The North Pacific Lottery

This is something I have run over on S9 and hope with Hersfold's permission I might be able to expand to S13....

Hers, would appreciate a :yes: on this, but will understand if it is a :no: !
Please advise!

The North Pacific Lottery

Each week I will select four random numbers between 0 and 40 inclusive

EG 7 20 33 14.

Each nation can have one guess on each week.

Prises will be awarded as follows:

1 correctly guessed number = 10 added to your post count
2 correctly guessed numbers = 50 added to your post count
3 correctly guessed numbers = 200 added to your post count
4 correctly guessed numbers = 500 added to your post count
Anybody familiar with the UK National Lottery will understand my suspicion that IP is actually Dale Winton. :p
Anybody familiar with the UK National Lottery will understand my suspicion that IP is actually Dale Winton. :p
Hmmm... :p

Cool well the numbers had been set for this first week, I will try and get a comfirmation from Hersfold that he will be happy to adjust the post counts to each winner.

Good luck, play and win!
Hmm. Well, I was planning on hopefully restoring everyone's post counts once we had the new admin business sorted out, so I don't see why not.

13 17 23 31
Sorry for the double post, I should have pointed out that the results for the first week will be announced next Wednesday...

...Play and Win!
Since this is only every week, and is very likely to get buried in this forum, I'm going to pin this for now.

DD and/or OPA, if you would rather this not be pinned, go ahead and unpin it, please.
I believe that we get the lotto numbers tommorrow!

Everyone make sure you've made your guess!

Edit: Apparently not. Never mind...

Edit two days later: Let me go send IP a PM...
For ease of reference:

Name     Numbers      |
Fed      11 22 33 40  |
Ermarian 01 20 30 40  |  Numbers in use:
DD       07 14 28 37  |  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 --
TP       05 18 24 32  |  11 12 13 14 -- 16 17 18 19 20
OPA      18 22 25 28  |  -- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -- 30
HS       08 11 23 26  |  31 32 33 34 -- -- 37 -- -- 40
IG       07 17 23 27  |
Sirixis  01 06 09 14  |
Huma     01 02 03 04  |  
Hersfold 13 17 23 31  |
Byard    08 09 27 34  |
Nik      01 06 17 26  |
Flem     03 19 24 28  |
FL       08 09 16 23  |
GBM      07 09 12 24  |
F&P      08 13 16 23  |
WWW      08 11 22 27  |
Ator     08 12 22 25  |

1 correctly guessed number = 10 posts
2 correctly guessed numbers = 50 posts
3 correctly guessed numbers = 200 posts
4 correctly guessed numbers = 500 posts
Wow, thanks Hers!

Without further ado, the winning numbers for the first week of 'The North Pacific Lottery' are.....





I am delighted to announce the following winners....

Democratic Donkeys - 10 posts
Tropical Pixieland - 10 posts
OPA - 10 posts
HoneySheep - 10 posts
IndieGirl - 10 posts
Hersfold - 10 posts
Byard - 10 posts
Nik - 10 posts
Flemingovia - 10 posts
Fulhead Land - 10 posts
Freedom & Pride - 10 posts
WishyWashyWonders - 10 posts
Ator People - 10 posts

Wow .... so many winners! :thumbsup:

But no one hit the jackpot this week!

Week 2's numbers have now been selected, so play and win!!

Due to the lateness this week (really sorry!), week 2's numbers will be announced on Friday 17th!

The third weeks numbers will be announced on Christmas Eve, (with Hersfolds permission), that will be a Christmas bonanza, with double Christmas bonuses!!

Congractulations to all the winners! :dance:

Start placing your 2nd week numbers now.... play and win!