthened. Additionally, members of each region shall have an automatic invitation to all festive occasions in either region.

5. Both regions agree that promoting and passing better UN resolutions is a common objective to be pursued seperately.

6. This agreement is between The North Pacific and The Lexicon only and does not affect any current or future agreements or treaties.

7. Both regions agree to maintain activity within their embassies and recognise that their embassy may be closed if it remains inactive for more than 30 days.

8. The agreement may be reviewed and Terminated by the Governing Bodies of either Region with 24 hours notice.
So come on then, whats the juice on the Lexicon Empire?

It was mentioned that the TLA helped 'free Zodiac Triangle from ADN repression'. What were those ADN ninjas up to this time? :ph34r:
So, continuing the discussion in your consulate...

The TLA were called in to help an ally, which we duly did. The Lexicon is now helping the region find it's feet, stability and establish itself. The Lexicon, through The Lexicon Confederacy (TLC) is geared to helping smaller regions develop. We have requested for natives of the Zodiac Triangle to come forward to create a Government for the region. Our experience has shown that a region of this size struggles to maintain an active forum, so we are providing facilities on ours until such a point that it is no longer needed.

We look forward to working with them, to expand and bring prosperity to the region.

So was the ally you were called in to help the Zodiac Triangle? What I am getting at is, was it the native community of The Zodiac Triangle who called you in, or some outside force?
We were called in by the Delegate of ZT. We are there now as a peacekeeping exercise, I believe my earlier post explains the situation. I am sure further discussion can be directed to the ZT Government when created and in their consulate should they choose to open one here.
Real life issues was the reason we were given for their desire to step down. To save clogging our Embassy up with this chat, if you have any further questions direct them to me via PM on The Lexicon's forum.
I must say that it is quite refreshing to see a region take such an interest in foreign affairs not for promoting their political ideals of communism, fascism, democracy or anarchy but simply to promote the region itself. I have seen what you were able to do (and prove to still be doing) with The Lexicon in such a short amount of time and have faith that you will be able to do much good for other regions.
Thank you, Fedele.

For the rest of my tenure as Ambassador, I will welcome questions about my region, either here of by PM. I do not, however, propose to host debates here. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Again, I invite citizens of The North Pacific to join our forum at: The Lexicon Forum. It is a great source of information and entertainmant.

Now, have a drink, try the hors d'ourves and enjoy our hospitality :)
Ohhh champagne and from the Diplomatic Budget.


I'll take a glass if I may Eudelphia.

And hello of course to friends, old and new, in TNP.
Welcome to the residence Cathyy and Namyeknom :)

Sugar Bear, the embassy mascot says, "Better be nice to my ladies."

He'll probably let you pet him, then :)

Plenty of caviar to go with that champagne, if you like.
Hmm...caviare....we only get that in the Co-Founders Restaurant on very special days.

I really must have a word with IP about this 'Diplomatic Budget' he keeps referring to!

*helps myself to some caviare*

And another glass of champagne would be lovely :)
Regional Update 28th February 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.

The Lexicon News

[*]The Lexicon opened new Embassies in:

The Pacific - Our Ambassador, Kalmukia
Gatesville - Our Ambassador, Shoeless Joe
LWU - Our Ambassador, TBA

Our Consulate was also upgraded to an Embassy in The North Pacific, thanks to the hard work of Eudelphia.

[*]Our Senate grew stronger, with the additions of:

HappyCleanLand and
The Crazy Monkeymen

[*] The first four Govenors were elected, an office created to help look after our younger nations. Once again breaking ground the Govenors produced the first edition of The Lexicon Telegraph, a fortnightly newspaper sent to all our nations by telegram aimed to particuarly help keep those that are non forum based keep abreast of the latest news.


[*]The first edition of The Lexicon Telegraph rolls off the printing presses in telegram format[/i]

TLA Soldiers are delighted with their peacekeeping exercises, bringing stability back to otherwise wartorn regions.


The TLA stand proud and unbeaten

[*] The most southernly shores of The Lexicon are delighted in the arrival of Spring.


The beautiful Lexiconian Crocus makes it's short lived appearance, marking the start of Spring

United Nations

The Lexicon voted against 'Remittances and Tiny Deposits'

Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
Forum: http://s13.invisionfree.com/TheLexicon
IRC(Esper.net) #The_Lexicon
Hi, Lexicographers Study.

Could you let us know what the long term result has been of your action in Zodiac Triangle?

Looking at the region tonight there seems to be only 9 nations there, no UN delegate, and most of the nations left in the region seem to be Lexicon or LWU puppets.

Debate on the regional board seems to suggest that Lexicon nations have noticed this too...

7 days ago  The Grand Duchy of L D K  Where ain't much natives left after our liberation... Was that ethnical cleaning? :D

6 days ago  The Dominion of Kerub  I was noticing that too. I think we're 10 of the 16 nations left in the region.

