The North Pacific Lottery

This weeks numbers are.....





Congractulations to:

Ator People

Who all got one number right and WIN 10 posts! :winner:

Numbers are now selected for next weeks and win!
Hm, this sounds amusing.. Plus, your chances (in theory) of getting one number correct with one of your four numbers is not horrible.

For this week: 28 / 2 / 35 / 31
I think it's safe to assume IP has moved on to other endeavors. Unless someone else is willing to take up his duties, I think an unpinning is advisable.
Excellent point.

*slaps Sirixis with a kipper*


Don't ask me, seemed right at the time.

Edit: Look above, at the ads. IP's got all his new friends now, don't need to hang around with us squares anymore.
I think it's safe to assume IP has moved on to other endeavors. Unless someone else is willing to take up his duties, I think an unpinning is advisable.
I was going to do it a bit ago but then decided to leave it up to the Minister. But it's been long enough, so i'll unpin it.
So the Post Lottery is dead ? :duh:

Too bad, I could have used a few hundred post boosts... ehehe...

Bohemians the Late :headbang: