
The latter.

A trip around the globe by either bus and train to land-locked locales or by ship to the world's great ports?
Marmalade! Grape jelly is major yuckage!

The ability to fly, or the ability to create world peace? I should note that the ability to fly will include flight to other planets, for our purposes.
Yay! Grape jelly is nasty. You pass the... jam... test.

I pick the flightability. We can have peace on other planets, this one doesn't want it.

inkjet or laser?
Blind honestly. I would rather be able to hear an orchestral score than see a Picasso or a Rembrandt. And I would still be able to read. It might actually make reading more of an imaginative and vivid experience.

A higher power, or the realization of the absurd?
Absurd. It's makes more sense to me.

Do something because it's the right thing to do or because you can get away with it?
Motorcycle. A pride thing. Reminds me of a funny thing one of my friends once said...

Suspicious Minds by Elvis or Fine Young Cannibals?
Oooh, toughie. New Zealand today, I've always wanted to go since I was little. My yearning to visit Australia has been a more recent trend.

Red or Yellow?