Campaign Against Spam Warning Center

The New Britannian Lands of Invader-1 has posted two ads in 1 hour. A clear violation of NS TOS. The nation has a population of over 1 billion, so being a noob is not a factor. I have sent him a TG and posted on his RMB. I will report him to the mods to warn him.
The Mongol Co-Founder of Lisvania has broken the 15 line limit.


Are you interested in ending a corrupt government. Stopping opression. Free
Beer? then the Regions The Mongol Republic and The Mongol Rebellion are
the regions for you. Spawned out of hate of the once just Mongol Empire,
these two regions now sit on the fringe of overthrowing what once was a
glourious union of Nations. The Mongols are divided, but Democracy is our
way and we must prevail! Crawl across the Republcian Web, ride with the
Bronze Horde, join the Senate and help Democracy return to its rightful
place. You have four people very wiling to assist you in you quest for
greatness; Lisvania, Hiranux, Mongol Marquess, and Redname. All four will
receive any question YOU have regarding our region and even personal
matters (not really). So I leave you with a few parting questions

1.) Do you know how to move your nation to another region? (It's quite
easy, just click on my name and you'll see my nation page then go over to
The Mongol Republic and your there


3.) Did you leave the oven on?

4.) Are you going to join or what? The door is open.

Contact for future details

25 Lines! I will TG them.
Hey MO ...

I am thinking about going to the Jolt to ask about this (which, BTW, is from TWP):
64 minutes ago The Dominion of NBI Recruiter 2 Salutations from New Britannian Imperium!

I would like to extend an invitation to all in this region to move to the region of New Britannian Imperium. We are a Monarchist region that focuses on regional and inter-regional politics. We also offer help to those who are new to the game. Aren't you tired of being ranked 273rd? Then move to an average sized, happy region where you can be counted instead of blending into the crowd. We would be greatly honoured if you would kindly join us in residence at New Britannian Imperium. Feel free to visit our website at or our forum at

God Save King Caleb I of New Britannian Imperium!


31 minutes ago The Commonwealth of Recruiter of NBE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Salutations from New Britannian Empire!

I would like to extend an invitation to all in this region to move to the region of New Britannian Empire. We are a Monarchist region that focuses on regional and inter-regional politics. We also offer help to those who are new to the game. Aren't you tired of being ranked 273rd? Then move to an average sized, happy region where you can be counted instead of blending into the crowd. We would be greatly honoured if you would kindly join us in residence at New Britannian Empire. Feel free to visit our forum at

God Save King Caleb I of New Britannian Empire!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
These two adspams are nearly identical even though they are actually slightly different region names. I think this is an attempt to side-step the rules, to some extent. What say you?
Une lacune de droit! Le droit prétorien s'applique!

(Sorry, still influenced by my law exam yesterday.)

But 'tis true, it is a loophole in the adspam rules...for now, I should state:

Nulla poena sine lege.

Change the rules.
The Protectorate of Francos Prophet:
I see the past... A glorious past in which Franco guided The Pacific with a gentle hand. I see the future... in which his successors will guide ALL of the Pacifics in peace and stability. His heir has been born this night in great humility... but before long he will rise up in the glory that is due him. Beware, ye who corrupt the true Order of Things. Your time in this region is limited... Franco has been reborn! Great Bight will come again!


33 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam

removing spam
33 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam
32 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam
32 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam
32 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam
31 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam
31 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  removing spam
30 minutes ago  The Dictatorship of The hilbilly hicks  spam removed
This player was sent a friendly message stating ...
What you did to the RMB is also called SPAMMING and it is ILLEGAL.

Read the JOLT AdSpam rules.  And don't be surprised in you get a Mod notice.

The link to the rules is
The One-Stop Rules Shop
5 minutes ago  The Allied States of Vergia Isles 
Join The Confederate Base

5 minutes ago  The Allied States of Vergia Isles 
Join The Confederate Base

4 minutes ago  The Allied States of Vergia Isles 
Join The Confederate Base

I sent them a friendly message. ^_^
Thanks, Joshua. :)
No problem MO. ^_^ Sorry for my slacking on the spam busting.

