What's Under Their Bed?

02:21. But I've already slept today; I work odd hours.

^ A collection of scribbled poems which really should be published.
Because I know you eerily well...

/ dog-eared collection of the works of Lord Byron. And a teddy bear, by the same name.
Not quite...but oddly enough, my student teacher for 10th year English had a teddy bear named Lord Byron. The guy who liked her kidnapped him and held him for ransom, which consisted of a date.

English majors are weirdos.

^ has stuffed dog named Seamus under his bed.
The life of a student teacher teacher is an odd one, as I can attest to...

^ the captured hearts of every forum member she's ever chatted to!
Biscuit means something different, over there doesn't it? To us, it means a cookie-type snakaroo. In Ameriqué, if my sources are accurate it's some sort of cracker-type device?

^ boxes of crackers.
^ nope. Just a couple crumbs.

And yes, biscuits can be cracker-type devices. Mostly when an American talks about biscuits, they're referring to something like this:

^ I'll give YOU mad gravy. Right in the face.


Mmmm...biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast. The biscuitiest way to a coronary that ever there was.
Oh, I have all sorts of culinary mischief under my bed, wot wot.

^ has a collection of spifty Britishisms like "bloody hell" and such under his bed.

IGEdit: Isms, not ims.
Flesh wound? Yes.

^ empty bottles and obscure pieces of looseleaf. Probably a few of those flyers you find around college campuses as well. And three socks, none of which match.