
A New Constitution
Discussions concerning the establishment of a new Constitution for Equilism were begun shortly after Lady Naivetry became our new Monarch, when King Chaucerin stepped down. While the discussions got off to a slow start, a number of inventive ideas have been presented as well as simplified proposals. Pirates and Dr. Horrible were seen lurking behind some of the proposals, and what the outcome might be is yet to be seen. Stay tuned for future news on the fate of Equilism's Constitution.
High Advocate Westwind posted an announcement reminding the region that the November Prime Minister election is set to begin on November 5th. As per our Constitution, there will be five days for candidate nominations, followed by five days of voting. Candidates may campaign throughout the election cycle.
While the Beer Hall has been too noisy for anyone to talk, and Naivetry is trying to stare at her beer instead of drink it, the competition for a regional flag and anthem have entered the voting stage. Expect to see the winners in our next update. In the meantime, feel free to stop by and sample the variety in the ever noisy Beer Hall.
The World Assembly
-Repeal "Commend 10000 Islands"
0 For, 7 Against, 0 Abstain
Equilism stood strong in support of the Commendation of 10000 Islands, with all voting WA citizens casting their votes against the appeal. We were truly disappointed in the passage of the Repeal.
Equilism is also concerned over the developing 'tit-for-tat' exchange of condemnation resolutions in the Security Council.
-National Economic Freedoms
0 For, 5 Against, 0 Abstain
Finding the proposal flawed, the WA voters declined to support this resolution.
-Habeas Corpus
0 For, 3 Against, 0 Abstain
With all of the few votes cast opposing the resolution, our Delegate voted against the resolution.
Having returned from the success of the Feudal Japan Liberation, the E-Army has been working to continue the effort to ensure the security of regional sovereignty. The High Command continues to process new applicants, and get them placed into training as cadets.
Foreign Affairs
Equilism would like to apologize for the recent lack of updates from our region to yours. You are important to us, and we want to keep the lines of communication open. Our doors are always hope to hear from you, and we appreciate each and every update you have brought to us on the happenings in your region.
Open Debate
Recently, debate has centered upon a few threads including the 'History is cyclical' thread with contributions from The Monkye, Biyah, Astarial, Chaucerin, The Hypercube and Naivetry. The perennial favorite 'God doesn't work, faith is a trick' has seen recent action, as well as the 'Generations to Come' thread.
If you love a good debate, Equilism has just the place for you.
Role Play
Tarlisea has started a new Role Play, "The Government of Equilism", where everyone can RP their government roles in Equilism. Our visitors and diplomats from region all around NationStates are invited to participate as well. So far, the Prime Minister and Members of Parliament seem to be wandering around the great halls of Parliament, or enjoying the surrounding gardens.
Roll Call! has been called for in Star Trek:Equilism. Players have been asked to report by October 30th, or face the prospect of being dropped from the roster. The current mission continues, and anyone who would like to join should contact Tarlisea.
There has also been a suggestion that the crew of Star Trek:Equilism might consider working together on the missions in the new Star Trek Online once it has launched. Several Equilism members have applied for the closed beta of the upcoming game.
The Equilism Enquirer
The lastest occasional issue of the Equilism Enquirer was published this week, with a curious headline about the Delegate of The North Pacific, Equilism citizen John Ashcroft Land.

And that's the way it was in Equilism.....thank you until next time....