The spam below is roughly 20 lines. I am sending them a friendly reminder to keep it 15 lines or under. ^_^

The United Socialist States of Cecilist Republic 

Greetings Fellow Players, Spammers, Recruiters, and all the matter of people who think they're cool enough to be whatever they think they are (and then some),

I am from the Region of Funny guys, a region you can call it, cause I will not go any further to reveal stuff like that we have flying monkeys with rocket launchers or badge wearing badgers and banana phone fanatics...that ringtone is so awesome.

We live in Harmony. That's a crucial and special word there: HARMONY. Yeah that's right. If you're blind, I'm so sorry that you have to braille this all out. Or do you? Anyhow here's the difference between our region, and a normal region. The Region of Funny Guys name cannot be copied, cause well, we already took it! Other than that, we're laid back, funny, and oh, did I mention that we have flying monkeys with rocket launchers?

Oh yah, I did. Clearly, we all know that you're not newbs who think they're indestructible, so we'll just tell you that our region is "The Region of Funny Guys", for those people with short term memory loss. I have it too...or do I? I don't remember.

Anyhow, once you join, you'll know that everything we boast about it true, except for the thong wearing robots. Wait, did I mention that there were thong wearing robots? If I did, then we don't have any. But join anyways!
7 hours ago The Incorporated States of Golden Triangle Region


If you fancy a change from the masses why not come and give the well established region of GOLDEN TRIANGLE a try.
The region is supposed to be a capitalist haven, but is happy to be home to any nation.
Even if you are not an enterprising capitalist, or a socialist looking for a challenge, then why not give GOLDEN TRIANGLE a visit.

All are welcome.

How do I get to GOLDEN TRIANGLE?

1. Click on the "THE WORLD" link on your left hand side
2. In the entry panel next to "Find Region" at the bottom of the page type GOLDEN TRIANGLE
3. Now click "Find Region"
4. Next just use the "Move (Your Nation) to Golden Triangle" link to get there.

See the NATIONSTATES ADVERTISING BOARD regional noticeboard to find this advert and those for other regions.

I posted a suggestion on how to comply with the 15-line limit on the RMB

Hey Golden Triangle, you're in violation of the 15 line limit. All you need to do is cut the "how do I get..." section and you'd truely be golden.

Meanwhile.....Support the beautiful blue waters of The North Pacific, and help keep them spam free.
We have a super star in the realm of breaking the ad line limit. THis fella went over by 10 lines. :lol:

I sent them a friendly TG reminding them and giving them a few tips.


I am a representative of The United Kingdom. We are a fast growing region and have numerous goals. We are based on the British Westminister Government. We would like to invite you to our region.

The UK as it is sometimes called is a constitutional monarchy region. We are proud supporters of democracy and have free elections. We also have our own forum, army, website, and online government.

The UK is a proud imperialist region that hopes to become an empire soon and have a great reputation of helping the regions rebuild from invasions. We are also defender regions which mean that we only fight regions if they have attacked our soil.

We also have a government. We currently have upcoming elections in the House of Commons and welcome all to participate and join a political party

So join this fast growing region.
1)Click on "The World" on the left of your screen
2)Under the "Find Region" bar type "The United Kingdom"
3)Click "Find Region"
4)Click on "Move______________to The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom-Licentia Parilitas Varietas
There seams to be no line limit up at the moment on the WFE so how can you enforce this rule??

Also what resolution & monitor size is the rule set to as these both effect the appearence of the post size on the RMB??
There seams to be no line limit up at the moment on the WFE so how can you enforce this rule??

Also what resolution & monitor size is the rule set to as these both effect the appearence of the post size on the RMB??
Red Back those are valid points, comrade. I am not sure what size and resolution the line limit was set at.

