Truth or Dare


I can't believe that this poor thread was forgotten. Allow me to start it back up again.

Someone hit me with a nasty Truth
By and large, yeah pretty much. Unless they're really good friends.

Truth for OPA: What movie are you the most embarassed to say that you like?
Movie that I'm most embarrassed to say that I like...

Formula 51, I suppose. Either that or Jackass.

Truth me!
What is your middle name? Did you ever want to change your name when you were little? If so, what did you want it to be?

Dare me, you dirty Eenglish Kniggits.
Dare for IG: Extol the virtues of Mr. T in your next 15 posts.

feel free to dare me to
would you pay half of the $2900?

no actually:

what do you physically find most attractive in a person
The general area from the top of the pants down to the knees.

Mmm-hmm, OP is an ass man. :yes: Laugh it up.

Truth me again!

Personality, but it can only get you so far. It can't cover for you if you're 300 pounds.

Personality + intelligence covers for you if you're sitting at 5 on the Looks-o-Meter(tm).

More than personality, though, it the ability to hold a conversation. That rules.
The general area from the top of the pants down to the knees.

Mmm-hmm, OP is an ass man. :yes: Laugh it up.

Truth me again!
"Shake that laughy taffy, that laughy taffy..."

alright I shouldn't have thought of that song for it will now play in my head forever more nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
Mario. The Italian plumber.


Truth me again!
You ARE pretty funny. You have your moments, unspeakable though some of them may be.



Truth for you: What is the most special place on earth to you and why?

Truth me.
The North Pacific. :wub: Because it loves me. ^_^

Truth for Opa: What would you do if a guy shot you and raped your dead body? :p

Truth me like you're breaking in my face...
Um, I'd be dead. Great question, Beckster...

Truth for you: What is your favorite actual IRL location and why?

Truth me.
No, because the window I forum-browse in at work has to be small, and your bigass pictures make me waste precious spamming time having to scoll horizontally.

Otherwise, I'd totally like them. Especially if they're Moz, Calvin & Hobbes, or Invader Zim.

Truth me again!