I Have...

I have a sneaking suspicion that I've got bronchitis, I have no idea how it managed to hang on through a pretty nasty round of antibiotics for a sinus infection, though. I have no voice today. Maybe god just loves everyone who has to deal with me more than he loves me today. Happy valentine's to you too, ya big meanie.
I have to say that the medical understanding of bronchitis has changed, and that it is usually viral infections that cause bronchitis, and the risk of bacterial infection is secondary.

I have some cough drops.
I have to tell you, I use a usb broadband modem for my internets. It's pretty reliable, despite being really really shit at streaming video. My cricket plan is 40$/month flat rate, and they say they'll throttle your bandwidth if you go over 5g a month, but I work with an engineer who actually worked on these modems, and he told me there's no way for them to track it right now, so it's basically unlimited.
I have to say that I probably exceed 5gb, so whenever that became enforced I would be in trouble! I have a feeling that service might not be available here, either. Our broadband access is one of the worst in the country!
I have to roll my eyes whenever anyone complains about weather in this town*. no matter how bad it is there is somewhere that is infinitely worse weather wise.

*complaining about massive firestorms that move faster than cars and have flames hundreds of feet high are excluded. Canberra can complain about them no worries.