My current resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels. As to the size of my monitor I am not sure. Also, you are correct that the rule is no longer in the WFE. And this should really only, effect new recruiters, not folks who have been around NS for a while.
This genius exceeded the limit by 8 lines, his total was 23 lines of spam:

The Republic of Hybernia Recruitment 

Hello and welcome to NS

Are you an intreped and adventurous ruler, if you are i call you to the soaring mountains and dark forests of Hybernia. Come to this savage land of warlords and petit fiefdoms, come if you want power and influence beyond the dreams of most rulers, but above all come if you have the heart for it
Here in NS regions are a very important part of the game and i would like to invite you to come to Hybernia. We are a constitutional monarchy that was recently founded, we are setting up a government, a parliament and an Army and we need people to fill key posts.
I think you sould join Hybernia because it gives you a unique chance to shape and develope a new region, you are guaranteed an influencial post in a growing region, this would take months in a more developed region. Finally yopu are guaranteed a friendly and constructive atmosphere where you can learn from some of the most experienced NS players

To join Hybernia
1) Click on “The World” in the left-hand bar
2) Type “Hybernia” into the “Find Region” box
3) Click on “Like What You See? Move [Your Nation] to Hybernia Today!”
4) And congratulations you are now a member of the Hybernia region!

I hope to see you there,

And this ad was 22 lines of spam:

The People's Republic of Colastavia  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ATTENTION COMRADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you believe in aiding the downtrodden, unwanted, and havenots of the world? Do you believe that the corporations of the world are working people to death in order to milk all the profit they can out of them? Do you know that there is a way to stop this? It's called the NATIONSTATES COMMUNIST PARTY!With 80+ nations, we're one of the strongest regions in the NS world, but we don't let it get to our heads. WE fight the capitalists of the world for social equality, but we need YOU to unite under the banner of the NSCP in order to win!

"The theory of the Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."
"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs."
"Communism deprives no man of the ability to appropriate the fruits of his labour. The only thing it deprives him of is the ability to enslave others by means of such appropriations."
"Democracy is the road to socialism."
"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES,UNITE!"
–Karl Marx

I have sent both recruiters friendly reminders. ^_^
Another spammer who broke the rules. His ad clocked in at 30 + lines of spam. I have sent them a TG as a reminder.

The Umbrella of The Cooke Islands  ..//////
..> <> <> /
.... <> <>/
....| @ @ |
....|+ < + |
..... \__/ / "Hello!"

You are invited to a region that I have enjoyed greatly with my previous and current nations over the past year, a wonderful place that I like to call KINGDOM.
At Kingdom whatever goal you wish to achieve is up to you. I should know, as I have taken on many of my own ambitious projects, including regional maps and some really cool postcards, as well as an NSWiki for Kingdom which I have recently updated. All of these which my fellow Kingdomites have greatly enjoyed.

So if you have a creative idea that you wish to enjoy and share with a group of friendly nations, or are just looking for someplace to hang out, Kingdom is the place to go.

If you are interested, here's how you get there:

1) Click on “The World” in the left-hand sidebar.
2) Type “Kingdom” into the “Find Region” box.
3) Click on “Like What You See? Move [Your Nation] to Kingdom today!”
4) You should then be located in Kingdom, welcome!

Yours sincerely,

The Cooke Islands
Man they are like cockroaches today. ^_^

This one violated the line limit by 10 lines, and they been TGed.

The -Led Zeppelin- Community of Major Stoners  .

Join the COMMUNIST SOCIALIST ALLIANCE today and get involved with regoinal politics, join or create your own party, run for delegate or any of the many ministeral positions, debate proposals, amend the constitution, vote.

Debate real life issues and news such as the violence in the middle east, fixing third world countries, dismantling dictatorships, spreading the wonders of a socialist democracy.


The mods were threatening to outlaw ascii art when that stewie griffin ascii was being used daily.

I don't believe anything came out of it though.
I believe he stopped.

