I Have...

I have to decline that challenge. I already get stared at enough around the office as it is. Mostly because of the time we were scanning Mexican Border Crossing records on the microfilm scanner, and the images flashing by looked like a boring old silent film, and so I turned on the speakers and played ragtime-y Mariachi music and the whole department came in to find where it was coming from.

Guys, I'm crazy. I just realized this.
I have given ^ back her rightful place as advice giver....shall we have a competition between her and DD?
I have always wondered why things are more like they are now than ever before. :blink:
I have yet to wear out a CD...mostly because I usually burn a copy of it on a CD-R and haul that around to work. The originals are only played in my stereo and stay in my CD cabinet. Along with the rest of my music collection that I can't count in one sitting. :lol: