Embassy of the Meritocracy

Gah...Im a forgetful SOB, what can I say? <.<

Anyway, Nice new forum you got here! Excellent to see you guys free from the oppression of Twoslit! :D

Alrighty, heres the scoop:

Warrior Thorin is Consul

Afslavistakistania is Quaestor

Eli is Censor

And New Hippograd is Praetor.

In other news, The Meritocracy has become embroiled in a massive war, which is an excellent series of related RP threads all starting from a thread in which Senators Eli and Eureka squared off against one another. Its resulted in a massive undertaking of political intrigue, and tactical back-and-forth.

Its all really good, check out our newly themed "MiniLuv" Subforum, especially the latest news given by our own Soigacas: An edittorial on the crime committed against th e Invaders organization by the Red Factions, IM sure this issue hits home, especially consdering what just happened.

News Update: Invader forums attacked
Chron's back!

Currently, we have undergone some slight changes in our Executor ranks, from Eli resigining as Censor, to New Hippograds straight-up resignation as a senator. Although the fact that hes resigning as an esteemed and invaluable member of our group...At least hes still around, so, whats to mourn? :rolleyes:

Anyway, elections are now under way to refill the two positions, and, I also have something for those few TNP memebrs who not only look at these threads, but, also RP:

Invitiations are now being sent all throughout NS for the Meritocratic Organization of Football Opponents inaugral Isoeph cup! All memebrs of the NS community are welcome to sign up and join!

M O F O Meritocratic Organization of Football Opponents

is proud to host...


ISOEPH CUPHetairia '06

Nations of the World,

On behalf of the members of the Meritocratic Organization of Football Opponents, allow me to invite you to the ISOEPH CUP championship. Four times a year, a nation of the Meritocracy plays host to this momentous event. The best football (soccer) clubs of the world are united in competition, and we invite you to bring your best national teams to the occasion. The Tournament shall begin in the second week of January, and is currently scheduled to be a three-week event.

All teams from all regions are welcome to join. Registration will be processed in the MOFO Organization hall, located in the Meritocracy. There, teams will receive further instruction about how to enter. The process is extremely simple, takes only five minutes to produce your team and select your preferences, and you will have a chance at taking home the ISOEPH CUP. The deadline for registration is December 31, 2005.

For more information, contact your Ambassador from the Meritocracy or come directly to the Meritocracy. We hope to see you soon.

Lord Tom of Hetairia
Commisioner, Meritocratic Organization of Football Opponents

Register Here

[size=-1]Fixed your center tags for you - it's [align=center], not [/size]
And now, the latest (and possibly longest) Issue of InterMet's MT!

Meritocratic Times 19
All the news from the week 31 December – 6 January
Now with new content!
Editor: Soigacas
Contributors: Eureka, Chronorica, Unistrut, The Free Confederates, Grenval II

Unistrut Reapplies to the Senate
Article by Soigacas

“I said I’d be back!” Unistrut returns

Former Senator and Consul of the Meritocracy, Unistrut, made an unexpected return to the Senate on New Year’s Day. Says he: “Let’s do this thing”. Unistrut is one of the Meritocracy’s more colourful characters, having in the past both led the Senate and attempted to infiltrate it. We asked a few questions:

Soigacas : Why have you decided to reapply to the Senate?
Unistrut: Dammit, I've already answered this question about 100 times in 5 days. I like The Meritocracy, and I want to be a part of it again. Sigh.
Soigacas : Should we read anything into the fact that you waited until Jan 1st 2006 to appply?
Unistrut: No. Just a coincidence.
Soigacas : You said in your application you weren't aiming for any positions right now. We both know that's not true. You must have something in the back of your mind.
Unistrut: Why Senator Soigacas, if you feel I've been dishonest you should bring that up in my application thread. :-) What I said was the truth.
Soigacas : Where do you see Unistrut in one year's time? What about the Meritocracy?
Unistrut: I see Unistrut in The New Meritocracy, and the Meritocracy returned to the glory of the past.
Soigacas : Why should the Meritocracy make you a Senator once more?
Unistrut: Because I merit admission to the Senate. I've proved that on more than enough occasions.
Soigacas : Do you think you'll get in?
Unistrut: I'm optimistic. It's not a foregone conclusion though.
Soigacas : Thanks for your time
Unistrut: You're welcome, Soigacas

Long time non-member, Bumpivania, is also petitioning the Senate for admittance. Both are expected to become Senators.

The Meritocracy: More than just a Senate
Article by Chronorica
The following is written in response to Hetaira's latest editorial regarding the membership application process. As such, it contains some references to it.

The other day, while I was looking over Hetairia’s latest guide to prospective senators, I couldn’t help but wonder what about this place seems so imposing as to scare some of Nationstates best and brightest off? After a great deal of deliberation, the answer seemed relatively clear; As has been said by some senators, several prospective applicants find this place too imposing. After asking several persons who I had introduced the met to, about why they didn’t stick around, the answer generally was that they weren’t sure of themselves.

This can be generally attributed to two main misconceptions about the Meritocracy: The first being that the Meritocracy is nothing more than a Senate where the best and brightest of Nationstates congregate, instead of it being a region that has that Senate, and is accommodating to players of all levels. This first misconception, while the most general, has several factors that have it contribute in the minds of some prospective applicants, who end up shying away from coming here. Which leads to the second major misconception: That we are some sort of “utterly superior community”. A broad generalization of several different types of perspectives, to be sure, however, it seems fitting to use such a broad, subjective term, for such broad, subjective opinions.

It’s just another Senate

By far, the general opinion of those who have heard of the Meritocracy, is that it is just a Senate. If you want to join the Met, you have to become a Senator. That is a grave misconception, not only in the mind of the potential applicant, who is apparently ignorant of what type of community we have, and is depriving himself of an opportunity to join us, but, for us as well. There are several shy NS players out there who I believe have more than enough capability to be contributing members of the meritocratic community, but, are put off because they think they need to be a part of our governing body in order to join us. This leads to one of two possible dilemmas in the mind of the potential applicant: Either they don’t think that they are good enough to be a part of the Senate, and therefore don’t come at all; Or, they do come, and witness the Gauntlet. Simply put, the way that we treat applicants at times can pretty much scare anyone without an iron will. On several levels, this is entirely understandable, the Senate is the governing body of the New Meritocracy, we don’t want any members who aren’t of a high degree in it. But, in the mind of the onlooker, they don’t equate the Senate as being a part of the New meritocracy, but, as the two being one and the same. This is a terrible misconception, to be sure, as it prevents certain players from ever participating at all. Now, this shouldn’t be taken as a critique of the Application process, far from it. I hold the opinion that a prospective Senator should be able to handle the tough questions well, and not be intimidated by our overbearing egos, or, as Tom called it; our “tortured souls”.

