Dear IG


Dear IG,

I'm looking to buy some ice cream. Should I get mint choco chip or cookies and cream?

Dear Cravings,

It all depends how you are spending your post ice-cream time. Mint choc. chip is great if you're going to be making out later. But cookies and cream is also great for milkshakes, as well as your regular everyday bowl of ice cream.

As with every crucial decision, your ice cream should reflect your goals.

Dear IG,

I'm big, soft and hairy. I squeek when you squeeze me. I have buttons for eyes. Will you take me home with you?

Feddy Bear
Dear IG,

How do you write a letter? I used one of those enclosurepedias (or whatever you call them) but I got confused.

Your friend,
Dear IG,

I'm big, soft and hairy. I squeek when you squeeze me. I have buttons for eyes. Will you take me home with you?

Feddy Bear
Dear Feddy Bear,

I would love to, but I think my dog would chew your nose off, and you'd just wind up in a slushy, muddy puddle in the backyard. Or you'd wind up on the shelf with all my other plushies, and I'd probably just resent you for gathering so much dust. Although, I might seriously contemplate it if you have, say, mad Speak N' Spell capabilities. Or lasers.


Dear IG,

How do you write a letter? I used one of those enclosurepedias (or whatever you call them) but I got confused.

Your friend,
Dear AI,

The answer to that question is: anonymously. If it really matters to them, they'll find you out.



P.S. If that doesn't help, this PDF shows you the proper formatting for a business letter. A friendly letter can be a bit less formal, obviously.
Dear IG,

Having managed to kick the habit for a week or two, the OOC life no longer appeals to me in the way it did. Am I getting too old for this, or do I just need a spam binge?

Your sincerely,

The spam wagon rider...
Dear IG

I have this growth on my behind and it started talking to me yesterday. Should I go to the doctor or will it go away on its own?

That guy with the growth on the behind
Dear IG,

I can't stop the rhyme; I do it all the time. With every breath I take another rhyme I make. You can make is stop, I hope, or else I'll slip on the slippery slope. Make me stop and make me free. I need help, can't you see?

In a pear,
Feddy Bear
Dear IG,

Have you ever thought of what life would be like if you were a mountain goat?

Curiously weird,
Pucky McPuckerson
Dear IG

I have this growth on my behind and it started talking to me yesterday. Should I go to the doctor or will it go away on its own?

That guy with the growth on the behind

I find that massage is pretty much the only thing that works in those cases. Or surgery. Acupuncture maybe? Anyway, this is one way to find out who your real friends are. I say take advantage of the opportunity and ask for a friendly rub.

Dear IG,

I can't stop the rhyme; I do it all the time. With every breath I take another rhyme I make. You can make is stop, I hope, or else I'll slip on the slippery slope. Make me stop and make me free. I need help, can't you see?

In a pear,
Feddy Bear
Dear Feddy Bear,

I suggest you PM DD a lot, asking the same thing in the same manner. That should help. And be very entertaining.


Dear IG,

Have you ever thought of what life would be like if you were a mountain goat?

Curiously weird,
Pucky McPuckerson
Dear Mr. McPuckerson,

Not until recently. Actually, I can't think of a job, no cosmetics, no money worries, no clothing...hopping up and down a mountain all food....

Ready to roam free,

Dear IG,
I'm in need of a stalker. I'm willing to pay $9 an hour plus travel expenses. Are ya game??

In Need of Excitement and Danger
Dear IG,

No one seems to be asking questions any more. Have you sorted all the problems of TNP out already?

Yours confuddledly,

Dearest Pucky,

My online privileges have been revoked at work due to an new anal-retentive nazi supervisor who is hell-bent on making everyone under him hate his guts and apparently he wants his tires slashed. And at's the same jump through the hoops of ludicrous expectations for a half-an hour to check email thing it's always been. It's frustrated me greatly, because I feel awful about not being able to maintain a constant availability online lately. My RL(tm) has been pretty traumatic this past month, but I just started working full time this past week, and with the extra money, I'm getting my own computer! And then I'll be back and around so much you'll all be sick of me again. ;)

Life as a goat is great, btw. I'm so glad you suggested it.

Dear IG,

May I suggest a Dell? They're awfully terrific. Have had mine for a couple of months and it works wonders...tho I had to spend nearly $800 for a good one, lol.

Feeding you old Del Monte vegetable tin cans,

Pucky Poo

PS I assume you have my #?

Far too tinny. I decided I prefer potstickers and have decided to become Chinese. Voluntarily. It's not working out too well. It's nice to be back! I'm getting my own computer for my birthday, which is next week. (Hooray! Birthday! I feel old...) But in the meantime, I promise to check in on you guys at least once a day, but it'll usually wind up being around this same time. ^_^ It's so great to be back...I've been having the hardest time dealing with not having computer access. I feel awful about it, like I'm letting people down, which hasn't helped lessen that feeling with everything in my RL(tm). But things are looking better than they did the past few weeks, and i'm back and still in one piece, so all is well! :hug: Thanks for keeping things under control for me while I was away, Pucky. It means more than you know. You've been marvelous, and I'm soooo grateful. So, thank you again.

Dear Puckster,

I did not, probably because I am at work, and according to Cingular, I work in a bunker where they cannot provide cell phone reception. If I step outside for a bit, I just might get it. And I shall send you one back. ^_^ Also, since I'm bored to death these days and have my own phone, any of y'all could call me or txt me, if you'd like. The numba is (801)310 -0491.


Dear CC,

You're lucky you're not a BCC. Or, as they prefer to be called, "visually challenged" carbon copies.

But yeah, it mighta worked.

