I Just...

I jus thought i'd share with you all that i went on a bike ride earlier this evening and i am soooooo unfit i was out of breath the whole way and couldn't talk to my riding partner!
Thanks, DD.

I just came to the conclusion that trying to run two nights in a row when you're horribly out of shape will make my thighs hate me.
I just realized I still need to tell Massachusetts to find itself another juror. They want me to come to Jury Duty when i'm not even recognized as a resident. Oh sure, reject me for state aid for 2 years in a row due to "residency requirements", then ask me to come to jury duty. If i'm not a resident then how come I can be a juror!? I'm a Vermont resident now anyway. And it is the first day of school. So sorry Massachusetts. You can suck it.
I just changed my avatar and member title.
And yes: I do have an entire folder dedicated to Captain Jack Sparrow Avs. :P :shifty:

I just changed by Avatar too after recieving another complaint about our next president in America. Well, it's now William F. Buckley Jr., and I finding myself drinking fine wines and cheeses and discussing great classics that I have never read. AMAZING!
I just posted some comics. Here's another:

I just plugged in the mouse from my school computer. It has back and forward buttons on the mouse, thus allowing me to outspam my competitors! :D