Regional Assembly Sign Up

Don't know where to post this, so I'll just do it here...

I'm moving Moo-Moo Land out of TNP, and instead moving Land_of_Tropic (a puppet) back here. Therefore, my RA membership is now tied to the nation Land_of_Tropic?

Anyways, just a notification
I, Electric Goats, as Leader of Electric Goats, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.

Hem, Please.
do i have to?

I, Azazel, as the leader of the Azazels Goatfarem, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.

(as ever)
"I, Glenon, as Leader of the Galactic Federation of Erisga, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific."
I, Public Relations HQ, as Leader of the Grand Duchy of Public Relations HQ, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.
I, Mr. PRHQ, leader of the Republic of Public Relations HQ, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.
I, Tresville, as Leader of Magicality City, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.
I, Knockavale, as Leader of The Republic of Knockavale's Swansong and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific."
I, Steve Perry, as Leader of The Republic Teruchev and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific."
I, Americanicus I, as Leader of the Imperial Dominion of Americanicus I, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.
"I, Sirixis, as Leader of The Disappearing Nation of Sirixis, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific."

(I know you don't need a reason, but I'm applying because I'd like to be allowed to be part of Flemingovia's discussion on whether or not to change our elections to first past the post or not. This seems to be a subject that all registered voters should be able to comment on what with elections being the main thing they can participate in and all. But it's not my call, so I'll take the path of least resistance and play along.)
"I, Sirixis, as Leader of The Disappearing Nation of Sirixis, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific."

(I know you don't need a reason, but I'm applying because I'd like to be allowed to be part of Flemingovia's discussion on whether or not to change our elections to first past the post or not. This seems to be a subject that all registered voters should be able to comment on what with elections being the main thing they can participate in and all. But it's not my call, so I'll take the path of least resistance and play along.)
Why I'm trying to merge them. :D

You're approved.
"I, Nuclearweapons, as Leader of Nuclearweapons, and as a Registered Voter in The North Pacific, request membership in the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific."

I registered to vote about 10 mintues before I made this post. So since that is pending I figured I would also request membership in the Regional Assembly. I am sorry if I did this wrong.
Application denied because I had to deny the RV one.

If you want, you can include this oath when you apply to register to vote and get it all done at once.