In the past, the idea that someone could think that the Senate was the Meritocracy seemed to be sheer lunacy to me. However, that is far from the truth. It is quite apparent that many people tend to believe that, much to this writer’s chagrin. However, what else could be expected? If you don’t know about something, and the hearsay that you do know about it scares you off, why would you even bother to look into it? And for those brave souls with that basic misunderstanding, who come here to only find a brutal application process, which seems to favor only those who have accomplished players who have done great things, it is no wonder that we have any real applicants at all! However, we do, and this fact shows that ours is not an institutional problem, but rather, one of communication. The Senate is only a part of what makes the New Meritocracy the best community in Nationstates. It is also our RolePlay and General Discussions, along with the sheer talent of our members, that makes us the best.

A question of arrogance versus quality

The Second misconception, that we are “Superior”, can be divided into two subcategories of thought: The New Meritocracy as a community of Unfounded Arrogance, or the inverse, the New Meritocracy as a region of the Truly Best. I use the term “superior” due to it’s subjective connotations, which can be taken as two different adjectives: Superior as an air of arrogance, or, Superior as an object of higher quality. This misconception can contribute in some part to the first, as a motive for keeping prospective Senators from applying here. But, overall, it is a great deal more opinion based, and therefore, simpler to understand.

There are players that consider the Senate as haughty, arrogant fools that have their faces shoved each others various orifices. Now, while many who hold that opinion consider it justified, it is usually not. As has been said before, it is a misconception perpetuated by personal spite towards us for one reason or another. The tide of anti-Meritocratic sentiment reached its somewhat small peak during the North Pacific Crisis of last year. When the Senate readmitted Moldavi on a narrow margin, it was taken in an entirely different context by many of the NS world than by the Senators of the Meritocracy. Those who voted for Moldavi did not do so in support of his actions in the North Pacific, in fact, one could say there was a general consensus against it. However, most people voted their conscience, which was entirely based upon their own ideas of Merit and the concept of Duality. In effect, people voted aye to avoid compromising their own rules of gameplay. This act was not taken as such by many players, who viewed as tantamount support of the NPD by the Senate.

Unfortunately, this negative viewpoint has yet to really die down among the general players who once held that view.

In all honesty, however, I digress, while that may be the best example of anti-Merit sentiment, the fact remains that it does not address the effects of it. The misconception of the meritocracy being a community of arrogance is flawed, and so, while it’s true that we do have a collection of the best players in Nationstates here, our recognition of such is by no means an act of arrogance. Unfortunately, when people even passively hate something, especially on the internet, they will be disinclined to give it a chance.

An imposing presence

Fortunately, the viewpoint of us being a community of the best is by no means as negative. One could call it tacit praise, that the Senate is intimidating. However, the reality is, we want as many people to join us as possible, and we cannot bask in the knowledge that we have people in fear of our awesomeness for too long. Unfortunately, this misconception leads to potential applicants being apprehensive of our community because they don’t think of themselves as good enough to be a part, or that they lack the charisma to become a Lord Tom, or Sir Hippo, or Eli. In short, people that are well known in the community. This is a mistake, one can easily ingratiate themselves into our community, as long as they’re active. Even I did in a couple of months, and I’ve been a member of the Meritocracy for about a year now...even though some people around here still can’t spell my name properly. Unfortunately, people who try to work at being a part of the community are in the minority, although they have turned out to become some of our greatest senators. If this is a misconception that we want to abolish, we must find out a way in order to promote ourselves to Nationstates as a community, and not a Senate. We may, unfortunately, have to admit that we are “Just like everyone else”. But, the potential awards may be that we truly gather all of the best from around nationstates, and create what is, without any form of objective doubt, the best community in NS. And that is, in my opinion, truly worthwhile.

Lazarus: Land of the Undead
Article by Grenval II


The flag of Lazarus features a skull on a green and black background. Despite these symbols of death, Lazarus is on the brink of renewed life.

The history of Lazarus begins on May 2, 2004, with the Delegacy of LiesInc. Since that time nearly two years ago, Lazarus, now currently home to famous Meritocrats Lord Tom and Carintan, has experienced general inactivity and isolation. Because Lazarus was originally created as region for nations to be revived in or to die in, it became one of the largest and least important regions in NationStates history. But that fact is about to change. In this exclusive interview with The Free Confederates, a former Meritocratic Senator and current head of state in Lazarus, the Meritocratic Times brings the reader into the land of the undead as Lazarus begins its ascent into the larger NationStates world.

Grenval II:  As a long time player and former Meritocrat, what made you join Lazarus a relatively quiet region outside the interregional NationStates scene?

The Free Confederates:  Well, at the time I joined Lazarus, I was still delegate of the then dying, now dead, region "The CENA." It was pretty clear the region was coming to a close. My main nation at the time was called Wealthists, and I was looking for things to do. I originally was thinking about doing stuff in the Pacific, I joined The Pacific Underground... but that wasn't really suiting me. I brought back to life The Free Confederates and found myself in Lazarus. I had no idea where I wanted to go, so I decided to stay.

Grenval II:  Tell us about your election to Delegate, the highest post in Lazarus.

The Free Confederates:  Well, as I mentioned at the time to a close NS friend of mine, Novus Arcadia (no idea what name he goes by these days), it has always been a bit of a dream of mine to become the delegate of a feeder region. I never really pursued the dream because I've never really lived in a feeder long enough. I lived in the Pacific for a short while... but it was only a very short period of time. Anyways, the Lazarus government was basically non-existent. The old Mandate which I had edited a few months previous was still in effect, and we still had a few of the Yaman Council members (including myself, as Foreign Affairs Commissioner), but that was basically about it. A crasher, killer kitty came into the region and took it over. A few defenders tried to take it back but gave it up. Lazarus is a no-eject region so it was sort of pointless. killer kitty was benevolent though, he kept the WFE link to our forums and participated in government discussions, he also agreed to holding elections. So when elections came around, I ran against PeoplePie, who was on the Yaman Council, but didn't hold a specific title, he had been around in Lazarus much longer than me. Lazarus was so small at that point, not to many people voted, six total. It was tied 3-3 for a few days before PeoplePie switched his vote over to me and I was declared the winner. It then took me another week to get enough endorsements for me to take the delegacy.