So what is happening in the region?
Good morning, Flemingovia,

Other than that Ravusperna has requested endos in an offer to assume the delegacy, the situation remains as described in the message board quotes you included in your post above.

It is premature at this point ot discuss long term results.
Regional Update 11th March 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.

The Lexicon News

Cartwrightia was appointed as The Lexicon Ambassador to LWU.
A new Embassy was opened with Elda Atulat

The second edition of The Lexicon Telegraph came out on time and on budget and is being distributed to all the Lexiconian nations following the rave reviews of the first edition.

The Delegate, Lexiconhead (aka Fulhead Land) Celebrated his Birthday.


The TLA salute the Delegate at a military display put on for his birthday


Fulhead Land (Right) gets rather carried away with the foam at his party later in the day

Cathyy co-founder of The Lexicon and former Delegate of The North Pacific was interviewed by The Aegis Pacifican Examiner.

Our forum has swelled to 438 active users.

United Nations

The Lexicon voted for 'Abortion Legality Convention'

Nationstates region: The_Lexicon
Forum: http://s13.invisionfree.com/TheLexicon
IRC(Esper.net) #The_Lexicon
We are VERY excited in The Lexicon this evening - we now have a few over 1,000 nations in our great region!

That would still be Gatesville with 1,142 nations (Delegate endorsemets: 244). The Lexicon is at 1,006 nations (Delegate endorsements: 112).

Of course, by the time you read this The Lexicon will probably have 1500 nations. :P

I commend The Lexicon on its masterful recruitment abilities.
Thank you, friends :hug:

Cathyy not only has the recruiting organized to a fare-thee-well, but she, her awesome sidekick The Crazy Monkeymen and IP have worked extremely hard (with help from a number of wonderful Lexiconians) to reach this benchmark.

Of course, the fact that The Lexicon is a great, fun reion with loads of interesting members doesn't hurt!
Just in case you guys wondered if anybody fell for your April Fool's joke ... :blush:
Regional Update 04 April 2006

UN Delegate: Lexiconhead.
Nations:957 Delegate Endorsments: 111

The Lexicon News

Delegate, Lexiconhead, declares the beggining of the April 1st revolution and the forming of the glorious republic of The Lexicon!

Tanks descend on The Lexicon Capitol

The next day the revolution ended, and the government revealed it was all an April Fools Day Hoax! Revolutionaries everywhere were dismayed.

Delegate Lexiconhead celebrates his 100th day in office

its been a long 100 days....

The Senate has expanded again with the following nations being confirmed:
Yellowstone Valley

The third edition of The Lexicon Telegraph being telegrammed to all the resident nations.

The Lexicon OOC posters go from strength to strength, with Spammer-In-Chief The Crazy Monkeymen winning a new record of 6 days as Poser of the Day! Other strong showings come from Monkey, Chelle, and new nation Katinooth! This has been no easy task with over 1700 posts made in a single day!

Election fever hits The Lexicon with the announcment of upcoming elections for delegate! Candidates include founders Insane Power and Wilkshire.

Role Play News- Presented by King Rat
Well, In RP there has happened quit a lot and The Lexicon is really not the peaceful little cosy place it is in RL.

Since the RP got going, there have been two major conflicts, one of which saw more than 5 million troops in the field in a peace forcing intervention.
There have also been two minor conflicts, several revolutions, both peaceful and violent ones.
There has been an unexplained nuclear strike, major displays of armed force and ballistic missile trials and exercises.
Several nations have also, as you might have noticed, expanded, either through exploring unknown territory or by colonizing new lands.
Out of the chaos, two alliances have formed, the PLTO or Pan-Lexicon Treaty Organization and the LDI or Lexicon Defence Initiative.
These alliances have polarized each other and tensions are slowly growing, WMD's are present in both alliances but the PLTO has strongly voiced their intentions not to use any armed actions if it can in any way be avoided. The LDI has voiced similiar intentions although not at all that forcefully.

Also there are several space projects running, covering both peaceful and military interests, both on the moon and in orbit.

A new spiecies of bipedal lizards, similiar to raptors but not as agressive and suitable for riding has also been discovered in one of the large desserts on the Lexicon main island along with a nomadic people whose lives and culture revolves around these great reptiles.
This dessert is now part of The Holy Empire of King Rat.
United Nations
currently being debated is Repeal Scientific Freedom
I know what I meant to ask. What happened with the re-establishment of Zodiac Triangle? Presumably enough time has passed that the results of your military intervention can be assessed.
The native residents of the region showed no interest in making the region more active or more stable and were generally inactive even when The Lexicon came. The Lexicon was able to do little more than prolong the life of a dying patient, at no fault of theirs. Some regions simply have no desire to be active.
Thanks, Fedele. You hit the nail on the head :)