TNP Flag Maker


To all TNP citizens and friends of the region:

Is your NS flag or Avatar old, ugly? Does it not say anything about you or represent u in the least?

Well have no fear...Tresville is here!

If you would like a custom made flag (not like the waving tweedy flags) please post your request here or PM, TG or contact me via IRC, AIM, MSN, Yahoo or email. The info can be found in my profile.

The waiting list for flags will always be posted. Feel free to contact me to find out the status of your request. Its no bother, I won't mind.

All flag, Avatar or forum images I create are FREE. If you would like to donate TNP Money to my account I will use that money to buy the forum ads to help a few of the gov. offices. So, all donations will help recruit and keep this forum active!!!

Flag Restrictions
Please remember that the more dynamic the image is the smaller it will be due to NS flag rules: no larger than 10KB.

Remember flags must be appropriate: "This means conforming to site etiquette and being suitably flag-like. Images likely to cause widespread offense (e.g. nudity, swastikas) are prohibited, and your nation may be deleted if you post them. "

Forum Avatars usually allow larger thats a plus!

Some members have had problems adding the flags to the nations for a few reasons. This tutorial should help with that.

If you see a red X with "user posted image" after it...don't fret...sometimes the images don't load when the page loads...sometimes Imageshack server may be down never lasts for too long.

Right click on the image, click properties in the new window, copy the URL shown and paste it in the web browser enter...that will show u the image on a whole new page.

To copy the image:
Right click on the image, click Save picture as" the image as a JPG or a Bitmap...some other file extentions will not work on NS or IF forums.


You can right click, copy the image and open a Photoshop or Paint Prog. and paste it from the clipboard. Then save the image with the proper file extension. If you happen to save the image under an invalid extension, simply open the file again, go to "File" "save as", change the file extension and save.

If you lose the image from your comp...don't worry...I post all the flags in my image blog...u can find the link in my first post in this thread and in my signature.
I test all the flags out on a nation before posting it: Flagtester

Forum Markers/Misc. Images
I can custom make forum markers, as well as most of the smaller images to be used in a forums skin. Feel free to ask for those. Please do not ask for forum banners as they tend to take too much time and must be very dynamic. But if you feel that the banner is simple enough but have no means in creating it...ask....I may oblige.

You can view some of my work here (click me). Many images on this page were created by others...not all artwork is mine...some are just images from the net that I have used in Avatars or Nations.

You may notice some flags or Avatars of TNP members at the bottom of the page.

Please do not steal the Tresville Flags...I can prove that I created them and if I see them in use elsewhere, I will ask the forum admin or person of authority to kindly remove them. I have no problems with creating a variation of a Tresville flag for your personal use...just ask...and I will be happy to change it to suit u.
Would you make some misc. flags to go with my nation? Such as flags relating to specific provinces within Ator People? Of course, not if you have other orders pending for actual nation flags, but if you had extra time.

I would like to create 8 flags, one for each province of the region and one for Exiled Atorians, a territory of Ator People. There is more history and this is obviousally a long project, but I like your designs and thought I might as well bring it up.
Sure...your my first customer...I'll create one flag and just do different versions of them...and sometimes I just create flags for no I'll give u one of those. U will have to tell me the names of those provinces though.


That should fit an Avatar


This fits a NS nation
There are seven provinces in Ator People. They are:
  • Anchin
  • Sucre Terrain
  • Nadroj
  • Cielian Heights
  • Werdna
  • Sable Promontoire
  • Terrain de Poisson
And if you want to know about them (this is basically all from my NS Wiki entry, and more can be found there if you'd like):



A string of two islands, the southern most one being the main island. The north island is called Anchinae and the south island is Anchinum. When being refered to as a province they are Anchin. They were first inhabited in 1930 when a group of Spanish sailors discovered the island on their way to the main island. There they found no trace of past civilizations and decided to form their own towns. This province was not admitted to Ator People until they signed the Anchin-Ator Charter on September 20, 1984. Much debate had gone on about whether to join the union of provinces, but by a referendum they voted to join. They were the last province admitted to the union.

On Anchinum, there is a large mountain known as Mt. Hourglass, and is called such because it is shaped as a hourglass when looked at from the other island, Anchinae. This mountain has five trails to hike up (Lava Trail, White Trail, Green Trail, Cassowary Trail, and Wood Trail). The mountain was formed by volcanic activity, and when traveling up Lava Trail, one may glimpse rocks formed from cooled molton rock. There is also a paved road going up to the summit of the mountain, where one may drive a car up or ride their bicycle up the mountain. The view from the top is spectacular. The river running down from the mountain is Glass River, not only because it is on Hourglass Mountain, but because the water is "as clear as glass." The river also provides hydroelectric power to the people on the island through a series of dams.

