Pope Hope: Vote Early and Often

And that was the individual who was touted as damning evidence and verifying everything :rofl:

It was a tabloid. I think we should just leave it at that. Those who believe, believe. Those who don't, are right. :D (Just a little friendly jab) I think it is time to give it a rest, it is an issue that has been beaten to death at this point. Is there anything new to say?
You could always answer one of the many questions put to you, or provide evidence for your point of view beyond 'head in the sand logic' and smilies... just a thought.
I'd like to ask one question to the Hyrule government or the forum admin:

No matter if the accusation are true or not, why do you let non allowed people access your regional votings? I am not totally sure, but I think this is not possible here in TNP?
We don't use forum polls for voting, except for OOC type stuff, because it makes it just a little difficult to verify the votes.
Mt Gaunt:
No matter if the accusation are true or not, why do you let non allowed people access your regional votings? I am not totally sure, but I think this is not possible here in TNP?

It's not an uncommon practice to do things that way. Masking is a lot of work, and in The Pacific, we have dozens of masks already (governor, PNN, governor + PNN, etc). I would be a lot of work for Censor and others if we had to add the mask "citizen" to the mix. So, in the Palace of the People (our version of the regional assembly), anyone can technically post, but we ask that only citizens partake in posting. We do this because:

1) We want the Palace of the People visible to all residents.
2) It's easier to remove posts by non-citizens than it is to mask everyone.
3) If we have a "frequent violator," we can simply give them a type of rablerouser mask that does not let them view the Palace.
Masking isn't that much work, really. Especially with a non-inclusive setup. If you set each permission mask's permissions (and the forum permissions) properly, it is a matter of seconds to have a person masked correctly. A lot of people don't feel comfortable mucking about in an admin control panel however.
For the last bloody time. It was a mistake. It was not planned on. PH and I did not chat about how to subvert democracy. So stop saying that, dammit.
I don't believe I have asked about intent, just asking if PH actually voted in that poll!! Thank you Astarial for admitting your mistake, we only want PH to do the same!!
We don't use forum polls for voting, except for OOC type stuff, because it makes it just a little difficult to verify the votes.
Sorry if I wasn't clear.
Of course I meant access to certain forums and the rights to post there.
For the last bloody time. It was a mistake. It was not planned on. PH and I did not chat about how to subvert democracy. So stop saying that, dammit.
I don't believe I have asked about intent, just asking if PH actually voted in that poll!! Thank you Astarial for admitting your mistake, we only want PH to do the same!!
I have watched this situation and this thread unfold and I have to totally agree with Polts!! We first off gave little attention to this incident aside from feeling it was not quite right, but post after post, PH and followers have avoided giving answers and instead made accusations!

FTR, I have known Polts for quite along while and we have chatted pretty intensely, yet not once did I ever believe him to be PRP. It would be no sin if he was, but why has that got anything to do with this voting situation?! Other than to attempt to create an excuse and smoke screen!

The Prime Minister and others have asked some straight forward questions in this thread, surely any innocent party would simply give a straight answer! That is all that is being asked, is it so totally difficult?
I don't believe in duality (as in Nation A has completely different ambitions as Nation B). I know some people do, and that's fine. It is my opinion that it's something that has been exploited.

The bottom line here is that many people from this region have interests in other regions. Some claim duality, some don't, but just have different opinions based on their own personal experience. Had this thread never been posted and we were engaging in a philisophical discussion of who would post what in "support" of whom, it would have turned out just as it has. It's not reasonable to pretend that there aren't clear lines drawn in this diverse region just as in any other. That doesn't mean that most if not everyone here doesn't sincerely care about TNP. I'm sure we all do.

I'm the only one refusing to give certain parties any answers. I'm frankly sick of their obsessive watch over my every move, just waiting for me to make some kind of a mistake so they can rake me over the coals. Asta has been up front about her involvement in the "incident" (by the way, it's really not hard to create one mask for residents only in order to prevent mistakes like that from happening). We've been clear that Nasicournia was not involved in some conspiracy to rig a vote. It's obvious the vote was going to pass anyway, but some people would like to continue pushing their political agenda one way or another and will come up with any reason to poo-poo on their opposition. I didn't even persue my desire to become involved in TNP for a very long time because of this very phenomenon. I knew full well who had "dual residency" here at the time, and how they feel about me. I haven't been accorded the same amount of respect and "benefit of the doubt" that those certain people demand so indignantly of me, but I'm still here because I care about the region. I've been discriminated against and stopped from getting more involved in the region because of my one dual involvement with Nasicournia, while others from equally controversial regions (yes, plural in some cases) are allowed to persue their interests. I'm not complaining, I'm stating a fact. I've replied that I understand the concern, though I wish the double standard did not apply.