He was the only "nation" using it on a regular basis that caused a complaint (i'm thinking of hte puff puff guy...)
Quite a few folks use the ASCII art on a regular basis. Can we petition the mods again to consider banning this type of artwork? It bugs the living hell out of me! :mad:

And on a positive note Major Stoners, The Cooke Islands, and Hyberian Recruitment all TGed me back apologizing and saying they would comply with the ad line limit. ^_^

Also, can someone TG Dalimbar about putting the ad line limit back into our WFE?
personally i'd go after the fools who use blocks or __ or - - - to separate their ads. breaks the flow of the board. which is what they want.

mebbe we should get more people complain. rally the feeders!
Here is a quick draft for a petition:

Salutations NS Moderators,

We the undersigned recognize that the NS moderators provide valuable services to the players of NationStates, and we also recognize that they work extremely hard.

We humbly ask that the moderators of NationStates would consider banning an ASCII graphic from advertisements that are used in our beloved feeder regions (The North Pacific, The Pacific, The South Pacific, The West Pacific, The East Pacific, Lazarus and The Rejected Realms).

While we can never stop advertisements from gracing our RMB's, we can help to minimize their annoyance to the many inhabitants of the feeders who have to read these ads day and night. We strongly feel that while ASCII graphics are a fun novelty item, they serve no purpose in the long turn. We firmly believe that they are an annoyance and a nuisance.

We the undersigned of this petition humbly ask the NS moderators to take to this matter under their collective advisement.

Respectfully Yours,

Fris seems annoyed and irritated by the ASCII art and alluded to a possible banning of it. But, nothing has come of it.
This fella's ad was 29 lines and he has been TGed a friendly reminder to follow our 15 ad line limit policy. I also TGed Chodean Kal (Dalimbar) last night about putting it back into our WFE. ^_^

73 minutes ago  The Free Land of The SPL Talent Scout 


We DON'T Want you to move your Nation to our Region (Unless YOU want to)
But please consider creating a second Nation (Puppet) to join in.

Region: - Scottish Premier League

Purpose of this blatant advertising: - So that Football Fans within Nationstates are made aware of the chance to get involved in discussions and competitions during the upcoming season. (Starts Saturday 4th August)

We Have Nations who represent Rangers, Hearts & Kilmarnock but if you're a Bluenose a Jambo or a Killie fan you can still take part.

We'd like fans of the following teams to make up a complete league

Hibs, Falkirk, Dundee Utd, Gretna, Aberdeen, Motherwell, Inverness CT, St Mirren & Celtic

... but, Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal fans etc etc will still take something out of the experience.

We have our own Forum - please look in!

ALL feedback and ideas are welcome.
Another piece of spam that was way to long, This one was 25 lines. I have sent them a friendly reminder as always. ^_^


I am a representative of The United Kingdom. We are a fast growing region and have numerous goals. We are based on the British Westminister Government. We would like to invite you to our region.

The UK as it is sometimes called is a constitutional monarchy region. We are proud supporters of democracy and have free elections. We also have our own forum, army, website, and online government.

The UK is a proud imperialist region that hopes to become an empire soon and have a great reputation of helping the regions rebuild from invasions. We are also defender regions which mean that we only fight regions if they have attacked our soil.

We also have a government. We currently have upcoming elections in the House of Commons and welcome all to participate and join a political party

So join this fast growing region.
1)Click on "The World" on the left of your screen
2)Under the "Find Region" bar type "The United Kingdom"
3)Click "Find Region"
4)Click on "Move______________to The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom-Licentia Parilitas Varietas
The following ad was 22 lines of worthless spam, and they were sent a friendly TG reminder:

5 minutes ago  The Kingdom of Darkrai  am Pholyknuston a member of the region darkai.I would like to invite join Darkai.Darkai was founded on July 30, 2007. We need YOU to help us grow and prosper into the great region we can be. We need all nations from all over because then we will have a culture in Darkai. And have Ideas from all over the world. Darkai is the future of NationStates. Our larger nations are always ready to help you when ever you need help. Darkai is a very active region full of friendly new nations who are waiting to meet you. We have a great forum which will give you the layout of your government and there you can introduce yourself and talk about whatever you want to. You can Apply for roles in our government or get a petition to get a nation out of the government. Either way or forum offers complete freedom. If you are looking for a new active region that is growing and friendly then Darkai is the place to be!!!