Sucre Terrain

Sucre Terrain is located on the northwest side of the main island. It is most known for the amazing amount of sugar cane that is grown there. The sugar cane was native to the island and was growing in the wild when the province was first populated. There are thousands of workers in this province, and the sugar is shipped to places all over the world. "Ator Sugar & Co." is the main sugar company, and it owns 60% of the sugar fields in the province. However, "Pacific Sugar Inc." and "AP Sucre" also own a good amount of land. The province was admitted in 1965 as one of the founding provinces when the Constitution was signed.


Nadroj, so named for Sir Henry Nadroj II who set up the first settlements in the province, is located on the southern half of the main island. This province has some of the most amazing wildlife on the main island. The Birdwing butterfly makes it home in the local rainforests of Nadroj. Laws have been passed by the House of Citizens to ensure the protection of the province's natural habitat for animals and plants alike. The native Atorians were first settled in this area, and still remain there to this day.

Three senators are elected by a popular vote of all landowners every 4 years. Two senators are appointed every two years by the duke, but cannot be appointed for more than two total terms. Five senators are appointed by the duke for honorary liftime seats.

Cielian Heights

Cielian Heights is named for the Mt. Ciel which takes up much of the space in this province. The mountain is 8000 feet tall, and is a source of many natural minerals which are mined and sold. Countless trails lead up to the summit of the mountain, though only a few are marked. The Red Trail, Blue Trail, Yellow Trail, Quartz Trail, Tropical Trail, and River Trail are the most common. There are also two paved trails, one for automobiles and one for bicycles. A monorail also goes up the mountain, though not to the summit of Mt. Ciel. Numerous peaks surround the mountain, some reaching 7000 feet. They're names are Mt. Henry (2700 ft), Mt. Ator (7100 ft), and Mt. Andrew (5100 ft). Cielian Heights is home to Mountainville, a populated city where much commerce takes place because of the numerous resources in the mountains. Four rivers also originate in the mountains here. The North Ator River is the northern most river, and the Mid-Ator River is between the Yhtak and North Ator Rivers. The River Ator is formed by the merging of the North Ator River and the Mid-Ator River. Yhtak River is on the southwest and feeds into the River Ator. On the west side of the mountain, the Gold River empties out into Lake Ciel. Lake Ciel is a large tourist attraction because of its beautiful views and great fishing. Fishing contests are held annually at Lake Ciel.


A small province on the northeast of the main island. It also occupies the small island just north of it. This province is known for its factories. Here, most of the nation's domestic goods are manufactured. The province was the center of much debate in recent years because of the "Werdna Conventions" in which leaders of the province met to discuss secession from the Union. The province wished to seceed because of the increase in industrial taxes, which they though unfairly targeted their province. The talks ended peacefully, however, with a compromise from the government to lower industrial taxes.

Sable Promontoire

On the eastern most tip of the main island, Sable Promontoire is a major tourist attraction. Both the cape part of the province, and the island to the north of it, beautiful beaches are spread along the coast. At any one time, 50% of the people in this province are tourists. Hotels of massive sizes have made their homes along the beaches. Multi-billion dollar houses can been seen in the secluded areas along the rocky coast. The income from tourism makes up 90% of the province's income.

Terrain de Poisson

Terrain de Poisson is the capital province of the nation. It houses the government headquarters. Its main industry is commerce, where many retail cooperations make their homes. Multi-national business can be found in one of the couple hundred office buildings. Global retail chains are in the shopping centers. Historically, it has always been a commerical province because of the rivers that run through it. Fishing is also a large industry, and the province derives its name from the native fishing industry. The rivers are also a great source of transportation, as one can travel to and from Cielian heights with access to these waterways.
Anchin will get the top one. The bottom one I'd actually like to use for the Judicial Branch's flag, since it looks like a national flag w/ AP.
Hey, Tres. Can you make me something representing global democracy, liberty, freedom and/or the pursuit of happiness?
That would be me (with an emphasis on the latter).

Tres, I may have a request for you when you aren't so busy with other requests. I think I remember seeing the Hilary Clinton image on another website... in fact, yes, I'm positive I did as I ripped it from their website and I have it on my screen saver! :rofl:
Hey, Tres. Can you make me something representing global democracy, liberty, freedom and/or the pursuit of happiness?
Okie Dokie...will get on that soon. Will post it when its done...if it takes me a while..don't worry...I didn't's just I'm a lil tied up with endotarting and preping to see Max Barry. Give me a few days.