This tabloid took little bits and pieces of factual information and skewed it into a regional conspiracy with two devils at the head in Hyrule stuffing ballots. No one should have to answer to such an obviously biased and admittedly tabloid accusation, especially in an environment steeped in the company of past (?) politicial opposition whom continue to persecute even though they claim duality from their other characters. I know I'll get tsked tsked down by the usual parties for stating this, but those are the odds that I'm facing in this thread. No amount of trying to paint me as a horrible cheating ADN ninja is going to change my mind. My regionmates in Nasicournia, who were directly implicated in the situation, know exactly what did or did not happen, and that is enough for me.

Go back and read through the thread, and see what I actually said. I was told some time ago (apparently incorrectly) that Polts was involved previously in the PRP through a different persona. I was honestly stating that I didn't know he had left that involvement. He refuted he was ever involved, fine, I believe him. I wasn't stating it maliciously. I respect Polts as PM but I have just as much (if not more in some cases, because I know them and their principles better) respect for any other resident of TNP. I certainly never stated that he's "primarily an agent of the PRP." That spin is not unexpected, though.

GVA, I don't recall saying that about the PRP (in this thread :p), and am too tired to go back and read through every page, but to insinuate that it would be why I'm here and posting in this thread (especially when this thread is accusatory against my person) is unfair. I do believe there are underlying political reasons that explain the way some people address me in this region. I have no problem stating as much. Have you seen me treating them the same way in any other situation unless it's one in which they approach me first? I'd like to be able to express opinions out of care for TNP but realize that some people let others with additional regional involvements do so in ways in which I would never be allowed. I have accepted that as a condition of citizenship here, unwritten but present nonetheless. I've not complained until now when I'm being accused of doing what I keep my mouth shut for so I don't get accused of doing... :blink:

Anyway, anyone from TNP (who hasn't tried to sue me in the past) is welcome to PM me for answers to be held in confidence if it really is an issue to you. I've had no problem sharing the truth with those who have so far, and my entire region has been fully filled in from the first minute the tabloid was published. I refuse to allow myself to be tied to a stake with fire under me in order for the region that is waging proverbial war against my region to "get one on us." No matter what I could have said differently in this thread it would have been spun and misinterpreted and used as propoganda no matter what. I really don't care anymore what they say about me, but they're not going to mess with the rest of Nasicournia through me. Anyone who wants to find out the truth about Nasicournia is welcome to register on that forum and experience the community for themselves. It's a lot more accurate than perception garnered from an obviously biased tabloid.

To Mammo: If a nation belonging to a region purposefully causes an international incident with a neutral or friendly region, I expect the region to hold them accountable. Nasicournia has done this on numerous occasions, including a few recently that even resulted in a resignation. If it is an accidental occurance, I feel they should be given full opportunity to right the wrong, and the region should keep open communication with the other region in question. Nasicournia has also done this recently. If a nation is caught spying on an allied region, or participating in an invasion of an allied region, they should be held accountable to the highest ability of the law. I do not believe the actions of one person should be held against an entire region, unless that person is directly speaking for the entire region and with their permission. I believe that anything that reflects poorly on a region or organization claiming responsibility lies with only a few members should be investigated fully before one passes judgement. If there is clear evidence that the region or organization supported the action then that region or organization should be held fully accountable. I do not like the persecution of groups of people that occur because one, two, a few people hold one belief or take one action through their involvement in another region or organization. You shouldn't have duality hold for one group of people and not for another, but unfotunately this happens to the detriment of one "side" of the larger conflict we're all speaking of or the other "side" depending on where the people are at the moment.

That said, I will probably not be re-visiting this thread. I've said all I have to say and the invitation will stand open for anyone who wants to PM me. Larger issues have been touched on here and I'm open to continuing those discussions in more appropriate threads in the future. There's nothing more I can say here. Those who have opinions made up their minds before the thread was even posted, that's evident from both "sides," and that's also not going to change in this thread. It will take much larger changes in the future to accomplish; changes none of us probably think of as possible at this point in time.
I'm the only one refusing to give certain parties any answers. I'm frankly sick of their obsessive watch over my every move, just waiting for me to make some kind of a mistake so they can rake me over the coals.

That happens all too often and not only in your situation. A month ago I would not have been sympathetic to what I just quoted.
I am still waiting for my PM!! :B):

I think you would have been far better off doing as Astarial did, admit you made a mistake!! The rest of this thread would not have eventuated had you taken responsibility for what you did!! You have not admitted to posting the vote, although from your last post it seems that you have said everything but that!!

The PRP is not to blame for you voting in a poll not meant for anyone else but members of Hyrule!! Only you are responsible for that action!! If it was an honest mistake then so be it, but at least own up to what happened rather than trying to palm blame to others who merely brought the issue to the general populace or enquired as to the truth of the incident mentioned in that article!!