Grenval II:  What does your job as Delegate entail?

The Free Confederates:  Well, what is specified in the current Lazarus Mandate is that the Delegate is the head-of-state, with almost monarchical powers. If we keep the current Mandate in effect, I won't have to go up for re-election until March! However, as the region is transitioning and will likely adopt a new Mandate shortly (this will be the fourth Mandate in Lazarus history), I've made it pretty clear that power is available for anyone who steps us. I am not the root admin on our new forums, that title goes to Igoudala. Although I am an admin. So right now I'd say the only power that I have that no one else in the region holds is the power to change the WFE and vote on UN resolutions. Although, I am making sure that our transition process goes smoothly.

Grenval II:  How do you feel about having Killer Kitty, a known invader, as High Commissioner, the second highest post in Lazarus?

The Free Confederates:  Well, first off, he is inactive at this point. Once the new Mandate is adopted, I'll be able to re-appoint new and better people. The position of High Commissioner is being ditched entirely in the new version. Secondly, Lazarus is not a defender region, it never has been. We considered joining the CDA a few months ago, but did not accept the offer. Our previous elected delegate, Spectacor, was indeed a crasher. Killer Kitty did good things for the region and it was appropriate that he be granted the title of High Commissioner.

Grenval II:  Lazarus recently opened a new forum.  Why did you open it and what is happening there?

The Free Confederates:  The founders of modern day Lazarus are Baribeau and LiesInc (known to the rest of the NS world as Sarda). They were the only two administrators on our s7 forum. Both are now inactive. Although me and PeoplePie are both moderators on the s7, it was quite urgent that we moved to a new forum. Igoudala created the s13 forum which is our new home. We are currently trying to design it to our desires and are working on picking good skins and what not. Some favor a new "angelic" theme, while others prefer classic "undead" business.

(Editor’s Note:  The current Lazarus Forum can be found here.  The old Lazarus Forum can be found here.)

Grenval II:  Rumor has it Lazarus will soon explode onto the interregional scene in NationStates once again.  What are your thoughts on this?

The Free Confederates:  Most definitely. Lazarus is the least important region with a population over 500. In fact, we are over 1000. We are the only feeder region that no one cares about! It is my goal, and the goal of others in the region to change this. Once things are solid internally, we plan on developing an aggressive foreign policy. The first of our new alliances is with long time NS powerhouse, The Meritocracy (of which I am a former Senator of, and Igoudala is a current Senator of). Lazarus is the place to be for the year 2006.

Grenval II:  Lazarus is currently writing a new set of laws.  Can you please tell us about that?

The Free Confederates:  As I mentioned earlier, modern Lazarus history begins with the first Lazarus Mandate (which is basically a constitution). In the last year or so, the Mandate has been edited many times. I myself made the most recent edits back in September of this year. After my election, when Igoudala joined the region, his first proposition was a new constitution. Although I rejected the title "constitution" I agreed to the premise and we set to work on the new Mandate. The new Mandate will have a few aspects. We have decreased the size of the Yaman Council to just five members, we will also be separating the offices of Delegate and head-of-state (the title Igoudala came up with is Plenipontiary). A few other things as well, but that is most significant.

Grenval II:  I noticed you are opposed to the re-creation of the Undead Hordes, Lazarus army.  Can you please explain?

The Free Confederates:  Erm, well... It never really existed. Zero Hour (also known as Quilium) was the first Security Commissioner who ever really did anything about the Undead Hordes... all in all, it wasn't much. Before I became delegate, I was also General of the Undead Hordes, and I can assure you, I did nothing. I found it actually sort of amusing. I remember talking to Blackbird once about Spectacor (I was investigating whether or not he was a crasher... my investigation was inconclusive, but turns out he was anyways); Blackbird told me to be careful in Lazarus because the army had been "infiltrated." I didn't respond, but I remember laughing to myself that the two person army (1/2 me, 1/2 Zero Hour) had been infiltrated.

Grenval II:  What do you believe is the future of Lazarus?

The Free Confederates:  Sunshine and Lollipops.

Grenval II:  Are there any other closing remarks you would like to make?

The Free Confederates:  Yes... All of you really ought to come to Lazarus. I doubt there is a single veteran NS player who doesn't have a nation they need to revive. If you do, why bother leave to join some other cruddy region? Stay in Lazarus! It is the place to be.

(The Meritocratic Times would like to thank The Free Confederates for conducting this interview.)

The Meritocratic News Awards 2005
Article by Soigacas

The Senator from Aesculapius arrives at the awards

Welcome to this annual event, now in its second year, where we celebrate and recognise those who have contributed to this body over the past 12 months.

And what a year it has been. We have seen Pebbles, the downfall of the old Senate, and the glorious emergence of the new Senate. We fashioned a completely new system for self-governance, and saw the start of the Herodotus project.

So, onto the first award: Consul of the Year. The Curia Nuntii asked Senators to vote for the Accords Consul they thought had best served the Meritocracy. I think we can all agree that the Senator who I present this award to has tirelessly worked for the good of the Senate and the Meritocracy in 2005. He helped write the Accords, and was the first Consul under them. During his term in office he instituted the Herodotus project and spurred the region onwards. It gives me great pleasure to present the Consul of the Year award to Aesculapius!

Congratulations to Aes. Our second award is for Senator of the Year, and again we asked Senators to name one of their number who has contributed the most to the Senate since the dissolution of the old Senate. The votes were very close, but one Senator had to win. Since his return to the Senate in 2005, this Senator has constantly acted for the betterment of the Meritocracy. He's never short of words, and his lengthy writings provide food for thought and inspiration for us all. I present the Senator of the Year award to one of the founding fathers of the Meritocracy, Hetairia!

Our final award is new this year: Best Quote. We decided to give this award out to recognize those little gems that Senate life occasionally throws up. I have to admit Senators were not very taken with the concept, but we do have a winner. I award the Curia Nuntii Plastic Mug Award for Best Quote 2005 to the Senator from Pragmas!