The Invader known as Fedele:
Tres, I may have a request for you when you aren't so busy with other requests. I think I remember seeing the Hilary Clinton image on another website... in fact, yes, I'm positive I did as I ripped it from their website and I have it on my screen saver!
Sure...u can tell me know what u want...when I get stuck on one image I usually jump to another until something inspires me.
I would like a flag that merges the concepts of Anarchy and Fascism preferably by intertwining the two symbols as shown in my avatar (Though I leave it up to you to decide how to intertwine them. The avatar is just an example.). I give you creative freedom on this but there is one thing I insist upon: the type of fasces used. I do have a personal preference. There are two types and both are shown in the picture below. The one I Xed out is the type I do not want in the image.


If you look up "fasces" on Google Images you will find plenty to choose from.

I would like for it to be on the background image shown below but if you feel something else would look better you are more than welcome to disregard it.


I would like one that fits within the 10k limit for NationStates flags and one for use as an avatar.

Thank you.
Hey, Tres. Can you make me something representing global democracy, liberty, freedom and/or the pursuit of happiness?


There ya go!! the second one has an A and I on it for ya.

Now the red white and blue is obvious...Colors of the US, Liberty, democracy as well as the Eagle. The Laurels represent peace.

Fedele...your next...and your being to polite....I don't like it!!! lol :evil:

Just something I worked on real quick...will see if I can make some other versions using your original background suggestion.



As u can see...I made the anarchy symbol into the axe head.

Could you make me one thats a bit militaryish? I don't know what else to request about it, but I'd quite like to have the English flag involved somehow if possible. Be creative! :spin:

Hows that?

The Tri-service badge of Her Majesty's Armed Forces. The anchor representing the Royal Navy, the crossed swords the Army, and the Eagle the Royal Air Force. On top of the English Flag.

I cut out the Wreath and the crown from the original badge.
I was gonna point out that the one you did for me didn't work as well but I thought it might have been my computer acting up so I left it. Sorry :(
I test all the flags out on a nation before posting it. AI...check this out: Flagtester

Thats the exact same flag I posted here.

That's perfect, but it says it's not a valid extention and won't let me use it.  :cry:
Conneticun, all the flags I make are JPG's...they should work...perhaps u saved it as a ART file or something...if u download it simply save it as a Bitmap or as a JPG.

OK...perhaps I need to add a lil tutorial to that first post...I'll do that soon.

Here are some quick tips:

If you see a red X with "user posted image" after it...don't fret...sometimes the images don't load when the page loads...sometimes Imageshack server may be down never lasts for too long.

Right click on the image, click properties in the new window, copy the URL shown and paste it in the web browser enter...that will show u the image on a whole new page.

To copy the image:
Right click on the image, click Save picture as" the image as a JPG or a Bitmap...some other file extentions will not work on NS or IF forums.


You can right click, copy the image and open a Photoshop or Paint Prog. and paste it from the clipboard. Then save the image with the proper file extension. If you happen to save the image under an invalid extension, simply open the file again, go to "File" "save as", change the file extension and save.

If you lose the image from your comp...don't worry...I post all the flags in my image blog...u can find the link in my first post in this thread and in my signature.
Hey Tres, I would like something that somehow combines symbolism for anarchism, communism and syndicalism, like what you could see on the Republican side of the Spanish Civil War. Not the old CNT flag, but something one could visualize that would be on the fields of Spain fighting the fascist forces. Hope you can do that!
Yup...will get on that soon as possible. Give me a few days though...I need to endotart and I will be updating this computer for the next few days.
Sorry for the delay guys. I am currently upgrading my takes a while cause I have a lot of info that I need to slowly go through, archive and trash. I should be good in a few days.

Current requests pending(by customer):

Ator People
Americanicus I



Fits your nation as is.

**Deleted** The image was from my test changed soon as I changed the flag on the nation...will upload that pic to my image blog and then repost it.
My modified version...let me know if u need to change it.

Remember these images are tested prior to being posted.
Dalimbar: Sorry for the wait...hope this is ok.


Ator People:




Requests Pending:
Ator People

***Please note that the first post in this thread has been updated...any Monetary donations to my TNP Account will be used to purchase ad space for gov offices that need recruiting...Donate and help your regional Gov.!!!***
Tresville, a government job for you, would it be possible to design a flag/badge for Diplomatic Corp members to use abroad as an avatar please?

Mebbe with the TNP flag/symbol featuring, possibly UN-type imagary (in so much as the globe or laurel leaves or whatever) or something else- I don't really know.

Mind having a go?
Thanks Tres and Alhoma. Fussy goit that I am... I don't know whether the globe behind the TNP symbol works, it just seems a little too crowded. I'm not sure whether the blue and white background is better because its the background to the regional flag, or whether the single colour background works better because it isn't. :P

It might work with the globe if the TNP symbol is centred on it, and perhaps with just a blue background. Or have the white in the middle but no globe. I'm not sure.