Had you admitted your error and laughed off the light-hearted article then this would have been a non-issue!!
Pope Hope:
I'm the only one refusing to give certain parties any answers. I'm frankly sick of their obsessive watch over my every move, just waiting for me to make some kind of a mistake so they can rake me over the coals.

That is life on a pedastal. I'm sorry, but I did not invent it and cannot control it. If you do not like it there are always other options you can choose for yourself.

This tabloid took little bits and pieces of factual information and skewed it into a regional conspiracy with two devils at the head in Hyrule stuffing ballots.

That is your interpretation, but do you have textual evidence to back it up?

The tabloid was exceptionally brief, and did nto leave much time for commentary. It is my opinion that its negativity was not based around how evil you (pl) are, but rather what stupid crooks you are.

I certainly never stated that he's "primarily an agent of the PRP." That spin is not unexpected, though.

You were terse. The context of that post and the posts preceding it showed that your statement implied he was a Francogradian by another name and you would not answer him as you would not answer the rest. You did say you would PM him (the preceding posts by Polts indicates you ahve not yet), but because of the condition of him "not telling [his] other nations" and an emoticon we are to conclude you were being less than fully sincere about that request.
No, I was not implying that.

Yes, that was fully sincere.

I PMed Polts some time yesterday when I finally had time to log on here.

We're not "stupid crooks." We're "smart criminals." :p
[size0]This argument is getting nowhere, and is rapidly descending to name-calling.

I'm locking this now to forestall any ToS breaches. If you lot really want to continue arguing about this, please do it via PM or on another forum.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Forum Administrator

Note: The locking of this topic is currently under review. Should this topic be re-opened, I will make an effort to contact all involved in the conversation.

Amendment to ruling: After discussion, it has been decided that this topic is to remain open for the time being, as there were no current ToS violations committed. I apologize for any inconveniece this may have caused, and invite everyone to please continue where you left off.
For all of the conspiracy theories on this one, the innuendo, and outright finger pointing...let us remember that the claimed "ballot box stuffing" had no effect on the results and was done with recognizeable accounts... It seems obvious to me that there was no effort to deceive.
The arcticle, admitted to be a tabloid arcticle by its author and thus held up to lesser standards of proof, infers a conspiracy.
Apparently, despite these facts, those who wish to support such inaccuracies will not be swayed. It is not surprising that PH will not answer to those who hold such opinions of her counter to factual evidence.
The facts that improper ballots were placed does not seem to be disputed by amnybody. The questioning of the arcticle that has taken place has only focused on the arctile's leap to a conspiracy theory.
Amendment to ruling: After discussion, it has been decided that this topic is to remain open for the time being, as there were no current ToS violations committed. I apologize for any inconveniece this may have caused, and invite everyone to please continue where you left off.
Re-load the cannons men! :p

Oops! Jesting....honest!
For all of the conspiracy theories on this one, the innuendo, and outright finger pointing...
Do you dispute the facts of the case? No you have not.

I am not making innuendo. I am not "making" any conspiracy theory -I am pointing out an apparent conspiracy. When two or more individuals gather to commit a crime it is termed conspiracy.

let us remember that the claimed "ballot box stuffing" had no effect on the results and was done with recognizeable accounts...

So it is perfectly agreeable conduct then?

No, it is not. It would be just as much an outrage if two Nasicournians, or Doppelganger and Unlimited for that matter, did the same thing here, in The North Pacific.

The arcticle, admitted to be a tabloid arcticle by its author and thus held up to lesser standards of proof, infers a conspiracy.

Do you not know the definition of a conspiracy? "Conspiracy" is not a slur used to ridicule supposedly outlandish theories of criminal behavior; it is a term with a specific denotation.

In terms of the amount of damage done to Hyrule this is a small crime. But the principle being violated is a large one.
I get the reference. However, Joop et al have been continuing the discussion with assertions which are quite plainly wrong. I do agree with some of your sentiment that the thread has run longer than it should have.
In defense of Pope Hope I must say that she is at least attractive enough for her picture to have earned a place in the hard drive of most influential invaders. Nothing about her resembles anything similar to a horse but, instead, she is quite the specimen of a fine looking, healthy young woman.
The phrase is "No sense flogging a dead horse". And if you were referring to the actual hindquarters then that would be termed "haunches". No "ass" required.
I think that is the source of Insane Power's humor.

In defense of Pope Hope I must say that she is at least attractive enough for her picture to have earned a place in the hard drive of most influential invaders


I believe that ass represents this thread better.

Well, I would expect so.
Hush, Heft. It is a chance to bash the ADN. And by Law no chance to have a go at the ADN should ever be passed up. That is all the meaning there needs to be.
Ah, it was nothing more than a simple joke...


...not really... well... I, personally, don't have her pic on my hard drive. In fact, I think most people host it on image shack or photobucket. Is that less creepy?