To move to "Darkai" do the following
Cilck on "The World" on the left hand side of the screen
Then scroll down and typr "Darkia" in the "Find a region" box.
Hit enter
and then you will see in green letters "Like what you see? The move (your Nation) to Darkai!

Once you have done that you are now a member of the great region Darkai.
20 lines

The Republic of British Immigration:
Why not give a new region a try?

Great Britisherstan is a British themed region, but we invite ALL to join.

We have many positions to fill. Fancy being the Minister of Labour? Want to be a cartographer? Now is your chance!

We have our own regional forum at ""

There's a private board for members to discuss general things in, we have a role-playing board, a spam board and our own regional government. We have someone to write a monthly newsletter to summarise happenings in the region and much more. So why not come visit us in Great Britisherstan?

To get to Great Britisherstan:

1. Click on the "THE WORLD" link on your left hand side
2. In the entry panel next to "Find Region" at the bottom of the page type Great Britisherstan
3. Now click "Find Region"
4. Next just use the "Move (Your Nation) to Great Britisherstan" link to get there.

They just don't get it.
The Kingdom of Alta-Vista w/ 18 lines:
Hello, and welcome to NationStates

I am a member of the region darkai.I would like to invite join Darkai.Darkai was founded on July 30, 2007. We need YOU to help us grow and prosper into the great region we can be. We need all nations from all over because then we will have a culture in Darkai. And have Ideas from all over the world. Darkai is the future of NationStates. Our larger nations are always ready to help you when ever you need help. Darkai is a very active region full of friendly new nations who are waiting to meet you. We have a great forum which will give you the layout of your government and there you can introduce yourself and talk about whatever you want to. You can Apply for roles in our government or get a petition to get a nation out of the government. Either way or forum offers complete freedom. If you are looking for a new active region that is growing and friendly then Darkai is the place to be!!!

To move to "Darkai" do the following
Cilck on "The World" on the left hand side of the screen
Then scroll down and type "Darkia" in the "Find a region" box.
Hit enter
and then you will see in green letters "Like what you see? The move (your Nation) to Darkai!
I posted on the RMB:

Someone should remind these recruiters that TNP has a 15-line limit for advertisement.

Please help keep TNP clean, do your part to prevent the blight of over-long spam ads.

Thank you!
The Free Land of Indochina Recruiter w/ 20 lines:
This is a message from Indochina-
Do you want a part in the governments of a soon to be great ASIAN Region.
Do you enjoy the intrigue of diplomatic jostling and changing history through roleplaying?
Do you enjoy the Asian expierience outright?
Do you want an active region with a soon to come sports league featuring Asias most popular sports, basketball, football, baseball, and more?
Do you enjoy the aspect of a living, breathing region created via our forum?
A New forum with many innovative ideas, like a regional military storefront
A Very detailed Map, the earlier you come, the better land you get.
A Basketball and Soccer league, two of Asia's most popular sports
An active Roleplay community still in development.
By moving to Indochina.
We need a delegate, the first few UN nations are eligible.
official site..
UN nations needed,
Many spots open on our map, Parts of Japan, Korea and China are still open...
Parts of the Mid East, and the Pacific are too..
The Dominion of Antopium w/ 19 lines:
Welcome to NationStates! We, the members of Zurich, would like to have you in our region. You should consider joining Zurich for numerous reasons. For one, this region is very active unlike many other regions. Furthermore, Zurich is a democratic region and we hold elections. We even have our own constitution and ANY Zurich citizen can propose a law for our region. Zurich is also quite active when it comes to military. We are a defender region and seek to destroy invaders and terrorists. So, if you are interested in military procedures and are against invading, this is the region for you. Finally, this region is a nice place to just hang out and get to know people. If you are interested in joining Zurich, here is what you will need to do:

1.Click on 'the world’ on the left side of your screen.
2.Type in 'Zurich' in the find region box, then click on find region.
3.Click move (Your Nation) to Zurich.
4.You are in

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me and I will answer them.

Yours Expectantly,
Lord Antopium,
Colonel of Zurich's Army.

Unfortunately, I cannot warn them due to the fact that there isn't a notification of the line limit.