Well done to all our winners, and might I remind you that speeches are compulsory.

The Coming Year: You are all going to die
Article by King Justin the Brave, King of Eureka and Councillor of Bumpivania
Written on the 28th of December 2005, approved by the Aedile


King Justin delivers his views in the coming year

The Meritocracy has always been a place where events overtake the the best laid plans of its members. Whether a quiet policy driven referendum, or a military campaign, the Senators and residents here are often swept along in the currents of this place.

Like a great ocean, there are competing currents. Sometimes you'll be thrust forward. Other times, you'll be tossed sideways, then backwards. No one can control these currents, and the most successful of Us are merely able to judge where and when to tack upon them to ensure a rough arrival of somewhere where we hoped to end up.

The past years have been as such, and the upcoming year will be the same. No one will be able to lay out a plan which will be adhered to. To attempt this would be folly of the worst kind. Eureka will however attempt to discuss the possibilities of the coming year.

In the short term, the Meritocratic Senate faces the problem of burgeoning military action, and the restlessness of its members. While certain alliances have been strengthened, others have weakened, and some thought long forgotten have re-emerged. This shift in power will inexorably lead to greater conflict between the members of these organisation, as they attempt to find a position to outmaneuver the other and gain the greater military and political power. Eureka foresees conflict between the St Alexandersburg Pact and the Kitimat forces. Whether this will result in military action is as yet unknown. It depends on the combatants, and their willingness to negotiate and compromise.

In other areas, the final formalation of a foreign policy will create tension within the Senate. With such a diverse group of Senators with outside influences, no truly independent foreign policy is possible. What the Senate will eventually endorse will be a policy not entirely acceptable to any particular side. This will lead to a schism, and possibly to a constitutional crisis. Eureka foresses large scale, if not massive, resignations from the Senate in wake of this.

On an electoral front, the next Consular election will be fiercely contested. Already several potential candidates have expressed an interest in running, with two in particular having the greatest chance of winning. They will split the Senate, though behind the scenes will work together to ensure at least a progressive Senate. The next Consul will lead foreign policy heavily, regardless of who wins. This leads back into our previous point.

Senate membership wise, after a short term drop in membership, the foreign policy should enable a growth in overall membership. By the end of the year, We suggest the Senate will be between 10% - 30% larger than it is now.

Once again, personalities will be at the forefront of internal Meritocratic politics. Several groups will spring up, and Eureka would not be surprised if the long dreaded political party became a common occurrence before the end of the year, with all its feared divisiveness. Certain members of the Senate will break long standing alliances to lead opposing factions. Some Senators who have long been opposed will ally for a greater good.

Overall, you will be lucky if you are alive by this time next year, and those that DO survive will be part of a Senate which will have changed almost beyond recognition from the current one.

Senate News in Brief

•SAPGAS forms Elite Hit Squad

SAPGAS from right to left: Xiang Gang, Lord Tom, and Bumpy

The spelling enforcing group, SAPGAS, reformed this week. Led by registered smart-arse Xiang Gang, they have threatened to form a “Crack Team”, instilling fear into the hearts of those with typographical dihorrea. Bad spellers beware!

•Ylling starts the Senate Library

Senator Ylling has begun compiling famous roleplays, court cases, and membership applications from the Meritocracy’s past. He’s even got the first ever edition of the Mertiocratic Times. They certainly make for fascinating reading, and can be found in The Senate Library forum.
We at InterMet news (or, more specifically, our Aedile, Soigacas) Have gotten an exclusive scoop on the latest details in the RLA investigation into the Invader forums deletion, namely, the appointment of Eureka of the New Meritocracy being appointed as the neutral observer into the observation!

Article found here


RLA appoints Eureka


Justin assumes his role as investigator

Today, InterMet News can exclusively reveal the Red Liberty Alliance’s covert appointment of Justin (of Eureka) to the Investigation into their forum destruction late last year. He told members of the Central Soviet:
Members of the RLA involved in the Investigation,

I am pleased to be able to offer my services as an impartial and independent observer in this continuing investigation. While I am sure my nomination must have provoked debate, I can assure you, and as I have told Blackbird, my role here is completely OOC

He fills the role of Lanier, who, on the 29th December, resigned his position. Lanier stated that he had become biased after the ASE (a part of the RLA) condemned his home region, the West Pacific, for their actions in the weeks before.
Recently, the ASE, a major part of RLA, condemned The West Pacific for our emergency actions of the past couple of weeks. I find that I cannot continue to approach this task with the morally necessary absence of bias

The Investigation is being held into the alleged early December acts of the RLA against Invaders. Using deplorable methods, two high-ranking RLA members (Ketoprofen and The Red Factions) destroyed sections of the Invaders forum, including OOC and Roleplay sub-forums. This act was condemned throughout the world, and the RLA launched an investigation into it.

Eureka has been given Executive Level clearance, indicating he has access to most, if not all, of the RLA’s forums. How the investigation will proceed from here cannot be said, but Eureka has begun by asking whether the destruction was sanctioned by the RLA charter:

I would like to know whether, according to the Charter of the RLA, the act was an act of declared war, and if so, whether the appropriate vote had been taken

After discovering this exclusive information, InterMet contacted Justin and asked him for a comment. He had this to say:

I must thank the members of the RLA for offering me this chance, and having the foresight to realise that someone who is a vocal opponent of what happened, as well as being neutral in the world of invaders and defenders, would make the results more easily accepted. Oh, and to the Meritocracy: KJ isn't involved
in this investigation.  It’s just me.

Whether Justin proves a more effective and probing investigator than the previous one remains to be seen, but we can rest assured the truth will (eventually) out.

Sources available upon request
Allow me to update everyone here who reads these things on foreign affairs once again!

Intermet has released an article covering the latest events occuring in the West Pacific, namely, the delegate, along with some other members of the WestPac community, have declared martial law on the feeder and are going to bring order to the place. Among their apparent reasons, is the failure of the West Pacifics ComCon3, which started as an attempt to make a constitution for the feeder after the Core incident a few months back.

Article Here
Elections Electrify Meritocracy!
Let the Husting and Bunting Begin

The New Meritocracy has caught Election Fever, as it gets ready for what is going to be an interesting course for The New Meritocracy no matter who wins. All eyes are of course on the Consular Election, which so far pits the current Interim Consul ACC against the former Censor and Optimate Big D Baby. Each candidate has tried to form a formidable Cabinet.

