What Really Grinds my Gears!!

So...thought i'd again try my hand at the art of blogging! Or Ranting, depending on the day! (avoid wednesdays!)

Will probably start tomorrow, but for now:

If anyone can tell me where "What Really Grinds my Gears!!" comes from you'll recieve the first ever Fulhead.... ........ ...... [size=-1]farts?[/size]
excellent-well done! :clap:


You know what really grinds my gears? sales!

Now, dont get me wrong, most sales are great, and I dont have any problems with them. But when it gets to after-christmas sales, or just big sales in general, be warned!
I was in my local shopping center the other day, buying clothes in the sale. Great prices but then again that comes with the 30 minuet cue that loops round the shop twice. Then you get to the till, where the shop assistant grabs your credit card, shoves it in the machine and shouts at you until you type in your pin number. Then you have to catch the bag before being thrown out of the shop by the people behind you waiting in line. Is it just me or do people go crazy when they get to see even the slightest hint of a money off sign?
You might think that that ok, you want the stuff and you havent got all day. Fine, I agree. But it musnt be good for the health of the shop assistants! let me give you an example: the year the Nintendo Gamecube was released, in a game store in London:
Customer 1 (by look of him- a student): "Excuse me, Can I return this Gamecube i brought here last week?"
Shop assistant: "Is it faulty?" [at this point his eyes narrow and you can sense the tensioni n the shop rise...imagine all the other assistants looking around and staring at the poor guy]
C1: "No...it just...I cant.."
SA: "look mate.."
C1: "it distracts me from my studies"
SA: "You what? do you know how many of these i could have sold this F****** week? do you know what this could be worth?"
C1: :unsure:
SA: "Fine give it here and get out. next time make sure you can -bleep- afford it before you come in here and -bleep- waste my time!
Customer 1 pratically runs from the shop while customers 2, 3 and 4 back away uncertainly
*Fulhead Land laughs in background

the lesson here? dont cross angry shop assitants after xmas!

and that what really grinds my gears! i promise it might get slightly more interesting as I go along...might!

I can see that there's a good reason European shop workers get a bad rep in the US. lol

Any cashier pulling that crap in the US would be fired on the spot. And probably get the crap kicked out of them by the customers too.

noo! from the point of view of a sales assistant, i have a differnt take on this, although i know where fl is coming from. i've had to deal with the most horrid customers ths week, coz of the sale
please be gentle with us! its not our fault the item you want isnt your size/not in the sale/the wrong shade of pink/ wont go through the til
On behalf of the retail workers of the US, I have to say I would probably say the same thing.

Not in front of the customer, of course. That would get me fired, or at least the crap kicked out of me. But to my cowworkers, definitely.

As an aside, is there anything more fun in all of retail than patiently explaining your company/store policies to a customer, who will first whine, then explain why they are different than everyone else who tries this particular trick, then threaten to report you to your manager if you don't give them their way?


Having them then demand that you produce your manager, at which point you explain that you are, in fact, the manager on duty. Then kicking them the hell out.

Aside over. Carry on.
Excellent book to read:


You'll love it. It's hilarious. And soooooo true.
Havent posted here in a while.

Anyway. Hi. I'm fulhead. And I am not an alcaholic. Maybe an NSaholic but thats beside the point.

Still on trial. another day another dollar, or terrible prison meal as it were. That is if I am on remand. Was never made aware. And what were my bail conditions if not? Have I lost some of those pretty TNP dollars? Alas the failings of justice, topical for us UKers too what with the home office in the kahzi.

Anyhow nice to see you all

I miss OPA.

We didnt always see eye to eye but he was consistently cool.

I mean I still chat with him on CN.

But i miss his presence here especially now..