Flatter The Person Above You...

-=deep breathing=- Come to the far side....we have Hitler.

^ is indescribably wonderful. I have no words good enough. Neether does my fax macheene.
^ regularly transcends the boundaries of spam, reaching a new level of spamtastic-ness as yet un-named and unknown by the rest of mankind.
^ Knows that Freakon gas is the latest addition to the noble gases in the periodic table of the elements. Its atomic mass is very yes, and it was discovered in 1938 by demons. Freakon gas is transclucent, but colors depending on how it's affected by the nearest aura. It's the latest technology in chemical warfare, as Freakon Bombs are devastating to the populace and govermental structures of predominantly Muslim countries. They live in fear of the Freakon bomb, because it makes their women toss their burkas, and don skimpy bathing suits. Because freakon is a highly coveted substance, the United States goverment caches their freakon supplies beneath its public high schools. The radiation from the freakon gas does have some adverse effects on the student populace, including the propagation of sex hormones, and teen pregnancy.
^ achieves new heights of delusion, never before reached by humankind. Except for who the hell ever thought up Boobah. Those things are walking nightmares.
I get no kick from champagne. Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all so tell me why should it be true that I get a kick out of you?