At the moment they line up as:-

Censor - Siempre (Big D Baby) and OC (ACC)
Praetor - X-G (Big D Daddy)
Quaestor - Asflav (Big D Baby)

As we can see, for the moment ACC still has to find two more Executor candidates, if he wishes to stand as Consul but with 11 days left till the end of nominations, there is no doubt he will have got some candidates by then.

Following ACC, who had laid out his Consular Election plan a few days previously, Senator Big D Baby was keen to get onto the front foot and immediately published his manifesto: "Attacking the Disease: Big D Baby for Consul". Inside which the Senator stated that The New Merit. needed a ideological renewal in order to succeed. He will be pushing for Cultural Imperialism, defining roles for Senators, mainting the Merit's neutral status in World Affairs, trying to get more Senators and also taking a stand on key issues across Nationstates. These fighting words have recieved equal amounts of praise and scepticism by those that welcome the call for action, but question the Former Censor's ability to be acrtive enough to carry out such a role (he had to leave as Censor due to problems with activity).

The Consular candidates have not been the only ones to put forth their platforms, Objectivist Chimps who had switched from Praetor candidate to Censor candidate has already published his platform, aswell as X-G for Praetor. Both have recieved warm receptions in The Meritocracy and it will be up to their opponents (should they come forward in the Praetor and Quaestor elections) to put forward a more inviting view of the Meritocracy. One thing is for sure, all these candidates are committed to change and no matter who wins, things are bound to be different next term it seems.

At the moment, it is hard to say which candidate has the edge over the other, as all try and work their way into the best position before the voting begins. No doubt we will see a variety of twists and turns, for which The Meritocracy is famed for, but for this movement, we can be sure that the Meritocracy will be in good hands.
Meritocracy Foreign Affairs Update
Week of May 8, 2006
Written by Big D Baby, Deputy Quaestor

Internal Affairs
  • Elections Electrify the Meritocracy
    The recents elections brought unprecedented turnout and in the case of Consul even a tie!
    • Censor Election
      Upstart, Objectivist Chimps won the race for Censor over the veteran, Siempre.

    • Praetor Election
      Three candidates, Xiang Gang, Russo-Princepolis (Czarist  Duchies), and Nueva Sedarva,  vied for the position with Xiang Gang coming out on top by one vote over Czarist Duchies. The race was electrifying and while Czarist Duchies lost, he now leads in another election to become the next Patrician of the Curia Rei Familiaris.

    • Quaestor Election
      In the only non-constested race, Councilor Aflac from Afslavastakia easily cruised to victory.

    • Consul Election
      The consul election pitted the former Censor, Big D Baby, against the Interim Consul, The Anti Commi Clan. The first vote led to a tie with each garnering nineteen votes a piece. The run-off ended with The Anti Commi Clan with 21 votes and Big D with 20, with two Senators changing their votes at the last moment to secure the win for the Anti Commi Clan.
  • We can't keep 'em out!
    The Meritocracy has seen many new Senators in recent weeks. The following have been welcomed as Senators recently:

    Conquered Absynnia (The New Duce)
    Jumping Bunnies (CrazyGirl)
    Commonwealth Colony (The Great Commonwealth)
  • External Affairs
    • ACCEL Election Campaigning have started and are proceeding well; many Meritocracy Senators are standing and taking part. Read all about it here and here.

    • The Meritocracy recently exchanged embassies with the growing region, the Lexicon. Wegason will be our ambassador to that region and Insane Power will be their ambassador to us.

  • Recent InterMet Articles
    Intermet Advances! New Markets (Link)
    The Election Diaries, Big D Baby's musings throughout the Consul Election
    Part 1 (Link)
    Part 2 (Link)
    Part 3 (Link)
    NationStates: The Roleplayer's Perspective (Link)

EDIT: Multi-list function does not seem to be working.
Well now that my problem with the forum is over. I shall now be your Ambassador.

Any questions etc. feel free to ask.
It is my understanding that you recently took part in activities geared towards forming a defensive bloc against a feeder region.

Was TNP approached for their input and did we decide to assist you? I am uncertain of the current status of the coalition but would be willing to help you get it started and possibly make inroads with the Regional Assembly on your behalf.

If the plans have changed and TNP is not to be considered, or someone in authority has already declined your invitation, I apologize.
Obviously I am not going to make comments of that nature about TNP Government, it wouldn't be proper and I know that I would complain if they did the same about the Meritocracy. As for my actions, well I have stated that it was my mistake and one has to bear responsibility for that. Here is a nice update for you all anyway :D

Meritocracy Foreign Affairs Update
Week of June 27th, 2006
Written by Posul, Quaestor

Internal Affairs
  • Elections in the Meritocracy
    We have recently had elections for the position of Quaestor inside the Meritocracy. In a close race between Posul and Big D Baby (Deputy Quaestor), Posul won by 3 votes at 16-13.

  • Roleplay Restarts
    The Roleplaying Sections of the New Meritocracy have been awashed with activity as more and more have got involved with events there. So far the nation of Tazistan has been going through turmoil as other nations in the New Meritocracy try and help the people there. If you are interested in Roleplay, the New Meritocracy is certainly the place to be at the moment.

  • We can't keep 'em out!
    The Meritocracy has seen many new Senators in recent weeks. The following have been welcomed as Senators recently:

    Haor Chall
    Warring Minorities
    New Kervoskia
    The Faeyas
    Novus Homines

  • External Affairs

  • In the ACCEL, Gatesville have left over the ejected of the Pacific. However in a Chairman's Address, Wegason answered Critics about the possible collapse of the Alliance Click Here

  • The Meritocracy has made alot of new embassies over the past few weeks thanks to Deputy Quaestor Big D Baby, so far we have embassies with all the Pacifics, Gatesville, Lexicon and a number of medium sized regions across Nationstates, and more are on the way.

  • Latest InterMet Articles can always be found here:Click Here

  • The Meritocracy has alsp preparing to issue a statement relating to the forum destruction in RIA by rogue members of the DEN and LWU. The New Meritocracy signed the Nationstates Convention on Wafare and Espionage, and many Senators have privately stated their disgust at these actions.

Meritocratic Bulletin

From our Consul:

At present as Consul I have been in negotiations with The Pacific which have so far proved inconclusive. Recently I made a presentation to our allies in The West Pacific over the RIA Forum Destruction controversy and I hope they will stand beside us in our condemnation of these acts. A lot of the last few weeks has been, as everyone can see, damage control. Just trying to keep everyone in check and to let people on all sides step back and appraise the situation before doing anything rash. However, now it is time to return to the cabinet's original agenda. In the coming week I plan to work with our new Quaestor in filling out our embassies as well as finding candidates for the Aedile election seeing as no one has as yet accepted their nominations.

From our Quaestor:

After my recent election to the role I have been busying myself and the Curia with the reorganisation that was required. I am pleased to say that all our Embassies are full staffed (or are on course to be) and this means that we now have a complete Foreign Diplomatic Corps. So far I have also tried to expand Meritocratic friendships across Nationstates and with help from fellow Senators am trying to make sure that the ACCEL continues to progress with The New Meritocracy. I will also be looking into more prefectures to make sure that Cultural Imperialism is maintained as a corner stone of Meritocratic Foreign Policy. There is more work to be done, however with the help of the Consul and the Senate you can be assured that the New Meritocracy will be making sure that we are at the heart of international affairs in a positive, pro-active sense.

From our Praetor:

Unfortunately, the Praetor is away, however he shall feature in the next bulletin
*Heft prepares random post

Whenever I hit the "take to first unread post", it keeps taking me to Gracius Maximus' post from June 26. I've read the first line of the thing a good fifteen times now.

It's only this thread. o.O
*sneaks in while Possy is away, sits in his chair, and puts her feet on his desk*

Now...where does he hide the candy...
*Heft prepares random post

Whenever I hit the "take to first unread post", it keeps taking me to Gracius Maximus' post from June 26. I've read the first line of the thing a good fifteen times now.

It's only this thread. o.O
I am sure it is for very good reason.
The New Meritocracy has this statement to make:

"The Government of the New Meritocracy, has decided that in the current conflict between the North Pacific and the Lexicon it will give all necessary and requested assistance to the North Pacfic Government in the face of this blatant aggression from the Lexicon"
On behalf of the Ministry of Defense, I'd like to offer my thanks as well. If we ever need military support to defend our delegate, I will be sure to contact you.
Hello to all I am Valle de Mejico your newly appointed (like 5 minutes ago, seriously) Ambassador to the region. I really just applied to get a pin on the Merit's forum, just kidding. I am a Meritocratic Islander nation and am Senator to the esteemed halls of The Meritocracy. I'll be here to look over the embassy inform you and your government of our Meritocracy, and news and the latest fashion designs over there.


Valle de Mejico
Senate Approves Change to the Accords

The Senate this week passed two important changes to the membership and voting procedures. The first alteration was an amendment to Section VIII of the Accords and inserted the line “Senators who are on a leave of absence shall not be counted as members of the sitting Senate for the duration of their absence.” The consequences of the amendment will be to lower the quorum level for voting, thus making legislation easier to pass when a large number of Senators are absent. Interestingly, three former Censors voted against the measure along with the current Censor. Former Censor Objectivist Chimps complained, “it's [the amendment] an unnecessary pain which is not going to attack any real problems but will simply cause a headache for everyone involved towards no real benefit.” With the Censor’s role being to administer votes, it is they who would be most affected by the change. Despite their opposition the amendment was passed by 24 votes to five, with two abstentions.

The second measure passed by the Senate was the “Senator Re-Admission Act of 2006”. Drafted by former Consul Warrior Thorin, the Act seeks to allow easier re-entry to the Senate by former Senators who have left due to “extenuating circumstances”. The act allows former Senators to petition the Senate for re-instatement, if one quarter of the Senate agree then the Censor can mount an investigation into the circumstances that led to the former Senator losing their seat. Once the Censor is satisfied with the investigation, the Censor may then reinstate the Senator without the need for a full vote of the Senate. The main proponents of the act pointed to situations in the past where Senators have been unable to notify the Senate of an absence, thus losing their Senate seat to circumstances beyond their control. Opponents found several objections to the resolution, most notably the one pointed out by the current Censor, Wegason, that “it concentrates too much power in the Censors hands”. Further objections were raised that the phrase “extenuating circumstances” could blur the line between Out Of Character (OOC) and In Character (IC) worlds. Regardless of the objections raised by the opposition the act passed by 14 votes to 12, with three abstentions.

New Patrician Informationis Elected

The Senator from The Heights challenged the inactive Senator from Unistrut for latter’s role as Patrician Informationis this week, with The Heights winning by 18 votes to seven, with five abstentions. The Patrician Informationis is responsible for overseeing the drafting of legislation pertaining to the rules of entry, census, membership information, and methods of communication within the Meritocracy.

Hello to…

Former Senator Nueva Sedarva was this week re-accepted to the Senate after 26 Senators voted to accept his membership application. There were only two abstentions with no nay votes recorded.

Goodbye from…

The Senate voted in favour of an expulsion of Al-Kazahn (New Kervoskia) by 22 votes to three after more than 12 Senators signed a petition of expulsion proposed by the Senator from Siempre. The petition noted that “his inability to contribute anything remotely constructive in almost two months is unmeritorious”.

The Senators from Xiang Gang and Afslavistakistania resigned their Senate seats.

The Senators from Pittsland, FreeTradeStates and Unistrut ceased to exist, thereby ruling themselves ineligible for a seat in the Senate. The latter’s cessation to exist comes after The Heights’ challenge to Unistrut’s role as Patrician Informationis.

Last but not Least

The Senate this week confirmed House Wins (Leg-ends) as Aedile of the Meritocracy. The role was left vacant after the previous Aedile, Wegason, won election to the role of Censor.
Appointed Executive Amendment Fails

Plan to “empower and activate the Patrician class” struck down

An amendment to the Accords of The Meritocracy that would have empowered the Consul and Patricians failed to gain the approval of the Senate. The amendment, proposed by Czarist Duchies, sought to be a solution to two of the biggest problems facing the Senate. The first problem has been that the Consul is unable to work with their nominated Executive team, with each Executor currently elected separately by a vote of the whole Senate. Many Senators have complained that the Consul, deemed the most meritorious, has the same say in Executor elections as (by comparison) a relatively un-meritorious Senator. Senators in favour of the current arrangements have pointed out that in the past the candidate judged most to have the most merit would not have become an Executor as the Consul on their nominated ticket was not elected. Other proponents of the current system have pointed out that in the previous incarnation of The Meritocracy, under the Charter of The Meritocracy, had an appointed Executive and that led to the same people getting the same jobs. Statistical work, most notably by the former Senator from Jasque, suggested otherwise coming to the conclusion that “popular opinion favours the experienced Cabinet Members” with “the old system [doing] a better job of including newer Senators in the cabinet.”

The second perceived problem is that of the status of Patrician. Currently Patricians are responsible for passing legislation in the Curia before they can be considered by the entire Senate. The Censor, Glorious Wegason, has complained that “Patricians are generally not active, we have had to wait days for Patrician approval on a number of bits of legislation”. Novus Homines agrees, “The system which was designed to make the Patricians worth something… is not working.” General opinion in the Senate is that the role of Patricians needs altering to make them more worthwhile and thus widely contested.

The amendment ambitiously sought to solve these two very different problems by allowing the Consul to appoint the executive with Patricians then having to approve the Consul’s appointments. While objection to the appointed executive portion was low, there was great debate over the role of the Patricians. Objectivist Chimps commented, “The Patricians have not proven themselves to be capable of earning greater grants of power.” Defending the legislation Czarist Duchies responded, “the Patricians have been given no opportunity, no power to utilise that Merit.” Further concerns had been raised that by granting Patricians such great powers then the office of Patrician risked being politicised. In the end the amendment failed with 13 votes in favour to 15 against, with four abstentions.

Plethora of Legislation Planned

The Senate will vote on a wide array of legislation in the coming days with many more being drafted in various Curia. Up for immediate consideration are an amendment to the Membership Act and another Accords amendment requiring Senators to become a member of one of five Curia.

Recent Comings

An application by The Andromedan was rejected with 14 Senators voting against, with 10 abstentions.

Recent Goings

The Senators from CrazyGirl and Tazistan both resigned their Senate seats while Merited Flemingovia ceased to exist. The Senator from Conglamo was expelled from the Senate following serious inactivity by a vote of 12 to six with three abstains. Also expelled was Windsor Castle (Windsor Bainbridge) by a vote of 18 to two, with one abstention.

New Patrician Informationis Required

The resignation of the Senator from Tazistan has created a vacancy for a role as Patrician Informationis. Names linked with the position so far are the Senators Valle de Mejico, Big D Baby and Siempre. Nominations close on the 23rd of August.

InterMet – News with Merit

Recent Articles:

ACCEL Latest: Secretariat and Chairman Elections
Posul Show
Takara Shimbun
Senate Approves Changes to the Accords
Meritocracy Foreign Affairs Update
August 22, 2006
Written by Posul,Quaestor

Internal Affairs
  • Legislation Blitz! Curia opened to the Senators
    Recent legislation has meant that a variety of new doors have been opened as they now have the choice to join one of the many "Curiae" (Departments) that the Meritocracy has. Each one specialises in a certain field such as diplomacy, internal affairs. Now Senators have to join at least one of these Departments in order to make sure that they continue with their commitment to the organisation. This is an old rule that has been brought back, and many Senators hold high hopes for the future since it has passed.
    • New Administrative Council
      The New Meritocracy has had a history of fine roleplaying, but until very recently much of it had faded away. With the resurgance of some serious roleplaying the Praetor has been able to bring about the grand plan for a fully RP run City to had within the New Meritocracy. To that effect a new Administrative Council has been created to manage and run the city's affairs weaving one more thread into the rich tapstry of Meritocratic life.

    • New Membership Amendment
      The Censor has also drafted legislation to make sure that the Senators now have to make themselves known internationally or within the Senate, otherwise they will be considered to have left the Senate. It is hoped that it will end some of the more devious practices as those that merely show up to the Senate to vote in elections.

    • Senate Library Appointment

      Former Censor and former Vice Consul, Big D Baby has been appointed as Librarian of the Senate Library. This is grand project and with plenty of run for expansion, we wish the new Librarian the best of luck in that area.

    • We can't keep 'em out!
      The Meritocracy has seen many new Senators in recent weeks. The following have been welcomed as Senators recently:

      The Heights
      Valle de Mejico
      Chica La Rebels
      Nueva Sedarva

    • External Affairs
      • ACCEL Regions remain in DEN hands

        Though the ACCEL and the Meritocracy have tried their best to liberate those two regions, the DEN remained resolute in control of them. Negioations with them have been unsuccessful due to their wild demands, however the Consul has taken a tough line on this matter providing leadership in the face of adversity.

      • The New Meritocracy has continued to expand its quest for prefectures, though the Treaty with Supreme Union failed to pass the Senate.
    • Want to read up to the date news?

      Intermet News - News with Merit

Thank You, Posul I can take it from here :yes:

Appointed Executive Amendment Passes

Senate will confirm, not choose, the Censor, Praetor and Quaestor

The Senate of The Meritocracy has approved an amendment to the Article III of the Accords which now places the power to appoint Executors in the hands of the Consul rather than the Senate. The Amendment was drafted by Czarist Duchies after the Senate last week narrowly rejected a similar amendment which would have brought in an appointed Executive approved by the Patrician class. The new version sees the Consul appoint the Censor, the Praetor and the Quaestor, one-third of the Senate must then approve of the appointments for the nominees to take up their position. The position of Vice-Consul was already appointed in this manner, but with a two-fifths approval level – that has now been reduced to one-third so it falls in line with the other Executive positions. The non-Executive positions of Aedile and Tribune will continue to be elected by the Senate in order to maintain an independent media and courts.

The changes have been implemented following claims that The Meritocracy was too democratic and not meritocratic enough. As InterMet reported last week, the former Senator from Jasque has done extensive research that suggested that “popular opinion favours the experienced Cabinet Members” not necessarily the candidate with the most merit. Long discussion prompted by Warrior Thorin’s charge that the “death knell beckons” has seen a dramatic change of opinion in Senators. Only in May the Senator from Cortath proposed an Accords Amendment on very similar lines with a two-fifths approval level required and saw the legislation defeated by 18 votes to nine. In contrast, this legislation passed by 17 votes to four.

The next set of elections will now see the Senate vote for only The Consul and shall be even more interesting than usual. With candidates now given a wider array of tactics, one possibility is that a trailing candidate the may announce their Executive, perhaps made up of popular Senators, prior to the election in order lean on their merit. There may even be confirmation battles if a particularly close election results an aggrieved large minority. Whatever happens, InterMet will keep you up-to-date.

Curiae Begin Registration of Senators

Following the recently passed Accords Amendment Senators are now required to become a member of at least one of the five Curiae: Legationis, Nuntii, Judicialis, Informationis, or Rei Familiaris; or the BBC (click links for application details). Senators failing to do so may face an expulsion petition on the grounds of inactivity.


The former Senator from Ylling was denied re-entry to the Senate after Senators voted by nine ayes to seven nays, with eight abstentions. Due to the number of abstentions being greater than one-third of the votes cast the application was rejected as the number of ayes needed to be greater than one-half of the votes cast.


The Senator from Mutual Funds (The Iroqouis) left the region of The New Meritocracy, thereby vacating their Senate seat. The movement was to pre-empt a petition of Censure brought by the Senator from Cortath. Signing the petition the Senator from Argyres reasoned, “He's made no effort whatsoever to become a part of this Senate. He hardly ever posts except when he's angry at something, and when he does post it's as an outsider to the Senate.”

InterMet – News with Merit

Recent Articles:

The Luna® Ledger
Curiae Membership Introduced
Takara Shimbun
Appointed Executive Amendment Fails
ACCEL Latest: Secretariat and Chairman Elections
“Abstain” Option removed from Membership Votes

Membership Act Amended

Last week the Senate of The Meritocracy considered an amendment to the Membership Act that sought to remove the option of abstain from the Senate’s choices. The amendment was suggested following a vote on the membership application of Yilling 3 where there were nine ayes to seven nays, with eight abstentions. That particular arrangements of votes invoked a clause in the membership act where if the number of abstentions were greater that a third of the votes cast then the number of ayes needs to be greater than the nays and abstains combined. Several Senators pointed out that if an abstaining Senator changed their vote to nay then the number of abstentions fell below the one-third level and the application would have been accepted. The odd state of affairs prompted the Senator from Big D Baby to suggest an amendment to the membership act where if the number of abstains were greater than one-third then a run-off vote would be held where Senators could only vote “Aye” or “Nay”. This suggestion was hotly debated but the Senator from Shasarazade suggested the amendment go one step further with abstentions being removed altogether.

Debate then switched to the meaning of an abstention: be it a mere acknowledgement of being present, an indication to try harder or a general sign of apathy. Following the previous amendment to the membership application Senators no longer need to vote to signal their presence but simply need to speak in the Senate Hall therefore removing the need to vote abstain. An alteration to the amendment that removed the run-off idea and introduced a quorum level of half the sitting Senate means Senators can still be apathetic.

With the text settled upon debate was heated during the vote, some Senators claimed that the removal of the abstain option would make Senators more likely to vote Aye on membership applications. Others argued the opposite, claiming that if a Senator was unsure they’d most likely vote against the applicant. Ultimately the amendment was passed with 19 votes in favour to 11 against, there were no abstentions.

Tribune Elections

Elections are underway for the office of Tribune, the Chief Justice of The Meritocracy. The contest between Objectivizt Chimps and Warrior Thorin is a re-run of the tribune election run in early August that followed Soigacas’ assent to the position of Consul. On that occasion Objectivizt Chimps won by 14 votes to 12. A full report on the election will appear on InterMet when the result is known, in the mean time the candidates have re-launched their election campaigns from last month and which can be viewed here: OC, WT

Intelligence Amendment – Take 3

Senators have begun voting on the third amendment to the Accords in as many weeks as the Senate attempts to add the Black Box Corporation (BBC) to the accords. The BBC is currently only created by an act of law and is thus easier to remove than if it was codified in the Accords. The previous two amendments were voted down for a wide variety of reasons. Once the legal status of the BBC, or Meritocratic Intelligence Agency (MIA) as it is to be re-named, is clarified InterMet will give a full report on every twist and turn.

New Patrician Informationis Elected

Valle de Mejico, Big D Baby, and Siempre all contested the vacant post of Patrician Informationis, a role that assists the Censor with his duties. With two votes for Valle de Mejico, 14 for Big D Baby and eight for Siempre, the Senator from Big D Baby was elected to the position.

ECON revival?

Economic Community of Nations maybe revived following a recent rise in interests in the body. ECON seeks to promote free trade between members and has been inactive for several months until the Senator from Valle de Mejico applied to join the organisation. Although technically an independent organization, ECON is subject to Senate Oversight, and any efforts to revive it would be Senate-led.

Meritocratic Administrative District Project Begins

Folowing the creation of the Meritocratic Administrative District (MAD) efforts have begun to construct the Capital City. Designs have already been proposed in a design contest being run by the Praetor, The Great Commonwealth. Councillors have already been elected, there were ten applications for only six places. With the Council self-selecting the only council member, the Praetor, elected Ismael VII (of Valle de Mejico), Cameron Belaponte (Corintur), Major General Boris Stevon/Colonel General Ivan Svestov (Winnipeg), John Phillipescu (New Camedia), Gaius Flavius (Posul), and Domenick Varburn (Balanvinski). Any councillor may face a challenge to their seat at any time. Senators interested in getting involved in MAD should consult this handy guide.


The nation of Jiao Yang was elected to the Senate by a vote of 12 Ayes to four nays, with four abstentions. The former Senator from Nuclear Industrial was re-admitted to the Senate by a vote of 19 ayes to five nays, with two abstentions.


Nueva Sedarva and The Faeyas both ceased to exist and thus forfeited their Senate seats. The Senator from Neandertron resigned his Senate seat.

And Finally

Senators have been very busy creating a multitude of advertisements for the Senate and its Prefectures. Courtesy of YouTube you can now enjoy the delights of The Meritocracy Recruitment Video, Meritocracy - Real Men of Genius and The Meritocratic Legions . InterMet will endeavor to keep you up to date with more startling videos as and when they are made.

InterMet – News with Merit

Recent Articles:

ACCEL: DT&NS Bulletin
The Luna® Ledger
The Zone: NS News in Brief
Takara Shimbun
Meriterran Times
The Real Men of Genius...those are great commercials. The first recruitment video is amazing.

Thanks for the update.
The previous Quaestor of the Soigacas Consulship, Posul, has been forced to resign as a nicety preferrable to being fired. I am the new Meritocratic Quaestor.

A new diplomat will be sent to the North shortly. Thank you.